

Research of Government Image Management in Public Crisis

【作者】 郑银玲

【导师】 景玉琴;

【作者基本信息】 吉林财经大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济社会进入了高速发展时期,伴随着经济社会高速发展而出现的现有资源稀缺与分配不均必然导致公共危机事件频发。我国现阶段正处于公共危机事件的高发期。面对公共危机事件,政府为了争取公众对政府工作的理解和支持,使得政府能够在最短的时间内调集各种社会资源并组织实施危机应对政策,充分化解危机并将危机造成的损失降至最低。在这一过程中,政府形象的好坏以及政府影响力的高低就会影响到公众对政府化解危机的期望值,并影响公众对政府危机政策配合程度的选择。公共危机中的政府形象管理是新公共管理领域的新视角,政府形象是构成一个政府公共管理软实力的重要组成部分。政府形象的衡量标准有三项内容:知名度、美誉度、信任度,一个政府享有的知名度、美誉度、信任度高低的程度是决定政府的政策、目标、意图能否为社会公众所接受并能否广泛参与执行的一种重要因素。而公共危机中的政府形象管理是一项系统工程,它不仅仅要依赖于常态政府治理模式下政府形象的构建与规划,还得益于危机管理过程中的有效应对。所以,本文将从危机应对作为切入点,再结合常态下的政府形象管理来论证公共危机中的政府形象管理这一议题。公共危机会对政府形象造成一定影响,政府形象也制约公共危机的管理。正因为政府形象管理和危机管理二者是相辅相成,辨证统一的关系。所以,本文既分析了公共危机管理对政府形象的影响,也分析了政府形象管理对化解公共危机的作用。另外,本文对于公共危机中构建良好政府形象的原则和路径进行了新的分析和探讨,提出了公共危机中构建良好政府形象的原则,指明了促进公共危机管理和政府形象良性互动的政府形象管理的新路径。本文的核心观点是,公共危机中的政府形象管理是一项长期的、系统的工程,它不仅仅要依赖于常态政府治理模式下的政府形象的规划与构建,还要积极健全危机预警机制和危机应对机制,从而形成政府形象管理与危机管理的良性互动。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening policy, the economic and social of our country have entered a period of rapid development, the occurrence of existing shortage of scarce resources and unequal distribution accompanied with rapid economic and social development will inevitably lead to frequent public emergencies. The country is on the stage of high-incidence season of public events. On the face of sudden crisis situations, in order to win public understanding and support of the government’s work and to enable the government to mobilize social resources to fully resolve the crisis and the loss caused by crisis to a minimum in the shortest time as soon as possible. In this process, the image and the level of the government influence will affect the public’s expectations of the government to defuse the crisis to some extent, and to influence the cooperation of the public of the government policy of the crisis public relations.Government image management is the new perspective of new public management in public crisis, government image is an important component of soft power of public Administration. There are three elements to measure the government image: reputation, trust, reputation, the degree of a government enjoying popularity, trust, reputation is an important factor to determine if the government can be accepted and broad participated in the implementation for the society of it’s objectives, policies, intentions. The public image of the government crisis management is a systematic, it is a difficult task. It not only depends on the image of the government building and planning under normal mode of governance, it will also benefit from an effective response during a crisis. Therefore, this article will take crisis response as an entry point, combined with image of the government under normal management to prove the image of the government management public crisis in the subject.The public image of the government crisis will cause some impact on the government’s image, also the government’s image will restrict the public crisis management. Precisely because the government’s image management and crisis management, the two are complementary, dialectical relationship between unity. Therefore, this article analyzes both the public image of the government crisis management influence and the role of image of the government management to resolve public crisis. In addition, the paper carries on a new investigation and analysis of principles and the path to build a good image of the government in the crisis., it proposes the relevant principles to response for crisis for the government to build good image, and points out the path to motivate the positive interaction of public crisis management and image of the government building.The key point of this paper is that the government public crisis image management is a long-standing and systematic project , it depends not only on normal mode of governance under the image of the government’s plans and construction,but also to actively improve the crisis early warning system and crisis response mechanisms, to form the image of the government management and crisis management simultaneously.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】506

