

The Study of Regional Tourism Co-operation in Southern Xinjiang

【作者】 苏琦

【导师】 金海龙;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业作为当今的第一大产业,备受人们的关注。在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的背景下,区域旅游合作已成为旅游业发展的一大趋势。我国也掀起了区域旅游合作的浪潮。从2003年起,西北五省就不同程度地开始了旅游合作。本文运用区域旅游合作的相关理论,结合经济学、地理学、旅游学等学科知识,在对新疆南疆地区(巴音郭楞蒙古自治州、阿克苏地区、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州、喀什地区、和田地区)的旅游开发现状进行了评价和分析,并结合其它地区在区域旅游合作实践过程中取得的成功经验,得出以下结论:南疆地区旅游资源丰富,区域合作条件好,适于“点——轴”模式。南疆的旅游中心地等级划分为喀什为一级,巴州为二级,克州、阿克苏、和田为三级。结合上述模式对南疆区域旅游合作作了初步的探讨。本文第一部分阐述了区域旅游合作的研究意义、研究目的、研究方法及内容。第二部分阐述了国内外的研究历程及现状,阐明了区域旅游合作及相关的概念。总结了区域旅游合作的理论基础。第三部分首先对南疆的范围和旅游现状做了综述。接着,从南疆地区的旅游业现状出发,分析了五地州旅游资源特征、旅游业发展现状及区域合作目前存在的主要问题。第四部分提出南疆地区旅游合作的必要性。分析得出南疆的条件与“点轴模式”的匹配性,利用主成分分析法计算出南疆地区旅游中心地等级并将其划为三个等级。依据以上结论,提出塑造南疆地区整体旅游形象,打造新精品。第五部分讨论了南疆区域旅游合作的保障措施。最后对全文做了总结。

【Abstract】 As the first big estate of nowadays, tourism catches people’s attention. Under the background of economic globalization and regional economies integration, the inter-regional traveling cooperation has become a major tendency which the tourism develops. Our country has also raised the inter-regional traveling cooperation tide.From 2003, five northwest provinces started the cooperation on the varying degree. Northwest travels rising abruptly is northwest area rising abruptly guide estate. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region is located in northwest of China, has the superior geographical superiority, Moreover here natural landform growth unusual, history culture is age-old, landscape scene is elegant and pretty, The traveling culture scenic resources is monopolized, has the development tourism advantageous condition.This article carried on to the region traveling cooperation related theory rephrased in own words that, then in appraised in the foundation to the southern Xinjiang traveling development and analyzed southern Xinjiang, under the region traveling cooperation theory instruction, the economic, the geography, discipline knowledge and so on the traveling study, how could do well the tourism Xinjiang,mkes tourism elaborate its economic effectiveness, unified other areas the success experience which obtained in the practice process, in view of the southern Xinjiang special details, has made the discussion to the southern Xinjiang region traveling cooperation developmental strategy.The article first part elaborates the region traveling cooperation research significance and the domestic and foreign research present situation.The second part rephrases in own words the region, the region traveling, the region traveling cooperation concept, the region traveling cooperation rationale: Region division of labor theory, system theory, core一edge theory, game theory and respectively southern Xinjiang region traveling cooperation application and region traveling cooperation pattern.The third part first has made the summary to the southern Xinjiang and the traveling present situation, embarked from the southern Xinjiang traveling present situations, has analyzed the characteristic of southern xinjiangˊs tourism resources, find several problems existing in cooperation system now. Integrated with the problems we find, based on summary of cooperation pattern, pointed necessity of southern Xinjiang regions cooperation. Than, and has analyzed southern Xinjiang regions traveling cooperation superiorities and inferior. PCA calculated the tourism central distraction and class their to three grades. Integrated all the tourism resources as a whole one to develop that is to make classics itinerary. At the same time, in view of southern Xinjiang present situations, has carried on the discussion to the southern Xinjiang traveling cooperation developmental strategy.Finally has made the summary and the forecast to the full text.


