

Research on Current Situation and the Countermeasures of the Physica1 Fitness for the Elderly in the Home for Destitute Old Peop1e in Urumqi City

【作者】 罗东

【导师】 武杰;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国面临着快速的人口老龄化形势,老年人的养老问题已成为日益严峻的社会问题,养老院社会养老将迎来一个新的发展纪元。本研究采用了文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对乌鲁木齐市养老院老年人参加体育健身活动现状进行了调查。通过研究,得出以下结论:乌鲁木齐市养老院老年人的文化程度较低,文盲占到了总人数的42.3%;入住养老院的老年人大多为孤寡老人,60-69岁年龄段的老人入住率较低;乌鲁木齐市养老院老年人对全民健身计划纲要的了解处在一个很低的阶段;少数民族老人入住养老院的比例较低;参加体育活动的主要动机和目的是锻炼身体增进健康,打发时间和闲暇娱乐;阻碍老年人参加体育活动的主要因素为身体较弱不宜参加体育活动;最受老年人喜爱的三个项目分别是长走与慢跑、徒手操、健身器活动;养老院是老年人进行体育活动的最主要场所,其次为公路或街道旁;体育设施的配备上,公办养老院的体育设施明显好于民办养老院的体育设施;参加体育活动的时间及强度不仅受老年人自身身体状况的影响,同时也受到院方组织情况的影响;老年人参加体育活动的组织情况较好,但锻炼时的受指导状况却令人堪忧;在不组织体育活动的养老院里,害怕承担意外事故的责任是主要原因;养老院老年人的体育消费意识不强;老年人对体育健身活动大多都有一个正确的认识,体育健身活动的健身功能得到了他们的肯定,仅有极少数的老年人对体育健身活动持一种不太科学的态度;不能自理的老人大部分不参加体育活动,有少数养老院帮助不能自理的老人进行体育活动;养老院管理层对体育健身活动的态度对养老院老年人体育健身活动的开展起着重要的影响作用。针对存在的问题,提出了对策。一方面是对养老院发展提出的对策:(1)加强政府主导,丰富资金来源。(2)养老院的形式应力求多样化。(3)加强宣传,转变观念。(4)加强养老院自身的建设。(5)促进慈善事业的发展。另一方面从更好的开展养老院老年人体育健身活动提出了对策:(1)老年人自身。(2)养老院方面。(3)社会方面。

【Abstract】 The problem of an aging population is one of an outstanding social problem in our country. Home for destitute old people provided for the aged will face come a new of development beginning of a reign. This research adoption documentary, interview surveys, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics method, used a study on current situation of physical fitness for the elderly in the home for destitute old people in Urumqi city.We can get the following conclusion according to my study. The elderly are generally low educated .and the illiteracy accounted for 42.3% of the total number; Go into the home for destitute old people mostly are lone old aged; the old aged of 60-69 years segment go into the home for destitute old aged be lower; The understanding of the“National Fitness Program”is still at a very low level; The national minority old aged go into the comparison of home for destitute be lower; The main motivation and purpose of physical fitness for older people to participate is to resist diseases health promotion, leisure entertainment and passing time; The major factor hindering the old people from participating in an activity is that the body is weaker; Hike and running, gymnastics ,workout machine activity are the most three popular sports for the old, on the distribution of the sports equipment, government destitute old people home was obviously better than the private home for destitute old aged, Time and strength which attend an physical sport not only are subjected to old aged oneself body condition, but also subjected to influence of the authority organization in the meantime; The old people attend the organization circumstance of physical sport were better, but toughen of be subjected to and guide condition make person may sorrow; In not the organization athletics the old people’s home of the activity, frightened undertake accident the responsibility of the trouble be a main reason; most old aged has a correct evaluation to the physical sport ,only a few part of old aged hold a wrong view to it; most of the old man can’t take care of oneself haven’t take part exercise, only a little part of home for destitute old aged helped men who can’t take care of oneself did exercise; The attitude of the holder home for destitute old aged occupied a importance influence to the old aged do exercise.According to the question, I put forward following measures. First I raise some suggestions to develop the home for destitute old people: (1) strengthen the leading role of our government and rich the fund collection. (2) The construction of the home for the old should make every effort to get higher scale and different forms. (3) Remove the old rules and corrupt customs. (4)Strengthen the construction of the home for destitute old people. (5)Promote the development of the charity work. Second I raise some suggestions to carry out the old people’s physical fitness activities well, measures include three parts: (1) Old people’s oneself. (2) Home for destitute old people. (3) Society.


