

Xinjiang Tourism Source Market’s Structure Characteriatics and the Development Strategy

【作者】 白红燕

【导师】 王哲;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界旅游业的迅速发展,旅游业在国民经济建设中的地位也变得越来越重要。为了更好的促进旅游业的发展,各学科、各部门都投入大量的人力物力财力对旅游进行研究。对旅游的研究精细到与旅游有关的各个方面,其中客源市场作为对旅游业发展有着重要作用的一个方面,也受到许多学者的青睐。20世纪90年代以来,新疆旅游业得到了迅速的发展,已成为新疆对外开放的主要窗口,成为世界各国人民充分认识新疆、了解新疆的桥梁,成为非贸易外汇收入的主要来源。本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,以问卷调查和官方统计资料为基础,借助Execl、Spss13.0软件对新疆国内和入境旅游客源市场进行了全面的统计分析,最后提出发展对策,以期为政府制定相关旅游政策、企业进行决策提供有益的参考。全文分为四部分:第一部分,绪论部分,介绍了选题背景及意义,并论述了国内外旅游客源市场的研究动态,在此基础上讲述了本文的研究内容、研究方法以及数据来源,最后阐述了新疆发展旅游业的优劣势。第二部分,以对问卷调查的统计为基础,结合官方统计数据,对新疆国内游客的人口特征、行为特征和感知评价进行了统计分析。研究表明,疆内游客是新疆国内旅游客源市场的主要组成部分。国内游客的性别结构中男性游客大于女性,各年龄段游客的分布相对来说比较均匀,来疆旅游者中中高等文化层次者居多,游客职业类型多样,以中上收入者为主,来疆游客中以休闲度假为目的的所占比重最大。国内游客感知评价的调查中,差评主要集中在旅游餐饮以及旅游接待设施。旅行社信用度有待改善。第三部分,以官方统计数据为基础,从时间和空间上分析了新疆入境旅游客源市场特征。新疆入境旅游客源市场发展较不稳定,总体分为四个时期,港澳台市场变动比较明显;新疆入境旅游客源国分为四大类:日本、独联体、港澳台、其余国家,入境旅游客源市场空间结构较不合理,过分依赖独联体游客,欧美发达国家市场开发不足,日本和港澳台市场持续下滑,入境旅游目的地过于集中。第四部分,基于以上研究,从创新宣传促销方式、加强旅游基础设施及旅游软环境建设、丰富旅游商品方面提出了新疆旅游客源市场开发的总体策略。从加强区域合作,针对女性、青少年等不同细分市场以及开发线路景点和提高散客服务质量方面提出了国内客源市场的开发对策。在入境旅游客源市场方面,针对新疆的边贸旅游市场、外国客源市场、港澳台市场提出相应对策。

【Abstract】 With the development of the world’s tourism,the affection of the tourism to the economy development is becoming more and more important.In order to improve the development of tourism,many researchers in every field and every department are devoting themselves into the research of tourism.Now,the research of tourism is referring to the material aspects,so tourism market as one of the most important aspect of tourism is paid more attention by the researchers.Since1990,XinJiang tourism developed very quickly, it has becam the open window of XinJiang, the bridge that people all over the word to know and understand XinJiang ,the main source of non-commercial foreign exchange income. This paper based on the results of seniors` study,and the questionnaire investigation and in the statistical data foundation,using the Execl、Spss13.0 software made a general analysis of XinJiang inland and inbound tourism.Finanly it offered a development proposal,look forward to provide useful reference for the government to make tourism rules and the enterprise making decision.This paper are devided into four parts:First part:introduction.The text give an acount of background,signisicance of the research.Represent the research content,the reseach technique and the data sources, In the end,the paper elaborate the advantage and the inferior position of the development of XinJiang tourism.Secend part:Based on the questionnaire investigation,combined with the official statistical data,made a statistical analysis of XinJiang inland tourists` demography characteriatic,behavior psychology and the sensation aoppraisal.Study proves that XinJiang’s domestic tourist is the main part of the XinJiang tourism market. In the sexual structure of domestic tourists,the male is larger than the female, tourists in different ages is well-distributed,most tourist is in the medium and hagher education and income levels, occupation type is varied,leisure tourism takes a large proportion.In the investigation of the tourists’perceptual evaluation, tourism foodservice industry and tourism facilities has a low evaluation,travel agency’s credit needs to be improved.Third part: Based on the official statistical data, analysed the characteriatic of temporal and spatial variation of XinJiang inbound tourism market. The study shows that the development of Xinjiang’s inbound tourism market is unstable, it can be devided into four periods,Hongkong,Macao,Taiwan market changes violently, XinJiang inbound tourism market can be classified into four types:Japan, Cis countries, Hongkong、Macao and Taiwan、the Others.The inbound tourism market’s spatial structure is unreasonable and cver-reliance on Cis tourists, Europe and America tourism market is underexploitation, Japan and Hongkong,Macao,Taiwan market continues to decline, the inbound tourism destination is too focused.Forth part:On the grounds of the above study, the paper proposed some proposals for the development of XinJiang tourism source market in an all-round way: Innovative publicity promotions, to enhance tourism infrastructure and tourism soft environment, rich the tourism products.The development strategies aimed at XinJiang inward tourism market: Strengthening regional cooperation, pay more attention to the different market segments such as women, youth,etc , improve the service quality of the distributed customs. In terms of the inbound tourism source market, proposed some countermeasures for Xinjiang’s border trade tourism market, the foreign tourist market and the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan market.


