

Maoxiang’s Seclusive Life and His Poem

【作者】 王栋林

【导师】 刘坎龙;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 冒襄是“晚明四公子”之一,江苏如皋人,他一生所作的诗歌有1000多首。目前学界对冒襄的研究仅处于起步阶段,研究也仅限于对其生平及与董小宛爱情的研究,并且多有缺陷,成果并不多,这与冒襄的实际地位和作用不相称。本文侧重点之一是分析冒襄独特的遗民隐逸世界,冒襄体现出了不同于一般政治型遗民的文化遗民特点。隐居中的冒襄回归家庭,表现出了对天伦之乐的推崇,并且乐在其中。他坚决地回避政治,是希望以此来保家全身,保全自己人格得以独立和自由的最后领地。通过研究,从而有力地反拨了以往冒襄研究中的政治化倾向。隐居在水绘园中的冒襄,重视友朋交往和诗文交流,大力提倡文学讌集活动。他主持着水绘园中的遗民唱和活动,同时又积极推动着扬州大都会的文学唱和活动,并以此来消解隐居所带来的烦恼和困苦。他对文学唱和的积极推动,使得他的社会结交面广泛,对自然山水更加迷恋,并且密切关注社会现实,这就显现出了与一般孤绝型遗民不同的开放式性格特征。本文另一着重点是冒襄的遗民诗,在其中他对家庭天伦之乐直接而真挚的描写,看透时事,对故国情怀的抒发则更加通透;他天性中那种对民生的关注和责任感,使得他在离乱中能深切感受到人民的疾苦,因而诗风更加沉郁顿挫;对友朋交往真诚与宽容,对隐逸的偏爱,使得他往往能在苦中作乐;由于晚年的家道中落、强邻强占家产等劫难,使得他对“贫病苦”主题更加偏爱,而其天性中的豪放通透,使得诗风露出清新俊逸的特征出来。上述两方面的变化也成为了入清之后冒襄诗歌的主要题材,并由此带来了冒襄诗歌主题、风格的新变。他入清之后的多姿多彩的遗民生活与诗歌唱和交往对此自然有着密切而重要的作用。通过他与王士祯、陈维崧的交往揭示出了他对清初文学的贡献;通过他对诗歌唱和活动的推崇,揭示了他对清初文学尤其是江南文学复苏的影响。冒襄独特的遗民生活和思想,树立了他在遗民史上光辉的形象。他的遗民思想的变化和对清初文学的恢复与推动,使得他入清之后诗歌具有了独特魅力。通过对冒襄诗歌的研究,使得我们对冒襄其人有了重新的认识,对他的诗歌有了准确把握,同时使得他在清初的文学地位和影响更加清晰。

【Abstract】 Maoxiang was born in Rugao,and he was one of the forth later Ming’s most talents and handsome scholars,the mumber of the poem he wrote amounted to 1000. According to his seclusive identification,now the few countble researches on him just started and was limited only in the field of his experiences、his family and the romantic love between him and Dongxiaowan.Such researches with many shortcomings were not correspond with Maoxiang’s real location and his achievements in chinese classic literature.This paper stresses on the research on Maoxiang’s special seclusive life and his acquaintanceship in the Shuihuiyuan world.He symbolized the character of special literal remainant and unlike the usual political remainant.In this world,he appreciated the happyness his family brought him,stayed away from the politics,so as to keep his family stable and himself safe.Founded on this discovery on Maoxiang,my paper pointed the false of former researcher’s political eagle.Maoxiang advocated acquaintanceship by poem and liquor between his friends,he mastered the remainat’s poem communication.At the same time,he actively pushed the metropolitan literal communication in Yangzhou to release the boresome and sadness he suffered from his remainant life.His devotion to the literal made him so different from other remainer’s seperative character.Such changes in his life、his mind and his acquaintanceship made the corresponding changes in core includings and style of his poem.Contracted to Maoxiang’s former poem,his later poem formed a brandnew theme and style.The chief theme of showing departure and disorderly world became so sorrowful、moving and real;The chief theme about the memory of the past dynasty became so thorogh and broad-minded;He can make fun in his remainant theme;In his later life,he liked writing imagination such as poverty、sickness、old.All changes of the theme and poetic style were connected with his colorful and fruitful seclusive life and his acquaintanceship by liquor and poem.This paper try to dig out Maoxiang’s contribution to the initial stage of the literature of Qing dynasty by his contacting with the outstanding poetry such as Chenweisong and Wangshizhen.And to find out his influence on the recovery of Jiangnan’s literary atmosphere by his stressing on the literary communication.Maoxiang’s seclusive life and idea established his position in the history of chinese seclusive person.This simultaneously formed a unique fascination of his poem,established his contribution to the initial Qing’s literature.By grasping the essentials of his poem,we can rediscover Maoxiang,we can precively grasp his poem and define his contribution to the literature of the initial period of Qing Dynasty.

【关键词】 冒襄遗民生活诗歌特色影响
【Key words】 Maoxiangseclusive lifepoemcharacteristicinfluence

