

China Mainland Ethnomusicology Basic Theory Research Development in Early 21st Century

【作者】 李小平

【导师】 管建华;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 采用文献研究和比较研究的方法,在对21世纪以前民族音乐学学科基本理论进行梳理的基础上,着眼于探索21世纪前十年民族音乐学基本理论在中国大陆发展的轨迹。在此基础上,针对相关问题进行深入思考并尝试提出具有一定创新性的观点。上世纪末,西方民族音乐学学科基本理论开始引入中国。在整个音乐学术界的共同努力下,这一研究领域开始在大陆逐渐发展开来,相关学者也开始尝试将其应用于整个音乐学的学术研究,并取得了一定的成果,积累了一定的经验。伴随学科基本理论一同被引入的,还有西方民族音乐学界在有关学科定义、范畴和方法论方面的分歧和论争。这在1980年的“南京会议”中便开始显露出来,此后30年间始终没有间断过。进入新世纪,随着大陆音乐学术界的不断壮大,整个民族音乐学研究领域开始出现蓬勃发展的趋势。学界在继续译介和引入西方民族音乐学基本理论的同时,也在不断的将其应用于音乐学术研究的实践,并开始有了自己的思考。相关学者已经不再仅仅满足于对西方民族音乐学界的学习和借鉴,开始尝试在自己本土实践的基础上建构属于自己的民族音乐学基本理论,并在此基础上积极开展与西方的对话和交流,学科的“本土化”作为一种学术独立和成熟的标志开始被提上议事日程。与此同时,田野工作作为民族音乐学的一个基本方法已经深入人心,每个步入民族音乐学大门的年轻学者都自觉的将其作为一种“生命礼仪”来开始自己的研究。本世纪初学界开始主动吸收来自人类学、社会学、宗教学、语言学等相关学科的研究成果,具有后现代特色的解释人类学实验民族志方法也开始被应用于音乐民族志的写作中,这些尝试虽然未必成熟,但是其开拓精神值得肯定。尽管如此,作为一个建立刚满30年的年轻学术领域,中国大陆民族音乐学的基础依旧薄弱。学界的经典文献也未被悉数翻译成中文。民族音乐学作为一个崭新的学术研究领域依旧有许多重要的理论问题尚未解决。不断的有学界相关学者对此提出批评意见,当然,这其中有建设性的,也不乏情绪化的。

【Abstract】 By comprehensive literature study and comparative research, based on analysis of ethnomusicology basic theory before 21st century, this article provides a review of ethnomusicology theory development in China mainland during the first 10 years of 21st century. Meanwhile, it discusses some related important issues and try to give innovative ideas.At end of last century, western ethnomusicology basic theory was introduced to China. With efforts from music academics, it began to spread, and was applied into musicology research. Together with it, discussion and debate on subject definition, category and methodology raised. It showed up in 1980 Nanjing Meeting, and never faded out since then.Since beginning of 21st century, ethnomusicology academia in China mainland has been continually developing, and investigation filed vigorously expanding. While translating and introducing western ethnomusicology basic theory, scholars began to use it in research practice and started deliberation. Instead of study and learning only, they tried to build a local ethnomusicology theory based on local experience and practice, with which they could initiate dialogue and communication with western. As a landmark of academic autonomy and maturity, localization issue appeared on agenda.Meanwhile, fieldwork has been widely accepted as an ethnomusicology basic research method. Young scholars consider it as the rite of passage. In recent years, by borrowing related research achievements in anthropology, sociology, religion and linguistics, a postmodern interpretive anthropology experimental ethnography method was created, and applied in musical ethnography writings. These efforts are hardly mature, but the innovative mind is valuable.Nevertheless, as a new academic filed with no more than 30 years history, foundation of ethnomusicology in China mainland is still weak. Related classics were not fully translated into Chinese. Many meaningful theoretical issues were not resolved yet. Constructive or emotional criticism and advices about this are often proposed.


