

The Survey of Teaching Situation About Bilingual Geographic Education of Mongolian High Schools in Xinjiang

【作者】 哈斯吾其

【导师】 陆亦农; 李雁飞;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 双语教学是新中国成立以后在我国部分民族地区逐步发展起来的一种新型的教学模式,是我国少数民族地区双语生活所需要的,是发展民族教育的有效途径。大力推进双语教学是提高新疆少数民族教育教学质量的重要举措,对发展新疆的民族教育事业具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。蒙汉双语教学的实施,使新疆蒙古族中小学的教学质量、学生的综合素质等方面得到了提高,增加了蒙古族学生的升学和就业机会,受到了社会和家长的好评。长期以来,对新疆蒙古族的研究主要集中在历史、族源、语言文学、风俗习惯等方面,对其教育教学的改革与发展的研究不够系统和全面,尤其是对其双语教学(学科双语教学)的研究显得十分薄弱。基于以上考虑,论文选择了巴州蒙古族高级中学、博州蒙古族高级中学、和布克赛尔蒙古族自治县第一中学、和硕县中学、和静县第一中学等新疆几所蒙古族中学(民汉合校中学)的地理双语教学(全部为蒙汉双语教学)作为研究主题,通过对其进行实地调查,基于双语教学原理、教育学、教育心理学、民族教育学等学科理论,采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、观察法、访谈法等调查方法,分析新疆蒙古族中学地理双语教学的现状及其存在的问题,最后结合所掌握的相关理论知识和调查结果,针对存在的困难和问题提出了相应的对策建议。经过调查研究和分析,只有通过调整办学模式、深化新课程改革、加强双语师资队伍建设、应用现代教育技术、加强地理双语教学研究等一系列措施才能切实提高新疆蒙古族中学地理双语教学水平。论文共分五个部分。第一部分:包括相关概念的界定、新疆少数民族双语教学实施概况、国内外双语教学的研究概况、研究目的和意义、研究内容、方法和技术路线等。第二部分:是论文的主体部分,说明调查对象和调查方法的选择与调查的实施情况,呈现本文的调查结果;第三部分:对新疆蒙古族中学地理双语教学中存在的问题进行分析和思考;第四部分:基于调查结果和分析,提出了相关对策建议;第五部分:对调查研究进行了总结,说明研究的不足之处和以后要继续深入研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Bilingual Education is a new teaching model that gradually developed in some ethnic regions of our country after the founding of New China. It is needed for bilingual life in ethnic Minority areas of China. It is also an effective way to develop the ethnic education. Advance the Bilingual Education is an important step to improve the Minority education quality which will be full of great realistic significance and profound historical significance for the development of ethnic education in Xinjiang. Because of the implementation of Bilingual education, the quality of teaching in Mongolian primary and secondary Schools and the comprehensive quality of Mongolian students have been enhanced. It also increased the opportunities of further education and employment for Mongolian students, which has been praised by society and parents.Over the years, the studies of Mongolians in Xinjiang have focused on the history, ethnic origin, language and literature, customs and other aspects, but the studies of its’teaching reform and development are not systematical and comprehensive enough, especially of its Bilingual Education (Bilingual Education of subjects). Based on the above considerations, we chooses several Xinjiang Mongolian secondary schools’(Secondary School for the Han) Bilingual Geographic Education as a research topic, such as Bazhou Mongolian High School, Bozhou Mongolian High School, Hoboksar Mongolian Autonomous County First Middle School, Heshuo County Middle School, Hejing County First Middle School, etc. Through the field investigation, based on Bilingual Teaching Principle, Pedagogy, Educational Psychology, Ethnic Educational Pedagogy, etc, using documentary research, questionnaire, observation, interviews, etc, we analyze the teaching Situation and problems of Bilingual Geographic Education of Mongolian high schools in Xinjiang. Finally combine the relevant theoretical knowledge and findings, we proposing some tactical suggestions for the difficulties and problems. After research and analysis, the author believes that only by adjusting the model, deepening the new curriculum reform, strengthen the construction of bilingual teachers, the application of modern network education technology, and strengthen research in bilingual geographic education, etc, a series of measures to effectively improve the Bilingual Geographic Education of Mongolian High Schools in Xinjiang.This article is divided into five parts. Part 1: Including the definition of related concepts, the overview of the implementation of ethnic Minority Bilingual Education in Xinjiang, the abroad overview of Bilingual Education, the purpose and significance of this article, the contents, methods and technical line of this research, etc. Part 2: It’s the main part of this article, explaining the coverage of survey, the selection of survey methods and the implementation of this survey, presenting the findings of this article. Part 3: Analyzing and reflecting the problems of Bilingual Geography Education of Mongolian high schools in Xinjiang. Part 4: Based on the results and analysis of this survey, proposing some tactical suggestions. Part 5: Making a conclusion, describing the deficiencies of this survey and what should be further investigated in future.

  • 【分类号】G633.55;H2;H102
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】500
  • 攻读期成果

