

【作者】 李晓蕾

【导师】 施美英;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国住宅商品化发展的不断深入和城市化进程的加快,以及贫富差距的不断扩大,城市低收入家庭的住房困难问题日益凸显。在此大背景下,廉租住房制度的建立与完善显得特别重要。廉租住房的保障方式就是廉租住房的实现形式,它的选择适当与否对廉租住房制度能否顺利高效的实施具有举足轻重的作用。政府负责提供廉租住房这一准公共产品,由不同的主体负责生产和租售所带来的补贴效率是不一样的,对整个房地产市场产生的影响也不同。因此系统地研究不同廉租住房保障方式的优劣势,对增加廉租住房的房源供应、提高专项资金使用率、改善廉租家庭的满意度,进而维护社会稳定具有重大的应用价值与现实意义。本文首先介绍了廉租住房保障制度的内涵、相关理论,并在此基础上分析了廉租住房的属性,接着对政府提供廉租住房所采取的保障方式作了概述,总体上分为实物配租和货币补贴这两种方式。然后运用经济学中的供求模型和个人消费选择模型以及住房过滤模型对这两种保障方式进行比较分析,评价它们的经济效应。一般而言,货币补贴方式在经济效率上更优于实物配租,多数学者的研究也支持此种观点,即认为货币补贴方式较实物配租更能增加市场上的房源供给、提高资金的使用效率、最大化地满足保障对象的需求并减少福利损失,因此我国在面对廉租住房保障存在的房源供给不足、资金缺口大、补贴效率低下的现状下,应当选择货币补贴方式。但是实行货币补贴方式需要足够的市场房源和完善的住房租赁市场作基础,而我国的住房租赁市场发展并不成熟,因此我国目前的市场状态还不足以让货币补贴方式良好运行。这就导致了应该选择货币补贴方式却无法选择的困境,因此本文主张在现阶段不宜采取单一的货币补贴方式,当前的任务应该是如何提高实物配租运行的政策效果,并为货币补贴方式运行创造条件。最后本文结合发达国家和地区的经验,明确政策目标、完善立法、严格执法,为廉租住房保障制度提供坚强的法律和经济后盾,并为走出我国面临的保障力式选择困境提出了一些建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 Along with the continued development of Chinese residential commercialization,the acceleration of urbanization, and the enlargement of the wealth gap between the urban, the housing difficulties of low-income families are increasingly prominent. Under this background,the establishment and perfection of the low-rent housing system presents especially important. While the choice of the guarantee way of low-rent housing system which is just the realization form play an important role on whether the low-rent housing subsidies can be successfully efficient implementation. Quasi-public goods low-rent houses produced and rent out by different groups while provided by government can produce different subsidies efficiency and bring different influence to the real estate market. So systematically research the advantages and disadvantages between different low-rent housing guarantee ways, has important application value and realistic significance on ncreasing the availability of low-rent housing supply, improving the utilization of special funds and improving low-rent family satisfaction, and thus maintaining social stability.This paper firstly introduces the connotation of the low-rent housing guarantee system and related theories and so the properties of the low-rent house,then gives a summary discussion on the guarantee way taken on the iow-rent house market which is divided into physical subsidy and monetary subsidy. Then I evaluate the different economic effect of the two guarantee ways by comparing and analysising them using supply and demand model, personal consumption choice model and the housing filtering model. Generally speaking, monetary subsidy is more efficient than physical subsidies,and most scholars’ researches also support this view, namely that monetary subsidies can increase the market supply of housing, improve the efficiency in the use of funds, fully meet the needs of the low-rent houses and reduce the welfare loss compared with physical subsidies. Therefore, in the face of the status that the housing supply shortage, funding gap and inefficient of subsidies exists, our low-rent housing security should choose monetary subsidy.But the market supply of the low-rent house is shortage and the rental housing market the monetary taken as a foundation still not fully developed in our country,so there is a plight that we should but cannot choose the moneytary subsidy, and so this paper claims that it is unfavorable to take the monetary subsidy way singly at present, The current task should be how to improve the run effects of physical subsidy and create the conditions for runing of monetary subsidies. Finally, combining the experiences of developed countries and regions, I put forward some constructive suggestions based on clearing policy goals, improving and strictly enforcing islation and provide a strong legal and economic support to get out of the dilemma we faced.


