

【作者】 丁云霞

【导师】 陈何芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 自我国高等教育大众化以来,新校区拓宽了高等教育的发展空间,为高校发展注入了新的竞争优势。但是,大学新校区在学生事务管理中也存在许多不利条件,比如地处偏远且生活设施不配套,师资稀缺等。针对这些困难和挑战,亟需探索新的出路,引入“导生制”并积极发挥其作用就是一种有益的尝试。“导生制”在国外起源于英国19世纪初的的贝尔—兰卡斯特制,在国内的发展更是源远流长。在当前,“导生制”常常与“本科生导师制”、“研究生三助制度”、“助理辅导员(班主任)制度”等相关,通过概念间的辨析,明晰“导生制”的界定具有理论和现实的意义。“导生制”的实施现状并不乐观。通过位于南京三个大学城的三所不同科类高校某学院的案例调查,发现其实施效果与理想的效果差距较大。在三所高校的案例调查中发现,最初学生获悉学校设立“导生”岗位时,同学们大多数是非常赞成的,在实际的“导生制”实施中,多数学生认为导生在学生中具有榜样的作用,对现任导生持肯定的态度。但是,学生普遍认为导生与学生缺乏面对面深层次的沟通;而且大多数学生向导生寻求帮助的是学习和生活中的问题,而遇到心理或者情感的问题则极少与导生沟通,学生认为导生的解决问题的效果一般;工作能力强被认为是导生应该具备的最重要的品质,学生更愿意导生以学长的身份给予他们帮助。“导生制”在被调查的不同学院之间也存在差别,从总体的实施效果来看,C校国审院要好于B校公卫院和A校教科院,而B校公卫院在某些项目上又优于A校教科院。产生这些差异的主要原因可能在于:导生与学生数量比的高低会影响“导生制”的实施效果;学生的学历层次会影响学生对导生的需求程度和“导生制”的实施效果。问卷调查和访谈记录的分析表明,“导生制”在实施中存在三个方面的问题,亟需采取措施予以改进。一是角色定位问题,当前“导生”角色定位模糊,单一的“助手”角色或“学长”角色均不可取,而“助手”兼“学长”的角色更加适当,“有创意的活动组织者”是对“导生”角色的更高要求。二是选拔和培养机制问题,缺少选拔机制不能确保“导生”的意愿、能力水平和工作方案的优化,缺乏培训机制会因“导生”素质而影响“导生制”的实施效果,所以要明确选拔主体、完善选拔过程、提高培训效率。三是评价和奖惩机制问题,缺少评价机制不能发挥监督反馈功能,缺少奖励机制不能发挥激励作用,因此要明确评价主体,完善评价内容,加强精神和物质激励,建立退出机制。

【Abstract】 The popularization of higher education objectively promoted New-Campus of universities in china. However, there are many problems in student affairs management of New-Campus, such as living facilities located in remote, the scarcity of teachers, as well as poor communication and so on. With these difficulties and challenges, we need to explore new ways, the "student supervisor institution " is a good attempt.The development of "student supervisor institution" is a long history. It’s originated from the Bell-Lancaster in Britain. At present, "What’s the student supervisor institution"? The realistic problem to the practitioner and theories researcher is how to clear its concept.As the analysis of the "student supervisor institution" and other relational institutions. The author believes that "student supervisor institution" refers to the ability of a certain number of outstanding senior in graduate or undergraduate, who under the guidance of full-time counselor or teacher, to help them for the routine management of educate and guide the work.The author find the actual implementation of "student supervisor institution" is not optimistic from the survey of three different categories universities in the city of Nanjing.In the case of three universities in the survey found that:when students first hear the "student supervisor institution", the majority of students admire their mentors; in the actual "student supervisor institution" implementation, the majority of students believe that the student has a model role. However, students generally felt that the communication between the student supervisor and them are lack of face to face deep-seated; and most of the students seek help from student supervisor are learning and life issues, but they hardly communicate with the student supervisor for mental or emotional problems; work ability is considered the most important quality, the students are more willing to student supervisor to give them assistance as mentors. The investigations of "student supervisor institution" are also differences between different schools, from the point of overall effect of the practical implementation, the School of International Auditing in C University is better than the college of Public Health in B University and the college of Education and Science in A University, in some projects, the college of Public Health in B University is better than the college of Educational and Science in A University.The main reason for these differences may lie in:the number of student supervisor -student ratio will affect the implementation results of "student supervisor institution"; student academic levels will affect the students need of "student supervisor institution" and the implementation of the results.The analysis of the survey and interviews shows that, there are three issues exists in the implementation of "student supervisor institution". First, role issues, the current "student supervisor institution" role vague single "assistant" role or "mentor" role are not desirable, and the "assistant" and "Mentor" role is more appropriate, "the creative organizers "role is better. Second, the selection and training mechanisms, the lack of selection mechanism can not ensure the optimization of student supervisor’s will, capacity and work programs, the lack of training mechanism will impact the implementation of the "student supervisor institution",so it’s important to clear the selection of the main part, and improve the selection process, improve training efficiency. Third, evaluation and reward mechanism, the lack of supervision and evaluation mechanism can not play the feedback function, the lack of incentive rewards can not play incentive function, so it’s important to clear the evaluation of the main part, improve evaluation of content, strengthen the moral and material incentives, establish the withdrawal mechanism.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】305

