

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 顾建军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着高等学校的扩招,高等学校毕业生人数也在逐年增加,大学毕业生的就业压力也越来越大,社会竞争日趋激烈,大学生就业已经成为大学生个人、家庭、国家和社会都关注的热点问题。因此对大学生就业及相关问题进行研究,是符合社会需求的。韩语专业作为一个小语种近年来在很多高校陆续开设,目前只有一些关于韩语教学的研究,关于韩语专业毕业生就业的研究还很少,因此本研究对于促进韩语专业毕业生的就业具有现实意义。本文以Z职业技术学院韩语专业毕业生为研究对象,重点对2007—2010年期间4届毕业生的就业情况进行调查与分析。首先是通过调查问卷的形式获取Z职业技术学院韩语专业2007—2010年毕业生基本情况、毕业生对于就业的认识、毕业生对于工作收入的期望、毕业生就业信息的获取、毕业生接受就业指导情况、毕业生就业地区选择等6个方面的相关数据。然后对这些数据进行统计和分析,总结归纳出Z职业技术学院韩语专业毕业生的就业特点,即就业数据呈现“两高一低”、就业途径和去向呈现多元化、就业观念需要进行更新、就业心理需要进行调整、就业能力需要进行提高。通过对影响Z职业技术学院韩语专业毕业生就业的三个方面的因素即个体因素、社会因素、学校因素进行分析和研究,结合毕业生个体特征、就业特点,提出提高Z职业技术学院韩语专业毕业生就业质量的三大措施,即加强职业指导、强化专业建设、深化课程改革。通过这些措施,一方面按照社会的需求加强对韩语专业学生的培训,以期实现韩语专业毕业生同社会具体职业工作岗位的无缝对接。另一方面,加强对韩语专业学生的引导,结合他们自身实际情况,引导学生找到适合自己的发展道路。从而实现Z职业技术学院韩语专业毕业生在就业时,不仅就业的“量”保持在较高的水平,而且就业的“质”稳步提高,实现就业质量的全面提升,促使Z职业技术学院韩语专业的招生、教学、就业形成良性循环,促进Z职业技术学院的发展。

【Abstract】 Enlarging enrollment in colleges and universities in recent years has brought about a continuous increase of the number of graduates in China. But at the same time, graduates are suffering from greater pressure because the competitions of employment are more intense. Graduate’s employment have become a hotspot among the graduates themselves, their families and even the whole nation. It is in this context that a research into graduates’ employment and its related issues would certainly meet the needs of the society. Korean, as a minority language, has been set up as a specialty in many universities and colleges in recent years. But at present, there is few research about graduates’ employment of Korean Major. Therefore, such a research has a realistic meaning in promoting employment of graduates of Korean Major.In the thesis, an investigation will be carried out to graduates who majored in Korean in Z vocational college from 2007 to 2010. Firstly, the following data will be acquired through a questionnaire:graduates’ personal information, graduates’ cognitions to employment and expectations to salary, graduates’ acquisition of the employment information, the employment guidance to graduates, graduates’ choices of employment region. Secondly, the author will generalize graduates’ individual characteristics and employment features according to the statistics and analysis to above-mentioned statistics. The employment features are:employment data shows a tendency of "two high and one low"; the employment orientation should be diversify; employment concept needs to be updated; employment psychology remains to be adjusted; employment ability is excepted to be improved. Finally, with the help of analysis to individual, society and school factors that will affect graduates’ employment, three measures to improve the quality of graduates’ employment are put forward, namely strengthen employment guidance, reform specialty setting and promote curriculum construction. The measures, if taken properly, may greatly improve the quality of graduates’ employment because on one hand, they help the employment guidance to Korean majors be in line with society’s needs, and on the other hand, Korean majors may be led to have a thorough understanding of themselves and find ways that mostly suit them. It concerns both the enrollment amount and favorable development of Korean Major. The study also helps to establish a virtuous circle of Korean Major’s enrollment, teaching and employment in Z vocational college and promote the development of the college itself.

  • 【分类号】G717.38
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270

