

An Analysis of Poe’s Influence on Popular Culture

【作者】 陈婧

【导师】 武月明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 埃德加·爱伦·坡是十九世纪美国重要的诗人、小说家和文学评论家之一,被称为侦探小说、恐怖小说、科幻小说的鼻祖,他的文学评论涉及到同时代的诗歌和短篇小说创作,言辞犀利,影响深远。爱伦·坡的文学作品语言优美,形式别出心裁,内容独树一帜,风格鲜明张扬,不仅对后世文学,还包括通俗文化都产生了广泛的影响。笔者在搜集和分析了近十年来公开发表的关于爱伦·坡的研究文章后发现,虽然相关研究数量众多,但主要都集中于解读其诗歌及小说文本,以及其生平创作研究,鲜有从通俗文化的视角来考察爱伦·坡的著作对后世的影响,更遑论专题研究其对电影艺术方面的影响了笔者试从文化研究的视角,探讨爱伦·坡的小说与通俗文化的关系,特别是对当代电影的影响。通过将爱伦·坡的作品与阿尔弗莱德·希区柯克、蒂姆·波顿、斯蒂芬妮·梅尔等人的电影作品进行比较分析,分析出爱伦·坡与通俗文化的关系表现为:一方面爱伦·坡作品的刺激性、悬念性满足了现代读者的阅读期待,并与当代大众审美文化心理的契合产生了时代共鸣;另一方面,爱伦·坡的作品在满足现代人追求精神刺激的文化消费心理的同时,通过一些具有影响力的元素,在一定程度上影响着以大众电影为代表的通俗文化。通过电影的展现,使坡作品中的经典元素有了巨大的历史穿透力和广阔的文化阐释空间。

【Abstract】 Edgar Allan Poe is among the most important American poets, novelists, and critics of the nineteenth century. He is considered as the father of American detective story, horror story and science fiction. He also produces some of the most influential literary criticism of his time dealing with important theoretical statements on poetry and short stories, which has had a worldwide influence on literature. His artistic innovations and use of literary devices earns him an honorable place in the field of literature and popular culture as well.On the basis of studying the relevant publications in the past decade, the author of this thesis finds that most of them focus on interpretations of his poems or fiction, or comparative analysis of his life and his works. However, few of them focus on studying Poe and popular culture from the angle of contemporary movies.This thesis attempts to take a closer look at Poe’s fiction and popular culture. By analyzing the works by three great masters, namely Alfred Hitchcock, Tim Burton, Stephenie Meyer, it is sensible to conclude that their works have integrated connections with those of Poe’s, which proves Poe’s some connection with popular culture. On one hand, the poor and confused characters created by Poe have given a good expression of the living situation of modern people. On the other hand, the thrilling and suspenseful atmosphere created by Poe produces resonance with the aesthetic mentality of the mass society. By making the movies, the cultural industry makes people have new interpretations of the meaning and spirit in Poe’s work.

【关键词】 爱伦·坡通俗文化当代电影
【Key words】 PoePopular CultureContemporary Movies
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】100

