

【作者】 郝红翠

【导师】 邱学青;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以英雄型动画片《奥特曼》为例,采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片的现状和基于幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片的家长回应行为现状进行了调查研究,并深入分析了家长回应行为可能对幼儿产生的影响及其成因。调查发现,多数幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片,主要行为表现包括四个方面:要求收看英雄型动画片;与家人、朋友谈论片中内容、模仿片中人物和要求购买相关产品。幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片,主要因为片中人物形象的伟大、故事情节的简单和重复、强烈的感官刺激吸引了幼儿,并迎合了幼儿自我实现与偶像崇拜的心理需求,另外也受到了家庭、社区等环境因素的影响。根据幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片的行为表现,研究者将家长的回应行为也划分为相应的四个方面,分别进行了探讨。基于幼儿收看英雄型动画片,家长的回应行为分为让幼儿独自观看和陪同幼儿观看两种情况;基于幼儿谈论片中的内容,家长的回应行为主要包括拒绝幼儿谈论、简单附和幼儿、引导幼儿趋利避害和改编或续编故事情节;基于幼儿发起超级英雄游戏,家长的回应行为主要分为禁止幼儿游戏和允许幼儿游戏;基于幼儿购买相关产品的要求,家长的回应行为主要包括拒绝满足、完全满足和附条件地满足。本研究依据弗洛姆侵犯论的观点,对家长的回应行为可能产生的影响进行了分析。结果显示,家长陪同幼儿观看动画片、与幼儿共同谈论动画内容、允许幼儿的超级英雄游戏等支持性的行为,有助于满足幼儿的生效需求,保证幼儿自由活动的权利,有助于幼儿健康成长。相反,家长的反对、限制性行为束缚了幼儿的活动,不能为幼儿提供更多的启发性刺激,有碍幼儿健康发展。本研究运用查尔斯·扎斯特罗的社会生态系统理论对家长回应行为的成因进行了系统的分析。研究发现,家长自身因素对其回应行为起决定作用,他人的影响是家长采取回应行为的直接诱因,幼儿的同伴交往需求间接“迫使”家长放松对幼儿的控制度,社会大环境对家长的回应行为起着潜移默化的影响。根据以上研究结果,研究者从帮助家长树立正确观念和在实践中正确引导幼儿两个方面向家长提供了建议,以期家长能够更好地回应幼儿。正确观念的树立主要通过家长的自我学习以及积极参加社会开办的家长学校来实现。在实践中家长要尽量陪同幼儿观看英雄型动画片、正确指导幼儿超级英雄游戏、充分利用与幼儿谈论动画片的机会帮助幼儿趋利避害,并适当指导幼儿购买相关产品等。

【Abstract】 With the questionnaire survey and interviews, the present paper took the hero-type cartoon "Ultraman" as an example to study the actual state of children’s love about hero-type cartoons and the parents’response behaviors to it. The author also in-depth analyzed the possible effects on children and reasons of parents’ response behaviors.The survey found that most children like the hero-type cartoons. They like watching the cartoons, talking about them, imitating the hero and asking their parents to buy related productions for them. The reasons are that the great heroes, simple and repeated stories and the strong stimulation from screen not only attract children, but also cater to the children’s psychological needs. In addition, the environments of family and community are influencing factors too.Based on the four types of children’s reaction to the cartoons, parents’response behaviors are divided into four corresponding aspects. As for the first type that children like watching cartoons, parents’response behaviors are letting children watch TV themselves or watching cartoons with other children. In terms of children’s talking about cartoons, parents usually refuse them, but only repeat what they say, or teach them what they should learn from the cartoons or rearrange and continue the stories. For children’s imitating the hero, some parents prohibit their conducts while some other parents allow them to do so. For children’s requirement of buying related productions, parents may refuse them, or meet their requirement immediately but with conditions.According to Fromm-Erich’s viewpoint, the author analyzed the possible effects which parents’behaviors may bring to children. The result is that parents’supportive actions i.e. watching cartoons with children, talking with children about cartoons and allowing them play games of super hero, are in favor of children’s growth. On the contrary, the averse and restrictive behaviors are bad for children.The study analyzed the reasons of parents’behaviors using Charles H.Zastrow’s Social ecosystem theory. The author found that parents’own factors are the main reason, while other persons’effects are the direct reasons for parents’response. Children’s pressure of communication with companions makes parents have less control, and the social environment also imperceptibly influences parents’behaviors.On the basis of the above results, the researcher gives some suggestions to parents and the society in order to help parents make better response to children. Parents should have correct ideas toward children. They may study by themselves and the society should set up schools for parents. In practice, parents must give children the correct guidance. They should watch cartoons with children together, talk with children about cartoons, allow children to play and meet children’s requirements latterly. This study proposes the positive impact on children and takes away the negative impact. Consequently, children can get more benefits from the hero-type cartoons.

【关键词】 家长回应行为英雄型动画片幼儿
【Key words】 parentresponse behaviorhero-type cartoonchildren
  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】810

