

【作者】 昝圣骞

【导师】 曹辛华;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 郭则沄是晚清民国时期活跃于京津文坛的一位著名词人,著作等身,影响很大,却一直没有走入研究者的视野。面对这一空白,本论文着力在考实郭则沄生平、家世、交游、社团活动的基础上,对其文学思想、词体创作及两部主要的诗话、词话进行重点研究,以评定郭则沄的词学成就,考察其在民国词史中的地位及影响,为进一步、更全面深刻的郭则沄研究,及晚清民国京津遗民词人群体研究打下基础。本论文分为上下两编,上编为郭则沄词学研究,分为以下五章:第一章,郭则沄家世与交游考论。一方面考察郭则沄所属的侯官郭氏家族的兴盛过程和政治、文化积淀,确认郭则沄的家学渊源;另一方面在郭则沄的交游表中择取各具代表性的人物,考察郭氏与他们之间的互动影响。第二章,郭则沄所与诗词社团考论。通过考证郭氏一生中所参与的诗词社团的基本情况,勾勒郭氏颇为活跃的社团生涯的概貌,并论说社团活动与郭氏文学创作间的相互影响。第三章,郭则沄词研究。本章集中考察郭氏文学创作的核心——词创作的成就,以郁伊多感、哀婉雅丽概括其风貌,并做出评价。第四章,郭则沄诗话《十朝诗乘》研究。《十朝诗乘》是一部著名的纪事诗话,集中体现了郭则沄以史家自居的心态,和作为遗民整理前清文献的努力。第五章,郭则沄词话《清词玉屑》研究。《清词玉屑》是《诗乘》的姊妹篇,体现了作者“以词补史”的努力,实践了常州派词论贵寄托的词学观。下编为郭则沄年谱简编。附录一、二分别是民国报刊所发表郭氏作品一览表及郭则沄词辑佚,致力于廓清郭则沄生平,尽可能全地网罗郭则沄集外佚词。

【Abstract】 Guo Zeyun, a famous ci writer with lots of works, was very active in the literary circles in the period between the late Qing and the Republic of China but was overlooked in today’s study. Facing this.vacancy, the author of this master paper devoted his energy and time to clarifying Guo Zeyun’s life,families,friends and associations, and then to studying his literary ideas,ci poems and two essential books on art. Finally, Guo Zeyun’s literary achievements are relatively justified and his position in the literary history as well as his influences demonstrated. This paper consists of two parts. The first part has five following chapters:The first chapter, the Clarification of Guo Zeyun’s Family and Friends. On the one hand, the text makes deep and comprehensive research in the literary and cultual trandition of Guo Zeyun’s family in Fu Zhou,especially the previous generations. On the other hand,the text chooses some representative persons among his significant friends to understand their intercommunications and mutual influences.In the second chapter, the Clarification of Associations in which Guo Zeyun once joined, by clarifying the situation of a series of associations in the basic level,especially literary groups in which Guo Zeyun once participated, we can propose his contributions toward the literary circles in Beijing and Tianjin as well as the impact of association activities on his writing.Chapter Three, the Study on Guo Zeyun’s Ci poems. This chapter focuses on the author’s works of ci, the key section of his whole work, and generalize the style of Guo Zeyun’s ci poetry as a melancholy,refined,and flowery pattern.The forth chapter, the Study on Shi Chao Shi Cheng. Shi Chao Shi Cheng is an important note on poets and poetry which illustrates Guo Zeyun’s historian identity and efforts on collecting documents of the previous Qing Dynasty.The final chapter, the Study on Qing Ci Yu Xie.Qing Ci Yu Xie,the companion volume to Shi Chao Shi Cheng, presents the author’s purpose of implementing the idealism of Ci of the Chang Zhow Ci Pai.The second part is the brief chronicle of Guo Zeyun’s life.


