

【作者】 袁丽娟

【导师】 刘晶波;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是混龄班级中的幼儿告状行为研究。幼儿告状行为是指当幼儿自身、同伴遇到麻烦或发现同伴言行不符合幼儿园规则时,向教师发起的一种互动行为,它突出目的是要借助教师权威力量的影响,改变同伴的行为,满足自己的需要。这里的规则泛指幼儿园集体规则、班级规范、教师要求等。已有相关研究均是同龄编班背景中的幼儿告状行为,混龄编班的形式增强了幼儿群体互动的复杂性和层次性,有别于同龄班级中幼儿成长的生态环境。本研究揭示了混龄班级中的幼儿告状行为的特点,并分析了其与同龄班级幼儿告状行为的相同与不同点以及混龄班级内部同龄幼儿之间与异龄之间各自的告状特点。研究发现,混龄班级幼儿告状的数量较少;幼儿的告状行为集中在晨间活动和过度环节;以同龄幼儿之间的告状为主,异龄之间的告状为辅;幼儿告状的首要原因是违犯规则,其次是受到同伴侵犯;幼儿告状动机主要表现为寻求帮助、维护规则与表现自己;教师对待幼儿告状行为以积极型反馈为主;被告幼儿大多主动修正先前行为。在混龄班级内部,同龄幼儿之间的告状行为随着幼儿年龄的增长呈现出了一定的趋势。随着年龄的增长,由于违犯规则而向教师告状的比例越来远大,受到侵犯而告状的比例越来越小;幼儿的告状动机越来越复杂;教师对待幼儿告状的中间型反馈越来越高,消极型反馈越来越低;小班被告幼儿大都主动修正先前行为,中班幼儿在不知道的情况下成为被告的比例最高。在异龄告状部分,中班幼儿发起的告状行为最多,对象多是小班幼儿,主要动机仍是表现自己。这与其道德感、社会性的发展以及在混龄班级中易受忽视有关。讨论与建议部分,研究者对混龄编班对幼儿告状行为以及教师反馈行为的影响影响进行了探讨并发表自己的见解。最后对本研究存在的不足和问题进行了反思。

【Abstract】 This thesis is the research about the children of Gaozhuang behavior in mixed-age class.The author thinks that the children’s Gaozhuang behavior means the children aim at the companion’s words or actions which are contradictory to the rules in kindergarten. When they or their companions are in trouble. They initiate the interaction behavior to the teacher. The prominent goal is to make use of the teacher’s authoritative strength to change the behavior of the companion’s and meet his demand. The rules here include the kindergarten collective rules, regulations of class, the teacher’s requirements and so on.The informed research of Gaozhuang behavior was in the context of the same age class. The mix-ed age class enhances the complexity and different levels of children’s interactive, which is different from the same age class. This research reveal the characters of in mix-ed class. And analysis them to which in parallel class. Then showed the characters of Gaozhuang behavior of different-age and the same age among the mixed-age class.The number of Gaozhuang behavior is less than the parallel class; The time will be concentrated in morning activities and transition time; The Gaozhuang behavior occurred mainly among the same age children; The primary cause is violation of rules, and the followed is interfered; The motivation mainly as asking for help, maintaining rules and showing off oneself; The feedback from the teacher is mostly positive; The "defendant" children mostly revise their previous behavior.Inside the mix-ed age class, the children’s Gaozhuang behavior presents certain tendency with age. The cause of infringement become more and more; The cause of interference become lower and lower; The motivation is more and more complex with age; And negative feedback from teacher is reducing and the neutral attitude is increasing; The younger kids mostly revise their previous behavior, the middle shift turn into "defendant" unwittingly mostly.In the part of different-age children’s Gaozhuang behavior. The middle shift children sponsor the most Gaozhuang behavior. The main "defendant" is the younger child. And the main intention is also to show off them. This is relevant to the development of its moral sense, the sociality and be tended to be neglected in the class.In the part of discussion and advice, the author discusses the effect on the children’s Gaozhuang behavior and the feedback of mixed age grouping. And finally analyses the shortcomings of the process of researching.


