

【作者】 孙红雨

【导师】 方晓红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 笔者对《人民日报》美国总统访华报道的研究,着重解决以下两个问题:一、访华报道中所呈现的美国形象及其变迁(如何认识美国的问题)。二、从美国形象及其转变,反观中国对自我形象的认知及变化(如何认识自己的问题)。通过对7位美国总统访华报道的历史梳理,本文发现总统访华报道很好地反映了中美关系发展的四个阶段三次转变:第一次转变发生在尼克松、福特访华时期,中国从与美国敌对走向与美国接触;第二次转变发生在里根、老布什访华时期,中国从与美国接触走向对美国现代化的崇拜并开始多角度审视美国;第三次转变发生在克林顿、小布什和奥巴马访华时期,中国和平崛起,开始寻求与美国平等对话。因此,如果从历史的角度来评价奥巴马访华的重要意义,那就是奥巴马访华,应该是开启了中美两国平等平视的新阶段。总统访华报道也反映出一个发展变化的美国形象。总的说来:美国形象经历了一个由简单负面到复杂多面的转变。中美建交前,美国是“美帝国主义”;建交后美国形象逐渐变得复杂,政治强势、军事霸道、经济发达,在国际交往和中美交往中常常言行不一。另外,总统访华报道在呈现美国形象的同时,也折射出中国形象的变迁。每一个美国形象都是作为当时历史条件下中国形象的“他者”出现的:腐朽没落的美帝国主义形象是欣欣向荣的社会主义中国的“他者”;美国的现代化世界强国形象是经济落后的中国的“他者”;霸权主义、强权政治的美国形象是“和平崛起”的中国的“他者”。在“他者”与“我们”的形象变化中,中国对美国的认知经历了一个“否定——肯定——既肯定又否定”的过程,其自我认知与民族心态也经历了一个“盲目自信——自卑——自信”的过程。在认识与自我认识过程中,中国也对自己进行反思,进而用更宽容的心态去包容两国间的分歧,用更开放的姿态去迎接两国间的合作,用更诚恳的心意去理解美国的文化。

【Abstract】 With the analysis of the reports on the U.S. President’s visit to China in People’s Daily, the author focus on solving the following two issues:fist, the U.S. image and its evolution presented in the reports of the U.S. President’s visit to China (how to understand the United States); second, starting from the U.S. image, the analysis tries to find out China’s self-image cognition and its change (how to understand China itself).Combing the history reports of the U.S. President’s visit to China, the author found that the reports clearly reflect four stages and three changes of the development in Sino-US relations:The first change occurred during the Nixon, Ford’s visit to China China’s attitude toward the United States changes from hostility to contact; The second change occurred during Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush’s visit to China when China’s attitude toward U.S. shifted from contact to worship of modern, and then to comprehensive look at the U.S.; The third change occurred during the Clinton, Bush and Obama’s visit to China, with the peaceful rising, China began to seek equal dialogue with the United States. So, if we evaluate the significance of Obama’s visit to China from a historical perspective, that is Obama’s visit to China opens a new era of equality between the two countries.President’s visit reports also reflect a changing image of U.S. Overall: U.S. image has changed from simple-negative to complex multi-faceted. Before the establishment of Diplomatic Relations, the U.S. is "American imperialism". After that, U.S. image gradually became more complex:power politics, military hegemony, economic development, words and deeds often in International association and Sino-U.S. contacts.In addition, while showing the image of the United States, President’s visit reports also reflect changes in China’s image. Each U.S. image appears as China’s "other" in that specific historical conditions. Rotten U.S. imperialism appears as the "other" of flourishing socialist China; Modern American, the world power appears as the "other" of backward China; Hegemony and power politicsof the United States appears as the "other" of China’s Peaceful Rise. During the image change of "Other" and "We", Perception of China to the United States experienced a "negative - positive - both positive and negative "process, and China’s self-awareness and national mentality also gone through a "blind self-confidence - self-esteem - self-confidence" process. In the process of understanding and self-awareness, China also reflected on their own,and then accommodate the differences with a more tolerant attitude, welcome the cooperation with a more open attitude, understand the U.S. culture with a more sincere intention.


