

【作者】 韩荣荣

【导师】 邓红梅;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 茅于美(1920—1998)祖籍江苏镇江,茅以升长女。曾在西南联大、浙江大学、清华研究院学习,师从吴宓、缪钺等人。1947年赴美在华盛顿大学研究院攻读英国文学。1950年回国后曾在出版总署编译局、人民出版社、中国社会科学院工作,后任中国人民大学比较文学教授。晚年移居美国。1998年5月13同因肝癌去世。她在辞世前一个月,写下遗诗《病中吟》,嘱咐亲人将她的骨灰带回祖国,撒入钱塘江大桥附近水域。茅于美有作品集《茅于美词集》,包括《夜珠词》(词152首、诗19首)和《海贝词》(词174首、诗10首)。一共有词作326首,诗作29首。此外还有研究专著《易.卜生和他的戏剧》、《中西诗歌比较研究》、《漱玉撷英(李清照词英译)》等,她还主编了《世界名诗鉴赏全库》(英美诗歌部分),写有《桥影依稀话至亲》,翻译多部文学作品。在《茅于美词集》中,其导师吴宓、缪钺及文坛前辈夏承焘等都对其极尽赞美之词。其出生于20世纪的中国,女性在独立人格、经济地位及受教育程度等问题上都取得了一定的权利。茅于美词就在这样的背景下写出,由于其生活阅历和情感阅历不断丰富,其词也呈现逐渐变化的趋势。从题材内容上来说,由早期的春花秋月、无端闲情逐步过渡到日常生活的琐细小事与家人之间的融融温情。这也是普通人成长成熟的一个过程。从审美上看,其早期词芳菲旖旎充满了清丽色彩,而行文的含蓄又给她的作品披上了一层朦胧面纱。然而随着其生活的展开,失恋的挫折、回国的压力、境遇的泥泞,她的作品中再也没有鲜明的情感抒发了,所有的感情都积淀成一种风浪之后的宁静和淡泊。她关注的再也不是花的芬芳美好而是其果实的多少了。家庭作为她此时生活的中心,频频出现在作品里。词作也随之呈现出一种平淡之境。茅于美300多首词作从她17岁到64岁,把词人大半生颠簸流离中的心境一一说来,几乎算得上她的自传了。本文试从其两部词集《夜珠词》到《海贝词》的逐步变化来探讨其人、其词,以还原一个最真实的现代女性词人。

【Abstract】 Mao yumei(1920-1998)was born in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province and she is the eldest daughter of Mao yisheng. She once studied in Southwest University, Zhejiang University and Tsinghua University. Wu bi and Miu yue once guided her study. In 1947 she went to Washington University for her English literature graduate’s diploma. After her returning in 1950,she worked in Publication Administration Bureau, People’s Publishing house,the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and latter was appointed Professor of Comparative Literature in People’s University of China. She migrated to US in her old age and was died on May 13,1998. One month before her death, she wrote one poem to exhorted the family members to bring back her bone ash and scattered it into nearby of the Qiantang River bridge.The work "Mao yumei’s poetry" is her mainly work. It includes "yezhu poetry" and "haibei poetry". There are 355 poetry altogether. In addition, there is also research work and translating work. Wu bi, Miu yue and Xia chengtao as the leader of literature give her poetry much appreciation.Mao yumei was born in the 20th century of China. Women in independent personality, economic status and level of education have been obtained the corresponding rights. Her works were written under such background. Because of her life experience and emotional experience being enriched, the work also showed a gradual change. From the subject, it is from early beautiful scenery and leisure transits to the trivial daily life and the warmth of family members. This is also a mature process. From the aesthetic point of view, the-early work is full of elegant feeling and the implicit formulation gave her work covered with a hazy veil. However, with the start of her lives, she no longer wrote the distinctive emotional expression, and all the feelings are accumulated into calm and indifferent feeling after storm. The family as the center of her life at this time, frequently appears in the works. Her work appears a plain style with the change of subject. Her works from her 17-year-old to 64 years almost regarded her autobiography. This paper explores the gradual change from "yezhu poetry" to "haibei poetry" in order to restore one of the most realistic modern women poets.

【关键词】 茅于美《夜珠词》《海贝词》
【Key words】 Mao yumei"yezhu poetry""haibei poetry"

