

【作者】 高金宝

【导师】 王永祥;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 传统教学往往过分强调教师对教学的权威控制和学生被动的一面,忽视的恰恰是学生主体的能动性。近年来,随着主体教育理论研究的深入,发展学生的主体性已逐渐成为人们的共识。主体参与式教学是基于主体性教育理念下的一种教学模式,是通过教师采取各种教学措施,调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,使全体学生积极主动地参与到教学过程中来,以发展学生的主体性为核心的整体素质的教学。与此同时,主体性教育在更高层次上对教师提出了全新的要求。教师必须具备各方面综合素质,才能对学生进行全方位指导,才能更有效地调动学生参与活动。既然学生的语言能力必需靠大量的、综合的语言能力训练来建立,教师就要为学生提供符合学生兴趣和水平的练习机会,如小组活动、解决问题、角色扮演、模仿等。这样,学习者在进行话语协商、话语权交换和信息交流的过程中,充分发挥其学习的主体性。本文从以下四个方面进行论述:本研究的研究背景、意义、目标和对象;国内外主体参与的相关研究;国内外有关话语模式的研究;构建主体参与初中英语课堂教学模式。其中构建主体参与初中英语课堂教学模式是本文的主干部分,具体从主体参与教学的必要性、主体参与课堂话语模式的基本特征、主体参与型课堂话语模式的实践三个方面来加以阐述。最后文章得出结论:在深化教育改革的今天,我们的教育必须要强调学生的主体地位,发挥学生的主体参与意识,培养学生主动学习知识的能力,努力为创设参与课堂语言交际活动的机会,使学生在不断的活动与合作中提高自己各方面的综合素质。

【Abstract】 Traditional teaching tends to overemphasize the importance of teachers’control. It just ignores students’initiative. But in recent years,people begin to realize students’subjectivity with the doctrine of the education. Subjective participation in English teaching is based on the theory of subjective education. It refers to students’ conscious,active and creative involvement in language learning activities under the teachers’guidance for their comprehensive development.At the same time, subjectivity education needs higher levels of the teachers. Teachers must have general qualities to carry out comprehensive guidance to students and bring the students to participate in activities more effectively. Since students’ language proficiency required by a large, complex language training, teachers need to provide chances for students to practise English that matches their interest and levels, such as a team activity, problem solving, role playing,imitation and so on. Thus, language learners can give full play to their study and subjectivity through the consultation, the right to exchange and exchange of information.This article expounds the idea from four aspects:The background, goals, targets and objects of the study; the relevant foreign and domestic research related to subjective participation; the relevant foreign and domestic research related to discourse patterns. These two chapters deal with the relevant research; the establishment of subjective-participation class in junior high school is the main part. It is described from the necessity of participation,the fundamental features and the practice in the classroom.Finally,the conclusion is achieved that with identification of education reform nowadays,our education must be student-oriented,bring their sense of participation into full play and develop their capacity to acquire knowledge actively.


