

Study on Development Failure Mechanism and Reliability of Prevention Measures of the Dangerous Rock

【作者】 黄小刚

【导师】 刘涌江;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,随着人类活动的不断发展,如山区铁路公路逐年延伸、人类居住区域不断向山区扩张,使得危岩崩塌事件发生越发频繁,严重威胁当地居民的生命财产安全。本文以水麻路连接线K1+140处危岩体为实例,系统的研究了危岩体的变形发育特征、稳定性计算方法、落石运动不同阶段的特征、落石运动状态和轨迹的数值模拟及危岩崩塌工程防治对策等。论文主要研究工作与结论有以下几方面:①危岩形成机理研究危岩体的发育形成是一个逐步累进的过程,不仅与地形、地貌、岩性及岩层组合等因素有关,还受到风化作用、侵蚀作用、河流切割作用一系列因素影响。本文将危岩体的影响因素归纳为内因和外因两类,其内因主要包括地质构造作用和岩体本身性质;外因主要有降雨、地震作用、重力作用、风化作用以及人类活动等。②危岩稳定性研究基于危岩体形成机理的研究,针对于滑塌式、坠落式和倾倒式三类危岩体破坏模式,考虑静水压力和地震力对危岩稳定性的影响,构建了每类危岩体稳定性计算方法,并且提出了带有半贯通面的危岩体断裂力学计算方法,从断裂力学的角度分析了锚杆的加固机理。③落石路径及其冲击力研究危岩失稳后成为落石,其路径与初始位置、失稳方式及坡面有关,本文将落石的运动分为碰撞、滑动和滚动三阶段,建立了各阶段的运动方程。并用ROCFALL危岩模拟软件分析了边坡的粗糙度,块石大小,法向、切向恢复系数三个因素对落石过程的影响。④防治原理研究危岩体的工程防治措施可以主要分为主动防治和被动防治二种类型,本文主要结合挡石墙的本身受力特点和危岩的落石路径和冲击力,结合工程实例具体情况,得出挡石墙的设计方法案。

【Abstract】 In recent years, As the rapid development of the social economy, human living space has been extended to the mountain area. Especially,with the extension of city and the building of highway and railway in mountain area,the disaster of dangerous rock occurred more and more frequently during the past few years,and threatened the safety of the local people’s life and properties.Refer to the example of dangerous rock at Shuima Highway K1+140.The author studied deformation characteristics,stability numerical methods of dangerous rock mass,movement characteristics of rolling rock in the different stages,numerical simulation analysis of rock movement state and track,contermeasures of dangerous rock mass detailedly.Followings are the dissertation’s main research work and conclusions:①Research on the development meehanism of dangerous rockThe development of dangerous rock mass was a progressive process step by step.In this paper,the various influencing factors of dangerou rock mass development were analyzed in detail,which included not only to pography,geomorphology,lithology and rock combination,but also weathering,erosion,cuttingvalley.Those were inducted into internal factors and external factors.The internalfactors included the geological structure motion and the nature of rock itself;theexternal factors were mainly rainfall,earthquake,gravity,weathering and humanactivities.②Research on stability of dangerous rockBased on the research on development mechanism, the author classes dangerous rock into three types from fracture, i.e: slip dangerous rock, fall dangerous rock and revolved dangerous rock.According to influence for groundwater and earthquake to steady feature of dangerous rock, the author sets fissure water distribution instrueture Plane and found stability calculation methods to every type dangerous rock, and put forward fracture mechanics Calculating methods of the dangerous rock with half a breakthrough, reinforcement mechanism of anchor is analyzed form fracture mechanics angle.③Research on route and impaction rockfalIt is well known that rock fall comes from unsteady dangerous rock.Route of rockfall is controlled by original position and unsteady mode of dangerous rock and ground features.The author divides rock fall movement into three stages, i.e: colliding,slipping and rolling,and founds movement equations every stages.The three factors,roughness,Block-stone size,and the normal,tangential recovery coefficient to the influence of falling process were analyzed with dangerous rock simulation software ROCFALL.④Research on control prineipleMeasures to control dangerous rock can be clsaaed into active control,passive control system. Combined with the characteristics of rock wall,the path and wallop of the dangerous rock and specific circumstances of the example,design scheme of the rock wall is obtained.


