The Safety Analysis of Road Traffic System Based on Management
【作者】 朱超;
【导师】 邵毅明;
【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2011, 硕士
【摘要】 随着我国汽车保有量的持续增加,我国的交通安全形势也日益严峻。目前普遍认为道路交通系统由人、车、路、环境等因素组成,但是基于安全管理行为日益影响到道路交通系统运行安全性的新形势下,管理理应作为系统构成的一个新的要素,它通过协调系统内人、车、路、环境之间的相互关系,促使系统朝着安全可靠的方向发展。我国目前大都从单因素角度研究人、车、路、环境对交通安全的影响,不能满足我国道路交通安全管理和事故控制的需要。由于没有站在系统的高度上考虑各因素之间的相互影响关系,安全管理部门在事故处理与事故分析上过分强调驾驶员的违法原因,忽略了道路、车辆等其他因素对驾驶员的影响作用。虽然我国的学者长期致力于交通安全的研究,但通常也是基于单因素的角度对事故进行分析,给出单一的解决措施,较少从系统的角度提出适合我国的有效的道路交通安全管理模式。论文提出了道路交通系统由交通参与者、车辆、道路、环境及管理等因素构成的理念;分别从单因素及多因素的角度对道路交通系统安全运行进行了研究,对明确事故责任有一定的帮助;分析了安全管理对提高道路交通系统安全程度的重要影响以及安全管理领域存在的问题,并提出了安全管理体制改革、设立独立的交通事故研究机构、加强部门之间的联合行动、推行道路安全审计等安全管理对策;探讨了交通安全管理长效机制的基本框架体系,对我国的安全管理体制改革进行了研究。目前国内很少有研究机构站在多因素的高度对道路交通系统进行研究,因此系统性地对交通安全进行研究难度较大。本文多采用举例的方式,定性地分析各因素在交通事故中的影响作用,这种定性分析的方法虽然不够精确与明细,但也足够引起我国交通管理部门的重视,对提高我国安全管理水平有一定的帮助。
【Abstract】 With the explosive growth of the automobile,the traffic safety situation in China is increasingly severe. Generally speaking, people think the road traffic system consists of People, Vehicles, Roads and Environmental factors. But safety management plays a really important role in promoting traffic safety, so the management should be regarded as an new element.The safety management determines the operating quality and operating rules of the system.Most of the research on traffic safety in China based on single-factor theory, which couldn’t meet the demands of safety management and accident controlling in china. Although the security management department is carrying out the practical task, the research on security management scarcely takes side in the view of system. In general, the research of the scholars in China possesses characteristics of geographical restriction and single angle. They always carry out the research case by case, and only give specific countermeasures, but less on the effective management model from the system and country perspective. In addition, it’s not reliable to study traffic safety based on the single-factor theory, couldn’t meet the demands of safety management and accident controlling in china. However, the research is filled with unknown and uncertain factors, so it’s extremely difficult, and with considerable academic and applied values.The road traffic system is studied based on single- factor and multi-factor theory .The significant impact which safety management have on the running of road traffic system is studied, and the problems which exit in the field of safety management are also investigated, then corresponding countermeasures on safety management are put forward. In addition, the technical route as well as core system of safety planning is researched, then the constitution system of long-term mechanism for safety management is also investigated. Furthermore, the management system model in our country is researched, then based on the DHGF method , the evaluation of safety management level is further discussed.
【Key words】 traffic safety management; road traffic system; multi-factor; safety management planning; long-term mechanism;