

Rapid Repair Technology for Buried Highway by Giant Debris Flow

【作者】 钟盈

【导师】 陈洪凯; 唐红梅;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 泥石流是西部山区公路的主要地质病害,体现在公路路基、路面、桥涵及防护结构被泥石流冲击破坏和淤埋损毁两方面,分别约占60%和40%。近10年来,中国西部有50余座桥梁、涵洞在被泥石流淤埋后逐渐毁损破坏,然而迄今,泥石流对公路建构筑物的淤埋毁损机理尚不清楚,本项目于2008年由四川省科技厅立项,通过近3年的深入研究,结合团队前期研究,取得创新性成果如下:1.构建了泥石流试验模型,并据此进行了天山泥石流淤埋桥梁模型试验。通过模型试验,验证了泥石流沉积过程中固结力的存在性。2.基于泥石流两相流理论,分析了泥石流沉积物固结的力学机理。并在Terzaghi一维固结理论的基础上,结合Bingham流变模型建立了泥石流沉积物的超孔隙水压力、固结度及沉降压缩量随固结时间和沉积体尺寸相变化的固结公式,并通过室内固结试验验证了该公式的正确性和可行性。因此,运用这些计算结果并结合现场勘察资料,可以更快速准确的制定出合适的公路泥石流淤埋灾害应急减灾方案。3.以室内微型压缩试验为基础,建立了泥石流沉积物承载力与固相比、含水量之间的数学关系式,简化了野外测量泥石流沉积物地基承载能力的过程。4.根据得出的粘性泥石流沉积物固结与承载力变化规律,建立了泥石流暴发后淤埋路段公路交通快速恢复成套技术,如泥石流淤埋路段应急通行承载伞、战备浮桥,并构建其详细的施工工法和设计步骤,推广应用后可使公路交通恢复时间变为3~5天,比现在所需恢复时间缩短3倍以上。5.以新疆天山公路K631泥石流淤埋灾害为治理对象,运用应急承载伞技术进行设计计算,结果证明该技术可以很好地运用到工程实践之中。另外,运用有限元软件ADINA在三维上对泥石流沉积物与战备浮桥的耦合结构进行了数值模拟,比较清晰地反映了泥石流淤埋路段战备浮桥的应力变形过程,并且得到了和实际情况比较相符的结果。更重要的是,在数值仿真过程中定性地揭示了泥石流沉积体与战备浮桥浮墩作用的细节过程。

【Abstract】 Debris flow is one of the main road diseases in western China,its hazards includeattacking and burying the highway subgrades、pavements、bridges and protectivestructures,the occurrence frequency of these two disasters is 6∶4. In the pastdecade,there are more than 50 bridges、culverts were buried by debris flow and thengradually destroyed , However,so far the buried-damage mechanism of debris flow onthe highway building structure is not clear,domestic and foreign experts andscholars’studies on the mechanical mechanism of debris flow deposit are verylimited.Therefore,according to this situation ,the project conducted a systematicstudy,the main conclusions and innovations are as follows:1.Constructed the test model of debris flow,then carryed out the buried-bridgemodel test of Tianshan debris flow .Through the model test,verified the presence ofconsolidation force during the process of debris flow deposition.2.According to the two-phase flow theory of debris flow deposit ,analysed theconsolidation mechanical mechanism of highway debris flow deposit. On the basis ofTerzaghi one-dimensional consolidation theory, established the consolidation formula,which described the change process of excess pore water pressure、consolidationdegree、settlement and compression with theconsolidation time and deposit size, and then verified the correctness and feasibility ofthe formula by the indoor consolidation test. Therefore, used these results and combinedwith the field survey data, could develop a proper program for emergency mitigation ofhighway debris flow buried disaster more quickly and accurately .3.On the basis of indoor micro-compression test,established the mathematicalrelationship expression between the bearing capacity and solid phase ratio/water contentof debris flow deposit,simplified the field measuring process of bearing capacity ondebris flow deposit foundation. 4.According to the variation between rheological consolidaiton and bearingcapacity of viscous debris flow deposit,established the highway traffic fast recoverycomplete technologies of debris flow buried sections,such as the emergency trafficload-bearing umbrella、war pontoon, then built the detailed construction methods anddesign procedures,the highway traffic recovery time would become to 3~5 days afterpopularization and application,which reduced more than 3 times than the currentrequired recovery time.5.Used the Tianshan K631 debris flow buried highway disaster as the controlobject,then designed and calculated the emergency bearing umbrella technology, theresult had proved that this technology could be well applied to the engineeringpractice.Besides, used the finite element software ADINA to simulate the debris flowdeposit-combat raediness pontoon coulped structure in three dimensions, then reflectedthe stress deformation process of combat readiness pontoon in the debris flow buriedsection, and obtained the result in accordance with the actual situation. Moreimportantly, it revealed qualitatively the details of debris flow deposit-combat raedinesspontoon action in the numerical simulation.

  • 【分类号】P642.23;U418
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】80
  • 攻读期成果

