

Increase the Use of Flat Hinge Theory Arch Bridge Strengthened Research

【作者】 张晨旭

【导师】 蒙云;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国为数众多的桥梁中,拱桥是一种极为重要的桥型。特别是在中西部地区山川河流众多,石料丰富,劳动力充裕,使得该地区修建了相当数量的拱桥,这其中圬工拱桥又占了相当大的比例。随着交通量的增长,行车密度及车辆载重越来越大,加之设计荷载偏低、年久老化、承载力不足等,导致很多旧桥出现各种各样的病害,有的已经满足不了使用上的要求。对旧桥进行快捷、有效的维修和加固成为一项重要工作。目前国内外加固方法总结归纳起来是从桥梁结构的外界因素或内在状况改变的角度两方面进行加固补强,提高承载力。平铰拱理论是在无铰拱和两铰拱的理论基础上提出来的。运用平铰拱理论加固拱桥是从内在因素出发,将原来的无铰拱在拱脚部位进行特殊技术处理后将其转化成平铰体系,改变其结构的受力状态,使其在受力过程中通过调整结构内力,达到内力的重新分配,开发主拱自身的潜力,进而优化结构受力达到提高拱桥承载力的目的。本文重点从对平铰拱理论的提出和其理论体系展开论述,然后引出运用其理论进行拱桥加固的具体方法-释能法,对释能法的力学原理、理论计算、模型试验、施工方法等做了全面详细的阐述。最后通过实例手算和实桥加固并对其进行荷载试验证明基于平铰拱理论的释能法在加固拱桥方面的高效、便捷和经济性,是符合实际、切实可行并且有效的拱桥加固方法和技术。

【Abstract】 Arch bridge is one of the most important bridge-types in our country,especially in the Midwest which has many mountains and rivers,and is rich in stone and labour.So these regions built many arch bridge,most of which were masonry bridges.Because of the growth of traffic volume,traffic density and vehicle load,low of design load,aging,insufficient capacity,and so on,many old bridges have various problems,and some of them couldn’t meet the demands.Therefore,how to maintain and reinforce these old bridges quickly and effectively becomes one important job.At home and abroad,the external factors from the bridge structure and the changes of internal condition are the main reinforcement methods that reinforces bridges to improve carrying capacity.Basing on the theory of no hinge arch and two hinge arch,flat hinge theory is brought out.Flat hinge theory using internal condition adopts special technology which makes no hinge arch into flat hinge arch in the arch feet parts.It changes the stress state of structure to redistribute internal stress, exploit the main arch’s potential to make stress structure optimization,and improve the arch bridge.This paper focuses on discussing the proposed of flat hinge theory and its theoretical system.Then using the theory leads to the concrete method of reinforcement arch bridge-release energy method.The paper elaborate the principle ,theoretical calculation, model tests, construction mode of the method.Finally, by hand calculation and real bridge reinforcement example,it proves that the release energy method of flat hinge theory is efficient,convenient and economic which is realistic, practical and effective technique of arch bridge reinforcement.


