

County Ordinary High School Chemistry Teaching in the Application of Autonomous Learning Mode Strategic Research

【作者】 韦弦芳

【导师】 刘明; 梁福沛;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从2001年9月份开始,我国第八次课程改革进入了实验阶段,至今已历时九年。本次课程改革的最显著特征和根本任务是学生学习方式的转变,即由原来单一、被动的学习方式转变为旨在充分调动和发挥学生主体性的多样化学习方式,变传统的被动、他主的学习为学生主动、自主的学习。本文分五个部分对自主学习进行探讨:第一部分是绪论部分,说明课题提出的缘由、研究意义及主要研究方法。我国新一轮中学化学课程改革倡导以科学探究为主的多样化学习方式。因此,通过对中学化学教学中学习方式的实践研究,找到能够使教与学和谐进行,同时满足既能面向全体学生、全面提高学生素质,又能因材施教,发展学生的个性的课堂教学方式和学习方式。通过文献研究法、调查研究法、行动研究法、辅以案例研究法、统计法等对学生在课堂活动教学中主体参与活动的变化情况进行记录和分析。第二部分在对自主学习、自主学习能力概念界定的基础上,阐释了自主学习及学生化学自主学习的概念、自主学习的特征及其培养的理论依据。所谓“自主学习”相对的是“被动学习”、“机械学习”和“他主学习”,是就学习的内在品质而言的、较少依赖别人的帮助而自己可以进行有效的学习。学习者在教师的指导下,在总体教学目标的宏观调控下,根据自身的需要主动地、有策略地、持久地、可自我调控的学习,最终完成具体学习目标,并进行自我评价。第三部分对县城普通高中化学教学中自主学习方式进行了调查与分析。经过一个学期的教学实验,通过成绩检测、调查问卷以及个别学生访谈相结合的方法分析学生的学习方式的差异情况并进行分析。第四部分是论文的核心,根据调查结果和影响学生自主学习能力的因素,结合实验结果和化学课教学实践,提出了促进学生自主学习能力发展的实施策略,并对提高化学自主学习能力进行案例分析。第五部分是文章的结论。通过自主学习教学模式,改善学生的自主学习方式,提高学生的综合能力素质,也使教师的教育理念和教研能力得到提高。

【Abstract】 It has been nine years since the eighth curriculum reform started in September 2001, The significant characteristic and primary goal of this curriculum reform lies in the transformation of pupils, learning style, which means that single and passive learning style should be transformed into those can make students learn independently and actively. In order to research on the mode of self-regulated learning, this paper is divided into five chapters.The thesis includes five parts:Chapter One is an introduction. It puts forward the subject and explains its meanings and gives the main research methods.Chapter Two Put forward the definition of self-regulated learning and self-regulated learning ability then explain the characteristics and influence factors of self-regulated learning ability and the theory basis to cultivate self-regulated learning ability.Chapter Three is the investigation. It discuss the current status of self-regulated learning ability and the use of multi-intelligences of regular senior secondary school in county town.Chapter Four is the gore of the thesis which puts forward the strategies to cultivate self-learning ability of regular senior secondary school in county town students, according to the investigation results and the factors which affect self-regulated learning ability, regular senior secondary school in county town chemistry and multi-intelligences theory.Chapter Five is the conclusion of the research.


