

【作者】 张青

【导师】 田文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我省经济和社会的发展,我省的外商直接投资(FDI)状况和就业结构也出现了一些变化。我省的就业结构出现了哪些变化?外商直接投资对我省就业结构又造成怎样的影响?本文将从结构的角度出发,围绕着上述问题展开研究。就业结构是一国经济结构的重要组成部分,对经济运行和社会发展有着深远的影响。我省的外商直接投资数额数年处于全国领先位置,外商直接投资对我省就业存在一定的贡献,因此,为了更好地认识FDI在我省经济发展中的作用以及促进其对我省就业做出更大的贡献,研究外商直接投资对我省就业结构的影响就有着重要的理论和现实意义。本文旨在说明外商直接投资在我省的基本情况,结合我省相关的FDI数据和就业数据,分析外商直接投资对我省就业结构(主要是就业的产业结构、地区结构、技能结构)的影响,并尝试性地进行相关理论分析和实证分析,探讨FD[对我省就业结构的相关效应,得出相应的政策启示。由于上世纪90年代以来我省资本国际化的进程明显加快,尤其是2001年以后,外商直接投资的数额大幅上升,因此就业结构变动较大,结合相关数据的可得性,本文的统计数据主要取于1998-2009年间。本文的研究结果表明,外商直接投资(FDI)对我省的就业结构存在着一定的影响:在就业的产业结构方面,FDI对于促进第一产业劳动力转移,增加我省第二产业和第三产业就业人数的贡献是比较突出的,此外,江苏省的产业结构与就业结构日趋协调。分析数据还表明,“刘易斯拐点”在江苏己悄然出现;在就业的地区结构方面,外商直接投资区域分布差异异常悬殊,FDI在我省分布的不平衡以及江苏三大经济区域经济发展明显的梯度特征导致了三大经济区域就业的不平衡,并反映在就业压力、产业结构、所有制结构、劳动者素质等方面;在就业的技能结构方面,FDI在一定程度上会促使我省高技能劳动力的需求,从一定程度上促进劳动者加强对自身综合素质的培养,提高其知识结构,对我省就业的知识结构的改善具有积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy and society, foreign direct investment (FDI) and employment structure have evolved at the same time.The primary Intention of this paper is to examine the characteristics and tendency of FDI and employment structure and then to study the influences of FDI on the structure of employment in Jiangsu. The research has focused on three aspects of employment structure, such as the employment structure of industry, region, and skill.The procedure can be briefly described as follows. Firstly, this paper gives a brief introduction of the theory of FDI structure and employment structure. Secondly, with the usage of some related data from the year book of Jiangsu statistics, the paper presents forward the main characteristics of FDI and employment structure In Jiangsu. In this part, the method of statistical description is adopted.Then a model is built to analyze the various factors influencing the employment structure so as to contribute to the following analyses of their influences of FDI on it. Thirdly, combining theoretical analysis with empirical analysis, the paper studies the influences of FDI on the three aspects of employment structure and some conclusions have drawn. In this Part, with the help of Eviews, the analysis of correlation and regression is adopted. The majority of observing data is taken from Jiangsu Statistical Year book and the research times Pace is taken from the year of 1999 to 2008.In summing up, it may be stated that FDI does have some influences on employment structure in China. In Industrial aspect, FDI has contributed to the aggregate of employment in Jiangsu and it plays a great role in transfer of labor force in primary industry, and employment growth of secondary and tertiary industry.In regional aspect, the disproportion of FDI,combining with the disproportional economic development of three parts in Jiangsu, has lead to the disequilibria in three main parts in Jiangsu, which lie in the following aspects:employment pressure, industry structure, pattern of ownership and laborer’s quality. In skill aspect, as a result of its high demand of skilled labor, FDI will stimulate the education and self-discipline of domestic labors and consequently contribute to the improvement of employment structure of skill.

  • 【分类号】F832.6;F249.27;F224
  • 【下载频次】221

