

【作者】 于志苏

【导师】 刘红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程改革以来,情境教学备受人们的关注,广大的高中一线教师也在不断地探索、尝试着将情境教学运用到课堂中。近几年来,通过情境教学,高中物理课堂也比以前更有趣了,对学生的全面发展起到了良好的作用,同时对高中一线教师的要求也提高了一个层次。本文通过阅读大量有关情境教学和情境创设的文献,整理了情境教学的相关理论,针对高中物理新课程的特点,根据高中物理新课程标准的要求,梳理了情境创设的原则和方法。通过一个学期的实习,从听课和一个月的教学实践中了解了当前高中物理课堂情境教学的现状,结果表明当前教师对课堂教学过程中物理情境的创设的重视程度还比较低,用心去设计教学情境的人也比较少。通过对高中学生的调查和了解,课堂观察,以及通过对高一物理部分内容的情境创设案例分析,总结出不同教学内容中应突出不同的情境创设原则,并在高中物理情境教学现状下提出几点创设更好课堂情境的建议。

【Abstract】 Since the new course reform, situation teaching has obtained much attention. The majority of high school teachers have been applying situation teaching to the classroom.. In recent years, through situation teaching, high school physics teaching becomes more interesting than before, and situation teaching have a good effect to the students for their full development. Meantime, the requirements for high school teachers are also raised to a higher level.By reading reference works on situation teaching, studying the theories on situation teaching, considering the characteristics of new high school physics course, and considering the requirement of high school physics new curriculum standard, the author summarize the principles and methods of situation creation. Through a semester of teaching practice, including attending lectures and teaching practice (one month) in high school, the current situation about situation teaching is observed. The result shows that at present, teachers has not yet paid enough attention to situation creation in physics teaching, and their intentions to use situation creation to teach are not strong. Through investigation among high school students, classroom observation, and through the author’s own high school physics situation creation research, the strategies to create a better situation are summarized; several suggestions are made for making better situation teaching in current high school physics classroom teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】409

