

The Research and Application on Practice Teaching System of the Major in Biology Technology in College

【作者】 黄文庆

【导师】 杨华;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对实践教学体系的研究背景、现状进行分析,重新定义了实践教学体系与生物技术专业实践教学体系的概念、构建原则和组成体系,并对其进行描述。本文采用文献研究、问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等方法对生物技术实践教学专业实施现状进行分析,对生物技术专业实践教学体系在实施过程中所取得的成效、存在的问题进行分析,并对此提出相应的对策、建议。本研究通过对相关文献分析以及生物技术实践教学体系的调查分析,得出以下结论:(1)本文结合实践教学相关资料,把实践教学体系定义为:实践教学体系是指学校根据国家相关教育方针政策,各级各类学校根据专业特点与培养目标,在特定的教学情境下,把学生的知识、情感态度与能力的培养融合到具体的实践环节的课程体系、师资体系与保障体系的统一整体。把生物技术专业实际教学体系定义为:生物技术专业实践教学体系是指学校根据国家相关教育方针政策,各级各类学校根据专生物技术专业特点与培养目标,在特定的教学情境下,把学生生物技术专业的知识、情感态度与能力的培养融合到具体的生物技术实践环节的课程体系、师资体系与保障体系的统一整体。(2)生物技术专业实践教学体系包括3个体系即:课程体系、师资体系与保障体系。构建生物技术专业实践教学体系应该包括以下原则:系统性原则、独特性原则、针对性原则、导向性原则、实践性原则。(3)经过调查,生物技术实践教学体系在实践后有如下收获:①学生非常重视实践教学环节;②实习时间安排基本上适应学生的发展需求;③实践教学形式多样化,形式比较满意;④实习环节可以考虑化整为零的实践模式;⑤实践教学中教师对学生的指导较强,实习结果的评价趋于多元化。(4)通过对生物技术专业实践教学体系的调查研究与个案研究,发现生物技术专业实践教学体系存在以下问题:①认识存在误区,学生创新意识不高;②定位不明确,特色不突出;③对课程内涵建设的重视不够;④生物技术专业实践教学的师资队伍的建设有待进一步加强;⑤实习基地建设与管理重视不够,实习单位与就业单位对口性不高。(5)针对生物技术专业实践教学体系中出现的问题,本研究提出以下对策与建议:①加大资金投入力度,完善生物技术专业实践教学;②优化专业课程设置,两手抓理论教学与实践教学;③重视专业实验课教学,加强实验能力培养;④完善实践教学的评价体系;⑤建立实践教学的激励制度;⑥加强教师素质的培养。

【Abstract】 Based on the analysis on the research background and the current situation of practice teaching system, this thesis comes up with, the constructing principles, the component system and the concept of Practice Teaching System and the Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology. The paper focus on the description of them. The thesis will use all kinds of methods such as literature, questionnaire, interview and statistical methods to analyze the current situation, the achievements and the problems appearing in the process of carrying out this system. What’s more, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions will be raised.By analyzing the corresponding literature and the questionnaire about biotechnology practice teaching system, this paper gets the following conclusions.In the first place, according to the material in relation to practice teaching, this thesis defines the Practical Teaching System to be:it is a kind of united system, combining curriculum system, teaching system and safeguard system, that the system is to point to all kinds of school, according to the national related educational policy and the characteristics of the majors and the training objectives,under the particular teaching situation, put the students’ knowledge, attitudes and the training of their ability into the specific practice section. And the Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology is defined as:under the same situation, practice teaching system in the major of biotechnology puts the students’ knowledge, attitudes and the training of their ability into specific biological technology practice section.Secondly, the Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology three systems: namely curriculum system, teaching system and safeguard system. Building Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology should include the following principles:systematic principle, unique principle, pointed principle, targeted principle and practical principles.Thirdly, the investigation shows that, after practice, Biological Technology Teaching System gets some achievements as follows:firstly, the students attach great importance to practical teaching link; secondly, the practice time basically adapt the demand of students’ development; thirdly, the practice teaching form is diversified and is qiute satisfying; fourthly, the practice section can be considered to use the practice mode of turning the whole into pieces; fifthly, during practice, teachers’ instruction to students is strong and the evaluation to the practice results tend to be diversifiedFourthly, the research and case studies makes us find the following problems in the Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology:on the one hand, there are some errors in cognition and the students’ consciousness of innovation is not strong; on the other hand, the setting-position not clear, the characteristic not prominent; next, the attention to the construction of course connotation not enough; what’s more, the development to teacher team of biotechnology professional practice teaching needs to be further strengthened; finally, the construction and management to the practice base gets little attention, and internship units can not match the employment units well.Fifthly, referring to the problems appearing in the Practice Teaching System in the major of biotechnology, this research pust forward the following countermeasures and suggestions: firstly, increasing investment dynamics and perfecting the teaching of biological technology practice; secondly, optimizing the setting of courses and attaching equal importance to both theoretical teaching and practical teaching; thirdly, paying more attention to professional lab course teaching and strengthening the training of experimental ability; fourthly, perfecting the evaluational system of practice teaching; fifthly, creating the incentive system of practical teaching; at last, reinforcing the training of teachers’ quality.

【关键词】 生物技术实践教学教学体系
【Key words】 BiotechnologyPractical EducationTeaching system
  • 【分类号】Q81-4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】498

