

Studies on the Physiology and Quality of Postharvest Preservation and Vibration Stress on Apricot

【作者】 刘峰娟

【导师】 陈计峦;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆杏栽培历史悠久,产量大、品质优。但是杳的采收期比较集中,非常容易腐烂变质,并且杏对振动很敏感,受振动后的杏果实褐变、软化非常严重,这就造成了杏极大的损失,因此,研究杏采后有效的保鲜方法和杏果实的振动情况显的尤为重要。本文以新疆库买提杏和小白杏为实验材料,研究了采后热水处理和保鲜纸处理对库买提杏果实采后生理和品质的影响;另外,针对库买提杏,模拟了汽车在运输过程中的振动,研究振动胁迫时间和包装方式对杏采后生理和品质的影响,以库买提杏和小白杏为材料,研究了实际振动对两个品种杏采后生理和品质的影响,主要得出以下结论:(1)处理库买提杏较适宜的热水处理条件为40℃15 min、45℃10 min、50℃5 min。最佳的热水处理条件为50℃5 min。(2)50℃5 min热水处理可以有效的延缓杏果实的衰老,并且较好的保持杏子原有的品质。与对照相比,50℃5 min热水处理的呼吸高峰下降了21.54%,乙烯高峰下降19.6%,显著抑制保护性酶活的下降、LOX酶和PPO酶活性的上升以及MDA含量的增加,并可以很好的保持膜的完整性,有效的延缓了杏果实硬度的下降,50℃5 min热水处理后杏果实腐烂率得到较好的控制,在贮藏至第56 d时,腐烂率仅为对照的37.5%。(3)高锰酸钾纸和活性炭纸处理对于杏果实有很好的保鲜效果,从总体来看,高锰酸钾纸处理效果优于活性炭纸处理。(4)高锰酸钾纸处理后,对照及处理果的呼吸高峰值分别为62.2mg·kg-1·h-1FW、38.06 mg-kg-1·h-1FW,处理果呼吸高峰值为对照的61.2%,且推迟7d出现,经DPS分析,差异极显著(P<0.01),处理果乙烯高峰为对照的74.4%,高锰酸钾纸处理可以保持SOD、POD酶较高的活性、使LOX酶和PPO酶活性低、膜透性小以及丙二醛积累量小,可溶性固形物含量、Vc含量、有机酸含量下降慢的特点,另外,保鲜纸处理还可有效的保持果胶含量,有效的降低PG酶活性,保持杏果实的硬度,高锰酸钾纸和活性炭纸处理的腐烂率与对照相比达极显著水平(P<0.01)。(5)模拟汽车振动的实验可以看出,在振动过程中,杏的成熟衰老过程已经启动,对杏的品质也有一定的影响。(6)在振动过程中,无网套包装的果实在振动12h之前呼吸速率上升迅速,而网套包装的果实在振动24 h之前呼吸速率上升迅速,但均显著高于对照。另外网套包装还可有效的减缓有机酸、硬度的变化,对乙烯生成量、可溶性固形物含量、Vc含量的影响不显著(P<0.05)。在随后的贮藏期间可以看出,呼吸速率与乙烯生成量变化趋于一致。无网套包装的果实振动12h以后其各项生理和品质指标与对照相比变化显著,而网套包装的果实振动24 h后其各项生理和品质指标与对照相比变化显著。网套包装的杏果实其各项生理指标均优于无网套包装。(7)经过振动的果实,其生理和品质指标均有不同程度的变化,与库买提杏相比小白杏对振动的影响更为敏感。(8)振动刚结束时小白杏无网套包装和网套包装的呼吸速率分别为对照的2.83倍和2.58倍,在随后的贮藏过程中,先下降,然后又上升,与对照的变化趋势一致;乙烯的变化趋势与呼吸速率相同,无包装小白杏的乙烯高峰提前1d,出现这可能是杏对振动的应激定反应。库买提杏的保护性酶活性比小白杏高,小白杏的PPO酶活性虽然比库买提杏低,但其外观比库买提杏褐变更严重,可能由于其本身颜色比较白。经过振动后,库买提杏比小白杏对于品质的保持作用更好,无网套包装的小白杏在贮藏期间腐烂率上升最为迅速,褐变也很严重,说明振动显著的增加了小白杏的腐烂。振动对小白杏的生理和品质均有较大的影响,因此,在运输过程中,应当采取合适的保护措施,以防止杏生理和品质的变化。由果实切片显微镜观察可知,振动胁迫破坏了果实的果皮结构,从而使其贮藏期缩短,这与本实验的生理和品质结果一致。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang apricot, which has the characteristics of large yield and good quality, cultivated for a long time. But the apricot harvest season is more concentrated and very perishable bad. Apricot is very sensitive to vibration which will occur after severe apricot browning, softening, this has resulted in great loss of apricot. Therefore, the study of fresh apricot and vibration was extremely important.The Xinjiang Kumaiti apricots and Kuqa apricots were used as the experimental materials to study the postharvest hot water treatment and preservation of paper on the apricot fruit postharvest physiology and quality. While, simulated automotive vibration during transport, the effects of the different vibration time on the postharvest physiology and quality of Kumaiti apricots, also, the real vibration during transport was used to study the effects of different varieties of apricot on the postharvest physiology and quality, The main conclusions were summarized as follows:(1) 40℃15min,45℃10 min,50℃5 min were the suitable hot water treatment for the Kumaiti apricots, the best hot water treatment was 50℃5 min.(2) 50℃5 min hot water treatment can effectively retard the aging apricot fruit, and better maintained the original quality apricots. Compared with the control,50℃5 min hot water can slow down the respiratory peak of 21.54%, and 19.6% ethylene peak, significantly inhibited the decline in the protective activity, LOX activity and PPO activity increased and MDA content increased, and can well maintained membrane integrity, delayed the effective decline in apricot fruit firmness,50℃5 min after the hot water get a better rate of apricot fruit rot control to 56 d in storage, the decay rate was controlled 37.5%.(3) The potassium permanganate paper and activated carbon paper can effectly control the fresh of apricot fruit, overall, the treated of potassium permanganate paper was better than the activated carbon paper.(4)After the treatment of potassium permanganate paper, control and treated fruit respiration peak values were 62.2mg·kg-1·h-1 FW,38.06mg·kg-1·h-1 FW, treated fruit respiration peak was 61.2% of the control, and delayed emergence 7 d, after the DPS analysis, the difference was significant (P<0.01), the peak of ethylene treatment results were 74.4%, the treatment of potassium permanganate paper can keep SOD, POD enzyme activity of the higher, the LOX enzymes and low PPO activity, membrane permeability and MDA accumulation of small, soluble solids content, Vc content, the characteristics of organic acid content decreased slowly, the other, it can effectively deal with plastic wrap to keep pectin content, effective reduction of PG activity, to maintain the hardness of apricot fruit, potassium permanganate and activated carbon paper, paper handling, compared with the control of decay rates was highly significant (P<0.01). (5) Though the experimental simulation of vehicle vibration we can see that at the vibra tion, the process of maturation and senescence of apricot has been launched, the quality of the apricot has a certain impact.(6) At the vibration process, respiration rate of no nets packaged fruit before the vibration 12h was increased rapidly, while the nets packaged fruit before the vibration 24h was increased rapidly, but they were significantly higher than the control. Also nets packaging could effective mitigate organic acids and hardness changes; the ethylene production, soluble solids, Vc content was not significant (P<0.05). In the following storage process, it can be seen that changes of the respiration rate and ethylene production were same. The quality and physiological indicators changes of no nets packaged fruit after the vibration 12 h were significant compared with the control, while the nets packaged fruit was changed significantly after the vibration 24h.The physiological indicators of Apricot which was the nets packaged were better than no nets packaging.(7) Through the vibration of the fruit, and quality indicators of physiological changes in different degrees, compared with the Kumaiti apricots, Kuqa apricots were more sensitive to the vibration(8) Immediately after the vibration, the respiration rate of white apricot which was no nets packaging and packaging nets respectively were 2.83 times and 2.58 times compared with the control, in the course of the subsequent storage, the first decline, then rise, the trend with the control was consistent; the change of ethylene was sames as respiratory rate, the peak of ethylene of no packaging was ahead of Id, it was due to that the apricot response to vibration stress. The protective enzyme of Library Amat apricot was higher than the white apricot, although the PPO activity of white apricot was lower than the library Amat, but the brown changes of appearance were serious compared with the library Amat apricot change, it was may be that their own color was white. After vibration, the library Amat apricot was better than the white apricot about maintainimg the quality, the decay rate of no nets packaging white apricot was the most rapid during storage, browning was also very seriously and it was a significant increase decay rate in the vibration of white apricot. Vibration was a great influence about white apricot. Therefore, in the transport process, it should take appropriate protective measures to prevent changes in physiology and quality of apricot. It was known by the apricot slices, the vibration stress damaged to the apricot skin structure, made it shorter storage period, which was consistent with the physiological and quality of the experimental results

【关键词】 保鲜振动胁迫生理品质
【Key words】 apricotpreservationvibration stressphysiologyquality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

