

Research about the Process of Building All-round Well-off Society in XPCG

【作者】 周晓苗

【导师】 李豫新;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六大郑重提出了在本世纪头20年集中力量建设惠及十几亿人口更高水平的小康社会奋斗目标,十七大从实际出发,为适应国内外形势发展的新变化,对目标提出了新的更高要求。兵团作为一个“党、政、军、企”合一的特殊社会组织,肩负着稳疆兴疆、屯垦戍边的重大职责,建设兵团全面小康社会具有十分深远的特殊意义。全面建设小康社会是一个经济更加发展、政治更加民主社会更加安定、精神更加文明、环境更加优美、生活殷实和经济、政治、文化协调发展的社会,是实现现代化的必经阶段。本文从经济发展、社会和谐、生活质量、民主法制、文化教育、资源环境等六大系统对兵团全面建设小康社会进行综合评价。本文首先对文章的研究背景与目的、国内外研究动态、技术路线与研究方法以及可能创新之处与不足进行说明;其次,归纳总结了全面小康的基本理论、科学内涵以及新要求;接着,从兵团全面建设小康社会的重要性出发,剖析了兵团小康社会的发展历程、现状及存在问题;再次,通过构建科学、合理的综合评价体系,采用层次分析法和综合指数法对兵团2005-2009年的全面小康进程进行纵向比较分析,然后为进一步客观反映兵团全面小康进程,对兵团与其他地区进行横向比较分析,同时采用计量经济模型对兵团全面小康进程与指标进行预测分析。此外,为更详细反映兵团全面小康建设,对各垦区的全面小康进程进行综合测评和聚类分析。得出了兵团近几年全面小康社会稳步推进,但是与其他地区还有一定的差距,尤其是经济发展、文化教育与资源环境亟待继续提高与改善;而且兵团十四个垦区全面建设小康社会水平参差不齐,差距也比较大。为了推进兵团全面小康社会进程,结合以上章节的研究,以及当前兵团全面建设小康社会的环境条件,提出加快产业结构调整,保证经济平稳较快发展;大力发展社会事业,切实保障和改善民生、加快文化教育事业发展,实施人才强兵团的战略、加强生态环境建设和保护和社会主义政治文明建设,实现兵团可持续发展等方面的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The sixteenth convention of Communist Party of China concentrated on building higher level of well-off society during the first 20 years of this century. The seventeenth Congress adapt to new changes of domestic and international situation, the target set new and higher requirements. XPCG as a "party, military, government, and enterprises, " which is one of the special social organization, and well-off society is very far-reaching special significance. It is a more developed economy, politics more democratic, more stable society, the spirit of a more civilized, more beautiful environment, well-off life, and economic, political, and cultural development of the society achieve a necessary degree of modernization phase. In this paper, economic development, social harmony, quality of life, democracy, culture, education, resources and environment system such as the six XPCG of building a well-evaluated.This paper describes the background and purpose of the article, domestic and international research trends, technologies and research methods and the possible routes and the lack of innovation. Secondly, it summarized the overall well of basic theory of scientific content and the new requirements. Then, from the importance of building a well-off in XPCG,to analyzed the well-off society development process, current situation and existing problems. Again, use AHP and the comprehensive index for the overall well-off the 2005-2009 XPCG of comparative analysis of the process, and then compare other areas with XPCG, while predict the process of analysis. XPCG obtained a well-off society in recent years, steady progress, but with other regions there is a gap, especially in economic development, cultural education and resources and the environment continue to increase and improve urgently; and reclamation XPCG of fourteen levels of building a moderately prosperous society uneven, the gap is relatively large.In order to advance the process of well-off society in XPCG, the article presents a series of measures to come true the XPCG and aspects of sustainable development suggestions,which including to speed up industrial restructuring and ensure stable and rapid economic development; to develop social undertakings, effectively protect and improve people’s livelihood, accelerate the development of culture and education, the implementation of the strategy of talented personnel XPCG, strengthen ecological environment construction and protection and the socialist political civilization construction,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

