

The Dynamics of Sporangium of Plasmopara Viticola and Resistance of Different Grape Varieties in Shihezi Region

【作者】 吉丽丽

【导师】 李春; 李国英;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 植物病理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 经测定,葡萄霜霉病的潜育期为4-6天,发病后若气候条件适宜,就会引起病害的发生和大流行。通过孢子囊空中捕捉试验,观察到葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊主要分布在冠层以下,以接近地面处最多,冠层以上,随着高度的增加孢子囊数量逐渐减少。一天24小时内都可捕捉到孢子囊,但一般在早8:00和晚20:00孢子囊捕捉量较多,以晚上20:00最多。经DPS软件测定,孢子囊的扩散与温度呈正相关,与湿度和降雨量呈负相关。三年连续捕孢结果显示,孢子囊的季节扩散动态表现为多峰型曲线,其孢子囊数量和对应5天后病情指数在p<0.01水平下,两者呈显著正相关;在石河子地区,葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊一般在6月上中旬开始出现,扩散期为6-9月,7月下旬到9月上旬为高峰期,随后进入消退期。经2008-2010年连续三年观察,从首次捕捉到霜霉菌孢子囊开始,若条件有利,4-6天田间就会陆续发病;进入捕孢高峰后,若条件适宜,4-6天内霜霉病的发生也将明显加重。经室内外叶片接种和大田试验表明:在供试7个品种中,克瑞森和弗雷属于较抗病品种,红提、无核白鸡心、无核紫、紫香无核和里扎马特属于感病或高度感病品种。经单斑含孢量测定,克瑞森和弗雷感病后其单斑面积较小,单斑含孢量也较少;而感病或高度感病品种无核白鸡心和里扎马特等病斑面积较大,单斑含孢量也较多。经扫描电镜观察,在供试品种中,克瑞森和弗雷的叶片气孔较小,气孔数量也较少,而里扎马特的气孔较大,数量也较多。可初步认为较抗病品种气孔少而小,而感病或高感品种的叶片气孔较大而密集。将2002-2010年连续9年葡萄生长期的气象资料和发病情况经DPS软件进行判别分析,结果表明:7月份的温度和8月份的降雨量是影响病害发生轻重的主要因子,据此建立判别模型,并对数据进行回测,回测正确率为100.0%。对葡萄生长期霜霉病的发生情况和气象资料进行相关性分析,得出霜霉病的发生与降雨量和湿度成正相关,而与气温成负相关。同时,葡萄霜霉病的始发期与6月上中旬的气象资料密切相关。

【Abstract】 The results showed that the incubation period for P.viticola is about 4-6 days,and if the environment is_suitable,the disease will occurrence and pandemic.Spatio-temporal distributions of Plasmopara viticola were monitored by spore-trapping,and their relativity with disease levels in vineyard were analysed.The founding showed that a majority of sporangia flew within the vine canopy,and most near the ground.The number of sporangia reduced by the height increasing above canopy. The Daily dynamics of sporangia revealed that sporangium can be captured within 24 hours of a day, and has dual-peak at 8.0am and 8.0pm, higher at 8.0pm.The dynamics of sporangium has positive correlation with temperature,and negative correlation with humidity and rainfall.The result of spore-trapping in there years displayed d that the dynamics of sporangium of Plasmopara viticola has multi-peak,there is significant positive correlation between the number of sporangia and disease index after 5 days in p< 0.01 level.Sporangia of P.viticola were observed in early June, its epidemic period was June to September, and its peak obtained at last July to early September, accompany slope down in Shihezi region. By consecutive observation of 2008-2010 three years,From the appearance of sporangia,if the conditions is right,the disease will occurrence,and at the sporangia catching peak,if the climatic conditions appropriate,the disease will spreaded rapidly in 4-6 days.Through the identification of disease resistance in field surveys indoor and outdoor, itwas demonstrated that in seven tested varieties, Krison and Flame seedless is more resistant to P.viticola, whereas Red Globe grape, Centennial Seedless, Seedless spurple, Zixiangwuhe and Rizazet are susceptible or higlysusceptible. Accounting spores of single spot of infected leaves, the size of disease spots of Krison and Flame seedless is small, and the number of spores in single spot is few, while the susceptible or higlysusceptible variety has opposite results. The observed result under scanning electron-microscope revealed that the stomata of Krison and Flame seedlessis smallest, and the number of stomata is fewest.however the stomata of Rizazet is biggest,and the number of stomata is maximum.Therefor, preliminary think that the stomata of resistant cultivar fewer and smaller, while the susceptible ones is large and dense.The result from DPS software showed that the temperature in July and rainfall in August were the main factor which influence the disease severity, and then established the discriminant model, the accuracy of the data for back-test 100.0%. The analysis results between the occurrence of downy mildew of grape and meteorological data showed that the disease has positive correlation with rainfall and humidity,and negative correlation with temperature. Meanwhile, initial period of grape downy mildew is associated with meteorological of early June and middle of June.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

