

On Air Force Pilot Cadets’ Body Building Strategies in New Era

【作者】 刘志刚

【导师】 宋丽媛;

【作者基本信息】 吉林体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 空军航空大学是全国唯一的一所培养飞行学员的初级院校,学校中飞行学员的发展直接影响着中国空军事业的发展。随着时代的进步,军事战争形态也在发生着巨大的改变,信息化战争正在逐步取代机械化战争,那么构成战斗力的标准也在发生着明显的变化,除了要把信息力、结构力、知识力作为战斗力的基本要素外,飞行学员的身心健康,已经成为直接制约我国空军战斗力的重要因素。本文主要是针对我国空军飞行学员的身体情况和体育健身现状进行调查,调查的数据可以真实、全面的反应出飞行学员身体素质和心理素质的实际情况,对数据科学、合理的进行统计,并通过调查飞行学员健身情况的现状,总结存在的问题,找出飞行学员现存的健身能力和方法的不足,分析原因,以身体和心理两方面素质的提高为目的,为当代飞行学员制定出合理的健身计划和方法,科学有效的进行实施,从健身时间、内容和方法上做出详细的策划和安排,以便来缓解飞行学员身、心素质出现滑坡的现象,为飞行学员在提高自身身体和心理健康上提供帮助,使飞行学员形成一个良好的体育健身习惯,减轻或消除飞行学员因为学习压力等方面所带来的负面影响,从而达到体育健身的目的,更好的发展我国的航空事业。

【Abstract】 The Aeronautical University of Air force is the only elementary institute that cultivates the pilot cadets and its development has great effect on the air force in China. With the progress of times, the form of military wars is changing greatly, that is, IT-based warfare is taking the place of mechanical warfare. Meanwhile the criterions for battle effectiveness have also greatly changed, that is, pilot cadets’mental and physical health play important role in affecting battle effectiveness, except those traditional basic elements such as informational power, structural capacity and knowledge.The paper does a survey on the physical condition and body building of the pilot cadets. The statistics is reliable to show the fact about their physical and mental quality. Through scientific and logical statistical analysis and research on the pilot cadets’body condition, the author concludes the problems and find out the pilot cadets’insufficiency on body building capability and method, then analyzes the reasons and work out a reasonable plan for body building that aims to improve their physical and mental quality, and put them in practice effectively, according to detailed planning and arrangement on body building time, content and method, to relieve pilot cadets’physical and mental worsening condition and assist them in improving physical and mental health. The research may enable pilot cadets to take up the good body building habits, relieve even eliminate the negative effect brought by the academic stress and other factors, and achieve the purpose of building pilot cadet’s bodies, what’s more, developing the air force in our country.

【关键词】 飞行学员体育健身健身俱乐部营养
【Key words】 Pilot Cadetsbody buildinghealth clubnutrition

