

On the Information Freedom and Intellectual Property Protection

【作者】 聂海奇

【导师】 韦之;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权制度在创立之初,其目的不过是通过赋予知识产权人智力成果专有权以保障其利益,激励其积极参与知识产品的研发,进而促进知识与信息的创新以及广泛而自由地传播与使用,最终使科技得以进步,经济得以发展。然而,科学技术就像一把双刃剑,它以先进而快捷的手段为信息的自由获取与共享提供便利的同时,也创设了得以确保信息由权利人专有的技术保护措施。今天,技术的发展已使得知识产权保护的客体被不合理地拓宽,知识产权保护的地域范围被日益突破,原本为限制权利人权利行使而设置的合理使用制度的范围也被逐步蚕食,与此相反,知识产权的垄断地位却日益强化,从而使知识产权诞生以来即已形成的权利保护与限制间的利益平衡被打破,使人类实现信息自由、信息资源共享的美好愿望落空。在此背景下,如何协调社会公众方便、快捷地获取信息的正当权利与知识产权人专有权利保护间的矛盾,就成为知识产权制度研究的一个新课题。本文的第一部分,一方面,从信息与信息自由的概念入手,论述了信息在法律上的概念并指出要使信息具有法律意义必须同时满足的四个条件,在此基础上进一步论述了信息自由的概念及内涵。另一方面,从知识产权的概念与特征入手,指出知识产权的客体——知识产品与信息具有同质性,知识产权的客体实质上也就是信息。本文的第二部分,通过选择著作权、专利权、商标权领域的典型角度,探讨信息自由与知识产权保护的矛盾与冲突,并分析了其表面原因与深层原因,揭示出知识产权原有的利益平衡格局正日益被打破。本文的第三部分,紧接前面的原因分析,本着“权利之争的背后乃利益之争”的观点,指出信息自由与知识产权保护的矛盾,实际上也就是社会公众对知识产品的合理需要与知识产权专有性之间的矛盾,外化为知识产权人私人利益与社会公众公共利益间的矛盾,内蕴着价格与价值的背离。具体来说,从利益平衡的角度着手,引入博弈论的理论与方法,探讨了信息自由与知识产权保护的博弈空间、博弈平台,通过引入库诺特(Cournot)寡头竞争模型及其改进,详细讨论了信息自由与知识产权保护的四种博弈及其均衡,并总结了从博弈过程中我们得到的启示。在把握知识产权保护的“度”的基础之上,进一步提出了信息自由与知识产权保护的动态平衡与社会协调机制。本文的第四部分,展望了知识产权的未来发展,从前述分析的基础上最终回归到信息自由与知识产权保护中来,并提出了笔者的主张:发扬“韬光养晦”、“和而不同”、“以和为贵”的优良传统,努力寻求一条既能有效保护知识产权,又能大力推进信息自由的中庸之道、双赢之道,建立信息自由与知识产权保护合理的平衡机制,才是解决信息、知识的专有与共享间矛盾冲突的根本出路。结束语部分是对本文内容的总体概括。我们应牢牢把握“利益平衡”这条知识产权法发展的主脉络,深究知识产权利益失衡的原因,积极探索相关的解决办法,以使知识产权这朵“带刺的玫瑰”重现绚烂和多彩。

【Abstract】 At the beginning, the purpose of Intellectual Property system is that protect their interests by giving exclusive rights of intellectual property rights to intellectual property owner, encouraging them to take active participation in the development of knowledge products, contributing to knowledge and information innovation, broad and use it freely, finally, technology improved, economic developed. However, science has two sides, it not only provide facilitate free access and information sharing by the efficient way, but also create the technology protection measures, which is to ensure the rights is belong to the right person. Currently, technology has caused that the object of protection of intellectual property is broadened unreasonably, and the geographical scope of intellectual property protection is extended day by day, originally, the rational use of the system, which is to limit the use of the right,is destroyed gradually, oppositely, the monopoly of intellectual property rights is strengthened, so that it broke up the balance between protection of right and Restriction of right since it produce, the best wished for freedom of information and information sharing can not come true. According to the above, how to coordinate the conflict about the convenient of public use, the legitimate right for fast access to information and personal right of intellectual property owner, it become a new topic.In the first part, on the one hand, starting from the concept of information and information freedom, discusses the concept of information in legal, and pointed out that to make information have legal significance must meet the four conditions. On this basis, further discusses the concept and content of information freedom. On the other hand, starting from the concept and features of the Intellectual Property Rights, noted that the object of the Intellectual Property Rights, called intellectual products, has the same characteristic with information, the object of intellectual property is essentially information.In the second part, via selecting the typical point of the copyright, patent, trademark field, discusses the contradictions and conflicts between information freedom and Intellectual Property protection. And analyzes its apparent causes and underlying reasons, reveals that the Intellectual Property interests of the original balanced pattern is increasingly being broken.In the third part, following the above reason analysis, based on the point that behind the power struggles are the struggles of interests, pointed out that the contradictions between information freedom with Intellectual Property protection, actually are the contradictions between public’s reasonably necessary for intellectual products with Intellectual Property proprietary, externalized to the conflicts of the private interests of Intellectual Property owners with the public’s public interest, meaning of the deviation of price and value. Specifically, starting from the view of interest balance, by introducing the game theory and its methods, studied the game space and platform of information freedom and Intellectual Property protection. By means of the Cournot oligopoly model and its improvement, detailly discussing the four kinds of game and their balances of information freedom and Intellectual Property protection. And summarizes the inspirations we get from the game processing. Basis of the "degree" of Intellectual Property protection, further raised the dynamic balance and social coordination mechanisms of information freedom and Intellectual Property protection.In the fourth part, looking forward to the future development of intellectual property, and eventually return from the foregoing analysis to information freedom and Intellectual Property protection, proposed the author’s idea:to carry forward the fine tradition of "low profile", "but different", "and for you", make effort to find a moderation and win-win way which can both effectively protect Intellectual Property and vigorously promote information freedom, establish the reasonable balance mechanism of information freedom and Intellectual Property protection, is the fundamental solution way of information, knowledge conflict between proprietary and shared.The conclusion part is the overall summary of this paper. We should firmly grasp the "balance of interests" of Intellectual Property law development’s main context, root out the cause of the imbalance between the interests of intellectual property rights, and actively explore related solutions, to make Intellectual Property, which is considered "a rose without a thorn", reproduce gorgeous and colorful.


