

School-based Curriculum Based on Chemical Experiment Design and Practical Research

【作者】 蒋涛

【导师】 李煜;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育改革的不断推进,校本课程的设计和实践研究目前正成为我国当前基础教育课程改革的重要组成部分。而化学实验在化学课程中占有非常重要的地位,是培养学生探究能力和创新精神的重要途径。因此在化学校本课程设计中必须高度重视化学实验校本课程,并充分发挥化学实验在教学中所起的作用与效果。就目前来看普通高中现行化学课程在实验教学中过于强调学科体系,而忽视了课程的实用价值;过于强调实验知识和技能的传授,而忽视了科学方法与科学思维的培养。所以开展本课题的研究既是实行新课程的现实需要,又是解决现行化学课程实验教学不足的有效途径。本课程的研究不仅能够使学校课程资源得到更充分合理的配置、提高教育成效,使得学校课程的整体结构更加丰富和完善,而且对于满足学生差异性特点和多样化需求、培养创新能力、提高学生化学素质有着重要意义。同时校本课程的研究使得教师成为课程研究的主体,确立了教师的专业自主地位,教师在课程的设计和实践中与学生共同学习、共同成长,有助于教师专业水平、行动研究能力及合作精神的改善与提高。本论文由五个部分组成:第一部分为前言,阐述了本课题的研究动机,论述了国内外校本课程研究的概况。课题研究的目的是找到一条开设化学实验校本课程的教学途径;设计具有本校特点、符合本校实际的化学实验的校本课程,能够更好地服务于教学,服务于素质教育,启发学生创造性思维,培养创新人才;同时为化学实验教学提供切实可用的教学案例及资源库。第二部分是基于化学实验的校本课程设计的理论研究。这部分采用文献分析法和专家咨询法阐述了基于化学实验的校本课程设计的理论基础。本课题研究的理念支柱是新课程理念,新课程的核心理念是以学生发展为本,为了每一位学生的发展;新课程倡导整合学生的生活世界和科学世界,倡导自主探索、合作交流的学习方式,建立合理、科学的评价体系,并为教师创造性地进行教学和研究提供机会和平台。本课题研究的教育心理学理论主要参考借鉴杜威的“做中学”、陶行知的“知做合一”、约瑟夫·施瓦布的“实践课程模式”以及建构主义心理学。第三部分是基于化学实验的校本课程设计的研究。首先对论文中的基本概念作出解释。在理论研究的基础上论述了化学实验的校本课程设计原则——因地制宜原则、主体性原则、应用性原则、探索性和趣味性原则;从知识技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观等三方面提出了化学实验校本课程的目标定位;并在分析化学实验的校本课程的内容选择策略的基础上系统阐述基于化学实验校本课程的内容体系构建;最后通过教学模式设计示例论述了此校本课程的教学模式。第四部分是基于化学实验的校本课程的实践研究。这部分采用实验研究方法和行动研究法来对基于化学实验校本课程进行实践探索。首先对桂林市桂林中学的环境、研究对象进行了分析,确定研究变量,提出了研究假设,制定出桂林中学化学实验的校本课程实施的具体方案。紧接着具体论述了课程的实施过程、课程教学模式,并且从调查问卷的统计结果、纸笔考试成绩的比较分析、学生访谈纪录和学生书写的感想等方面分析课程的实施效果。第五部分是研究结论及反思。本研究课题验证了在中学开展基于化学实验的校本课程是切实可行的,为本校校本课程的实施积累了经验,并提供了理论依托。为其他学校进行基于理科实验校本课程设计和实验研究提供参考。依据统计分析验证了研究假设的正确性,研究对象在接受化学实验的校本课程后,学习效果显著;并且通过本课题的研究教师的专业技术水平、课程设计的能力得到了较大的提高。最后阐述了研究过程中的困难和问题并提出思考和建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of education reform, school-based curriculum design on chemical experiment and practical research are becoming the essential part.Chemical experiment plays an important part in chemistry, which also acts an essential role for student-cultivation for research capability and innovation.In chemistry course design, school-based curriculum should be attached great importance to in teaching. In linear chemical of high school, course system in teaching is usually emphasized while the value for experiment is always ignored, that is to say taking in to use of this topic is of great practical importance, which is also an effective way to solve the problem lacking experiment in linear chemistry. From school-based curriculum, the weakness in national curriculum is found and at the same time made up in this topic, meanwhile this topic allocates resource nationally, improve teaching effectiveness, colour and fulfill the school courses. Chemical experiment and social life together with social industry inseparable, meanwhile chemical experiment is of great importance for improving student quality and enhancing the basic knowledge for students, school-based curriculum demands teacher as the main part and at the same time the status of teacher is established in professional field. In course design and practice, teacher study with students that also can improve professional standards of teachers, research capability as well as collaborative spirit.This paper is divided into five parts:The first part is preface which discusses the topic of this paper, the generalization of course design domestically and internationally, the aim of this paper, and the characteristics of school-based curriculum in order to better serve education, cultivate inmovative students and provide teaching cases and resource for chemical experiment.The second part states the theory for school-based course on chemical experiment. The main idea of this course is the concept of new-course which centers according students’ development. The course advocates life time and scientific time, self-explore, collaborative study for students and at the same time provides oreative teaching opportunity and platform for teachers.The third part explain the concepts appeared in the paper. On theoretical scale, local condition principle, autonomy principle, applying principle, exploring principle, interests principle are generalized. Then the goal of school-based curriculum based on chemical experiment is raised form the view of knowledge, process method, sense attitude and value. Finally, mode of school-based curriculum is stated by means of teaching case.The fourth part, by means of experiments research and action research the school-based curriculum based on chemical research is studied. The paper analyse the environmental study of Guilin middle school, and then arrange the detailed program for school-based curriculum based on chemical experiment.The fifth part, conclusion is summarized.The topic in this paper summarized the practical research on school-based curriculum based on chemical experiment, provide theory basis, and accumulate experiment. School-based curriculum based on chemical experiment in this paper is proved to be correct according the hypothesis. According the research of this topic, professional standards and course design ability are highly improved, at last the difficulties and problems are stated also at the same time thinking and advice are raised.


