

Visualization of Mining-Subsidence Data Base on Open GIS

【作者】 姚炜

【导师】 王列平;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地下煤炭资源的开采,使得矿区的生态环境、建筑物和构筑物之间的平衡遭到破坏。合理并充分利用开采沉陷数据,可有效地为未来的开采沉陷防治提供技术依据。通过对大量相关技术资料的分析,决定把开源GIS引入开采沉陷数据的可视化程序开发中,这样可大幅度减少煤矿企业在软件方而的费用投入。而对于开源GIS项目的选择,主要依据GIS的基本功能、扩展开发能力(如格式支持、编辑能力、查询、分析、可视化等),以及开发使用环境、组件及版权许可等方面进行分析比较,最终选择SharpMap和NTS共同开发,可充分发挥GIS对空间信息管理方面的优势,大幅度提高煤矿开采沉陷损害评价的效率。本文利用C#语言,并结合SharpMap与NTS,实现了煤矿地表移动与变形等值线(下沉、倾斜、曲率、水平移动、水平变形)的绘制和地表移动变形曲线的显示,并且为了更周全地考虑水平变形给地表建筑物带来的影响,引入了综合水平变形等值线。同时还实现了通过图形数据来查询属性数据的功能。此外,也实现了GIS基本空间分析功能,能自动对采空区上方建筑物进行破坏等级划分,判别建筑物是否受到地下开采的影响以及受开采影响的程度,并将受影响的建筑物生成了属性统计表,打破以往遇到此类问题都只是简单的读取事先录入在数据库中的数据,而不是基于对现有沉陷数据的分析。本文通过GIS技术,利用某煤矿开采沉陷数据,对地面民房造成的损害及影响程度可作出了及时、准确、客观、公正的评价。本文的研究成果为地方政府、煤矿企业、村民委员等单位在协调处理民房裂缝损害等矿村纠纷决策时提供科学依据方面具有一定的意义。

【Abstract】 With underground coal resources mined, the balance between ecological environment of the mining area, buildings and structures was damaged. If mining-subsidence data can be used reasonably and fully, it will provide technic gist for prevention and cure of mining subsidence in future.After analyzing a lot of mutuality technic data, Open GIS is decided to be introduced to the visualization program of mining-subsidence data. It can reduce expense of program which used by the coal-mine company largely. Open GIS item is chosed according to the basic function, expand function, IDE and licences. Finally SharpMap and NTS are chosed, beacase it can fully exert the advantage of GIS on spatial information management and largely impove efficiency of damage estimate in mining-subsidence.A C#-based method is introduced to produce isoline maps for coal mining induced surface movement and deformation such as subsidence, incline, curvature, horizontal movement, and horizontal deformation. Then the profile line between any two points in an affected area can be derived, and mining subsidence data can be visually presented. Considering damage effect of building in level deformation, the comprehendsive level deformation is introduced. The program also can inquiry attribute data through graphic data. Furthermore, basic spatial analyse is realized, too. Based on the damage gradation criteria for the buildings above a mining area set by the State Bureau of Coal Industry, impacts of underground coal mining on buildings and their degree can be evaluated, and also attribute statistics table can be shown.The paper using GIS and mining-subsidence data, can evaluate the impacts of underground coal mining on buildings and their degree in time, truly, impersonally and equitably. The result of this research can provide scientific gist for government and coal-mine companies to deal with dissension in village beacase of buildings’damage.


