

GPS Point Postioning Using Undifferenced Obserbation and Program Implementation

【作者】 柳云杰

【导师】 余学祥;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球定位系统的日益完善和全国各大城市连续运行观测站的建立,全球定位系统越来越普及。本文从理论上探讨了非差单点定位的数学模型和方法,研究了非差单点定位中的各项误差改正公式,如电离层改正、对流层改正、地球自转改正、相对论效应、天线相位中心改正等等,并编写了利用伪距结合广播星历,精密星历的单点定位程序,使用实验数据对程序进行了实力验证,得出一些有益的结论。本文考虑到单频接收机用户,为了减弱电离层延迟影响,采用了Klonuchar模型参数进行改正;而对双频用户,利用双频实时观测值进行实时改正。针对对流层延迟,采用了Saastamoinen模型和Modified Hopfield模型进行改正。本文还重点考虑到卫星位置对非差单点定位的影响,采用内插IGS精密星历,使得程序运行更简单,更具有实用性。此外,文中还对接收机钟差进行了详细讨论。为了验证其有效性,利用商业软件Pinnacle对实验数据进行了验证,结果表明,二者计算出来的接收机钟差的趋势基本一致,其差值不超过0.02ns,能满足单点定位的要求。最后利用不同区域的数据对程序进行验证,并对其结果进行质量评价,其内部符合精度达到非差单点定位的精度,外部符合精度能达到7cm的精度,基本达到了目前国内外的非差单点定位的研究水平。图[17]表[5]参[58]

【Abstract】 With the improvement of GNSS and establish CORS station in many big cities of China, GNSS is more and more popular. This thesis theoretically analyzed mathematical model and method of undifferenced point positioning. and all kinds of error correction model, such as ionospheric delay correction, tropospheric delay correction, earth rotation correction, relativistic effect, antenna calibration ect. In view of this, the paper develops program of point positioning using pseudorange and broadcast ephemeredes, precies ephemeredes. The given practical example proved the program and some useful conclusions are obtained.In order to weaken the ionosphere delay, Klonuchar correct model is used for single-frequency receivers and real-time observations data for double-frequency receivers. As to troposphere delay, the paper use Saastamoinen model and Hopfield model to correct them. In this approach, the IGS precise orbits and satellite clocks are used together for single point positioning to make the program run more simple and more practical. In addition, receiver clock were discussed in detail in this paper. In order to verify its effectiveness, using the commercial software Pinnacle for data processing,the result show that both of the trend is the same and the different value is not more than 0.2ns, can satisfy the single point positioning requirement. The different regions datas is used to verify the program and the results is well-received, and its internal precision can reach the precision of point positioning, its external precision can be at 7cm, basically reaching the poor single point positioning of the research level at home and abroad.Figure [17] table [5] Reference[58]


