

Research on Chamber Floor Heave Mechanism in Mining Area under Complex Mixing and Its Support Technique

【作者】 高延辉

【导师】 庞建勇;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着煤炭资源井下开采深度的加大,硐室所处的围岩环境更加复杂,从而出现了硐室的大变形、大地压、难支护的工程问题,硐室的破坏是其所处的复杂条件造成的。在复杂条件下,如何采取有效的措施来控制硐室破坏越来越受到业内人士的关注论文在综述国内外关于煤矿生产中,动压现象及导致煤矿中硐室及巷道破坏机理的基础上,阐述了硐室及巷道底臌的类型及影响因素,分析了底臌产生的机理,建立了硐室及巷道底臌的力学模型,并推导出塑性区范围的相关表达式,并计算出底板塑性区发展深度;论文结合谢桥矿东一B组轨道上山变电所,考虑基础上所安装设备基础荷载大、变形要求严格等因素,对变电所硐室底板岩石进行了室内实验,为分析硐室底板围岩稳定性和数值模拟提供了依据;采用大型有限元软件FLAC-3D对硐室进行数值模拟计算,确立了U型钢与钢筋网壳联合支护防治底臌方案,模拟结果表明,采用该方案硐室两帮及顶底板出现少量的塑性破坏,底板塑性区破坏较明显,顶底板出现屈服后渐趋于稳定,围岩应力分布范围明显缩小,受拉区、受压区和塑性区都显著缩小,硐室变形量明显降低,对控制底臌效果最为明显;论文对底臌治理前后的围岩收敛、松动圈,治理过程中钢筋及混凝土受力进行了现场监测。监测结果与工程实践表明,基础底板施工满足设计要求,基础受力合理并有一定的安全储备。采取钢筋网壳治理硐室底臌,能有效地改善硐室及巷道岩石的应力分布,大大地减少硐室的位移量,提高支护结构的承载能力,保证基础底板的长期整体稳定性,可有效地解决复杂条件下硐室及巷道的底臌问题。论文研究成果在谢桥矿东一B组轨道上山变电所硐室底臌治理的工程实践中得到了成功的应用,为今后类似的动压硐室底臌治理工程提供了重要参考依据,对复杂条件下硐室及巷道围岩变形的机理,治理方法的完善和发展具有较大的推动作用。

【Abstract】 With increasing the depth of underground mining of coal resources Chamber in which the rock environment were more complex, engineering problems appearing such as:deformation earth pressure, difficult supportion. Chamber damagment is the result of complex conditions. Under complicated conditions, how to take effective measures to control the chamber by the destruction of more and more the concern of the industryOn the basis of research result about the failure mechanism of the chamber and roadway and the dynamic pressure on the coal mine in domestic and international, the thesis described the influencing factors of the chamber and roadway.analysis the productive mechanism of floor heave, established the mechanical model of the chamber and roadway floor, derived the relevant expression of the plastic zone. and calculate the depth of plastic zone floor.By combining with the project upper substation of East-B track in Xieqiao Coal. Considering the factors of installation of equipment on the basis of a large base load and demanding of deformation having tried on the rock in bottom chamber of the substation indoor. Providing a basis for analysis of the stability of surrounding rock in bottom chamber and numerical simulation.Using finite element software for FLAC-3D numerical simulation chamber Established and reinforced steel shell U joint supporting floor heave prevention programs The results showed that using the program made the two side of chambers and roof and floor having a small amount of plastic damage the obvious damage can be seen to the plastic zone floor occurs after yielding roof and floor gradually stabilized significantly narrowed the scope of stress distribution tensile, compression zone and the plastic zone were significantly reduced Significantly lower chamber deformation to control the most obvious effect of floor heave. Thesis on the rock before and after the end of heave convergence, loose ring, the process of governance by the force of steel and concrete on-site monitoring results and engineering application shows foundation slab construction meet the design requirements the basis of reasonable force and a certain safety margin reinforced shell to control chamber floor heave, chamber and effectively improve the stress distribution of rock tunnel greatly reduce the amount of displacement chamber increase the carrying capacity of supporting structure to ensure the long-term overall stability of the foundation slab can effectively address the dynamic pressure chamber and tunnel under the floor heave problems.Thesis research has been successfully applied at the upper substation of East-B track in Xieqiao Coal. Dynamic pressure for similar future chamber floor heave provides an important reference works under the conditions of the dynamic pressure chamber and surrounding rock deformation mechanism and treatment methods of improvement and development of a larger role in promoting


