

Synthesis and Performance Study of Alkyl Polyglycosides-flotation Foaming Agent

【作者】 闫芳

【导师】 聂容春;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 化学工艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年随着洁净煤技术的蓬勃发展,选煤工业也得到了迅速的发展。选煤厂处理能力的迅速扩张,使得其主要的副产品-细粒煤泥增多,且采煤机械化程度的提高,原煤中煤泥含量显著增加,导致大量煤泥对选煤厂的闭路循环造成威胁。传统药剂浮选细粒难,选煤效果大多较差,出于对环境污染和石油短缺的忧虑,高效、廉价、环境友好的生物基起泡剂正受到广泛的重视,世界各国都在研制利用天然原料合成的浮选药剂代替石化产品生产的浮选药剂。表面活性剂-烷基糖苷的加入可以降低药耗量,提高精煤产率,改善精煤质量,且无毒无害,操作简便,符合当今研制浮选药剂的主要趋势。本文以葡萄糖和天然高级脂肪醇为原料,采用两步法工艺合成烷基糖苷(Alkyl Polyglucoside简称APG)。通过单因素试验确定了最佳反应工艺条件为:采用复合催化剂其与葡萄糖的比0.015:1、醇糖比(5-6):1、反应时间3.5h、反应温度(118℃),减小葡萄糖粒度且葡萄糖分批加料,二次醇交换后萃取再进行高温蒸馏。对实验合成的APG红外图谱分析可见,1500cm-1—1650cm-1和1200cm-1—1000cm-1附近有C-O-C键的骨架振动峰、C-O键和C-O-C键的伸缩振动峰,其官能团基本符合商品APG。通过GC-MS也分析得出合成APG有十二烷基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷和吡喃半乳糖苷。并检测APG的表面活性、临界胶束浓度、乳化性能、起泡和泡沫稳定性、浊点、硬水稳定性等性能,结果表明APG具有良好起泡剂的一般性质对淮北五沟、海孜、百善、刘二和任楼矿五种不同煤种的原煤分别以杂醇、合成和商品APG类浮选剂为起泡剂进行可比性试验,说明合成的APG类浮选起泡剂的煤种适应性及精煤选择性好。考察了捕收剂和起泡剂作用于百善矿浮选时的最佳用量,以烷基糖苷为起泡剂和柴油为捕收剂采用正交实验通过评价精煤的可燃体回收率,得到最佳组合为矿浆浓度80g/L、起泡剂100g/t,捕收剂1200g/t。图[10]表[36]参[72]

【Abstract】 In recent years coal preparation industry has been made a big advance with the development of clean coal technology., It lead to making its main product-fine coal increase that the capacity of washery was expanded rapidly. Then it caused a threat on the closed circuit that coal slime significantly increased in slurry preparation plant. traditional flotation agent has difficult fine flotation, mostly poor flotation effect is bad. Considering the pollution and shortage of the oil, bio-based foaming agent is at a premium. nations of the world were researching the flotation medicament synthesized with natural raw material to replac the petrochemical. Alkyl polyglycoside can reduce drug consumption, improve the yield and quality of clean coal, non-toxic harmless and easy to operate. at the same time Alkyl polyglycoside is keeping with the current development of the flotation reagent.In this thesis alkyl polyglucosides are prepared by the renewable resource glucose and the natural fatty alcohol with the indirect method. The optimized synthesis craft: the catalyst mixed with p-toluenesulfonic acid and sulfuric acid, the quality ratio of catalyst to glucose is 0.015:1, alcohol to glucose is (5~6):1, at 118℃and pH=3-6, the reaction time is 3.5h,during the reaction starch glucose addition in batchs.The structure of APGs is analyzed by means of infrared absorption spectroscopy, recording the characteristic absorption skeleton vibration peaks C-O-C (1500cm-1-1650cm-1), and the stretching vibration peaks C-O and C-O-C (1100cm-1-1000cm-1).The spectrum proves the structure of APGs. It is also analysised by GC-MS that the alkyl polyglycosides is composed with dodecyl-a-D-glucopyranoside and glucopyranoside.At the time, the surface tension, CMC, emulsion properties, foaming and stability properties, cloud point and stability in hard water are determined. It is conformed that APGs have excellent surface active.The compare test of foaming agent was taken with miscellaneous alcohol, synthetic and commodity APG to the coal sample got from the coal mine Wugou Huaibei, Haizi, Baishan,Liuer and Renlou, the result indicates that the selectivity of alkyl polyglycosides class synthetic foaming agents is better than others.In Order to improve the flotation technology of Baishan coal preparation plant. The orthogonal design is used to get the optimized floatation compositions for the slurry with APG as foaming agentand diesel as collector. Depend on the recovery of the burnable matter, the best combination ofthe optimized floatation compositions is Al* B3* C2:pulp density 80g/L, foaming agent 100g/t, collector agent 1200g/t.Figure [10] table [36] reference [72]


