Analyses of Guardianship System from Left-behind Children
【作者】 周亮;
【导师】 王太平;
【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 监护是未成年人法律保护的基础性制度,是国家、社会、学校和家庭四位一体的责任体系的综合反映。当前,由于大量农村劳动力流入城市而产生的农村留守儿童监护缺失问题一直没有得到有效解决,导致农村留守儿童在身心健康、接受教育、生存发展等方面的权益受到侵犯的事件屡有发生。父母监护的缺失和委托监护的不规范、不到位是目前影响农村留守儿童得不到保护和发展的最主要的因素。我国法律只有对未成年人的监护有所规定,并没有对留守儿童的监护问题予以规定,而且在未成年人的监护上也存在过分倚重亲属监护、对监护人资格的规定不完善、监护制度的有关规定缺乏可操作性等问题。因此,要解决我国留守儿童监护问题,应从留守儿童现状出发,遵循保护留守儿童最大利益的原则,剖析我国未成年人监护制度的缺陷,从法律层面上来探析解决留守儿童问题的方法,从未成年人的监护制度的立法体系、留守儿童家庭监护的落实、委托监护的完善、国家监护制度和监护监督体制的建立等几个方面来完善。
【Abstract】 The guardianship is a fundamental legal protection of juveniles, which reflects the liability structure of the nation, the society, the family and the school comprehensively. Recently, the problems of the absent guardianship for the left-behind children caused by the massive rural laborers’flowing into the city haven’t been resolved effectively. The problems including the infringe rights of the left-behind children’s mental, body health, education, existence, development and many other aspects, which can be found everywhere. Currently, the loss and non-standard custody from parents and entrusted guardianship are the major factors which affect the rural left-behind children’s protection and maturation. In our country, the laws only regulate the juveniles’guardianship. There is no law that rules the left-behind children’s guardianship. And as to juveniles’protection, the law over-depends on the relatives’guardianship, what’s more there is no law that stipulates clearly about the requirements of the guardians, and the system of the guardianship is not practicable. Therefore, in order to solve the problems of our country’s left-behind children, we should firstly begin with the existence of the problems. On the view of law, I have thought out some ways of how to protect the left-behind children. We should obey the rule of protecting the biggest rights of the left-behind children, and analyze the flaws of the juveniles’protection legal system. From the aspects of legislative system, family care, entrusted guardianship, state guardianship system and monitoring system, there would be established an ideal system.
【Key words】 Left-behind children; Guardianship system; Family care; Entrusted guardianship;