

Japan’s Special Education and Its Enlightenment for China

【作者】 王康

【导师】 崔成学;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 特殊教育发展的水平是衡量一个国家、民族文明化程度的重要指标,推动特殊教育的发展也是建设和谐社会、促进教育公平的必然要求。然而,在我国的教育现实中,特殊教育受到的关注常常有限。相形之下,我们的邻国日本,其特殊教育已有百年历史,战前就建立起了盲学校、聋学校及养护学校,战后又经过六十多年的发展,普及了残障儿童的义务教育,特殊教育体系不断完善,且为了残障儿童的身心健康发展,仍在进行不断的改革与创新,特殊教育的质量日益提高。本文主要采用文献法、分析法和比较法,对日本特殊教育的历史发展、现状及特点进行阐述与分析,总结日本特殊教育的经验和教训,为中国特殊教育的建设与发展提供参考和借鉴。本文的主体内容由以下三部分组成:第一部分以第二次世界大战为分界线,阐述了日本盲、聋、智能障碍、肢残和病弱儿童教育的发展历史,整体描述日本特殊教育从诞生到普及的发展历程。第二部分从日本特别支援教育的对象与安置体系,法律法规,目标、内容及方法,行政管理及其他保障措施,师资培养与培训五个方面阐述了日本特殊教育的现状。日本的特殊教育经过战后半个世纪的发展,残障儿童的特殊教育已纳入义务教育,形成了比较完善的体系。为了使特殊教育在新世纪有更大的发展,真正实现融合教育,日本又开始进行新的改革,即向特别支援教育转型。改革的全面实施开始于2007年,目的在于准确把握残障儿童的教育需求,给予他们适当的指导,为他们的自立和社会参与能力的养成提供特别教育支援。日本的特殊教育因此更名为“特别支援教育”。第三部分根据前两部分的内容总结出了日本特殊教育的五大特点——高度的普及与优质的教育,灵活、多元的安置体系,发达、完善的法律法规,严谨有序的行政管理以及规范、全面的师资培养与任用。并通过运用比较法,得出日本特殊教育对中国的四点启示——大量增设特殊教育机构、满足残疾儿童的求学需求,着力加强特殊教育师资队伍建设,改善特殊教育的办学条件、提高特殊教育的教学质量以及加大对特殊教育的经费投入。

【Abstract】 The development level of special education is a significant index to measure the degree of a nation’s civilization. Promoting the development of special education is also a necessity for building a harmonious society and furthering education equity. However, in our country’s educational practice, special education is always neglected, receiving only limited attention. Our neighbor Japan has a long history of special education of more than a hundred years, having already built schools for the blind, the deaf and other kinds of disabled children before World WarⅡ. After World WarⅡ, the compulsory education for disabled children has been popularized and the quality of special education has continued to be improved. The system of special education has been perfected unceasingly, being reformed and innovated for the disabled children’s healthy development of both physical and mental health. This paper uses historical research method, document investigation method and comparative research method to describe and analyze the historical development, current situation and characteristics of Japan’s special education, in order to sum up its experience and lessons and to provide reference for a better construction and development of China’s special education.The main part of this paper consists of three portions:The first portion describes the developing history of the education, divided by World War II, for children with visual impairments, hearing difficulties, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities and health impairments in Japan, revealing the developing progress of special education in Japan from its birth to its popularization.The second portion expatiates the current situation of special education in Japan in five aspects-the object and placement system of special support education, the related laws and regulations, educational goal, contents and methods, the administration and other guarantee measures,& the training and appointing of teachers. Japan’s special education has developed into a fairly and been brought into compulsory education system complete system after 60 years’progress since World WarⅡ. To make more progress in the new century and to realize Inclusive Education, Japan began a new reform to transform to special support education. The full implementation of the reform started from 2007, aiming to give appropriate guidance to disabled children according to their educational demands and to provide special educational support for the cultivation of their independence and social participation abilities. Hence, Japan’s special education changed its name to "special support education".The third portion summarizes the five characteristics of Japan’s special education-a high degree of popularity and quality, flexible and multiple placement system, developed laws and regulations, strict and orderly administration,& Standardized and comprehensive training and appointing of teachers. At last, this paper puts forward the enlightenment for China by using comparative research method-to build more special education institutions to meet the learning demands of disabled children, to reinforce the training of special education teachers, to improve the school conditions and the teaching quality of special education, and to increase funds invested in special education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

