

Influence of Poetics on Koryo Dynasty’s Critical Poetry Tales

【作者】 蒋肖云

【导师】 孙德彪;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 著名历史学家陈寅恪曾说“华夏民族之文化,历数千年之演进,造极于两宋之世”。登峰造极的两宋文化之中,作为古代最重要的文学样式的诗歌亦显得尤为光辉灿烂,它避开唐人诗歌创作的巅峰,求建树于“论诗”领域,促成了“议论煌煌”的论诗局面,随之,大量的论诗著作——诗论、笔记、语录、诗格、类书层出不断,形成了一股承前启后的更深更系统的有关诗歌理论的批评总结大潮。这股在宋代形成的诗歌理论总结大潮借助诗论、诗文作品集等媒介,将影响深入到了与之山水相依的朝鲜半岛的高丽朝的汉诗文学批评理论体系的建构中。其中,在宋代诗论的直接促媒下,高丽朝诞生了诗话批评的文学样式,并迅速发展成为了高丽文学批评领域最有影响力最为正规的批评样式,这对高丽朝乃至以后整个朝鲜朝时期的汉诗文学批评都产生了重要的影响。高丽时期的诗话,今只存李仁老(1152-1220)的《破闲集》、崔兹(1188-1260)的《补闲集》、李齐贤(1288—1367)的《栎翁稗说》以及从李奎报(1169-1241)的《东国李相国集》中筛选编纂的《白云小说》等四部著作。尽管数量少,但是这四部著作比较完整地反映了高丽时期的诗歌批评理论的概貌,在高丽汉诗理论史上有承前启后的重要作用。从大方面来考察的话,宋代诗论主要在诗话批评理论和批评意识方面对高丽时期的诗话批评体系的建构产生了重要的影响。具体来看,诗话理论批评方面,集中在诗本质论、诗学风尚、诗作法论、诗歌风格等方面。在诗歌本质论的问题上,高丽诗论家没有跳出宋人关于吟咏性情、主意主气等本质理论的探讨视域。诗学风尚上也跟随宋人大兴学杜甫之风,对苏轼的学习与模仿也形成了一股持久不衰的风潮。诗歌作法论方面,高丽诗论家所受影响最广泛,他们在关于用事原则、要求以及应对态度都与宋人保持一致,还接受了宋人“点铁成金”“夺胎换骨”等点化理论,此外,他们袭用宋人“新意”的概念提出了新意论和“言外之意”等相关理论主张,在探讨诗歌用字、用韵、用律问题时对宋代诗论也多有借鉴。批评意识方面,集中于“出位之思”的思维方式和批评用语两方面。“出位之思”是宋人较具特色的创意思维,其中对高丽诗论家影响最大的是“诗画一律”、“以理入诗”的“出位之思”。在批评用语意识方面,高丽诗论家在批评用语的选择上也表现出于宋人相似的意识。可见,宋代诗论对高丽中后期诗话批评理论和批评意识产生了全面而深刻的影响。

【Abstract】 The famous historian Chen YinQue had said, "the culture of Chinese nation which has thousands years of history, has developed to the top in song dynasty. Among gorgeous culture of song dynasty, as the most inportant literary style of Ancient Chinese Literary, poetry seems particularly bright. It avoided the peak of the Tang dynasty’s poetry and turned its developing way to poetics field。Then, a big poetics controversy had formed and along with it, a great achievements were created, a lot of books on poetics, for example, poetics works notes, record, poetic style, general cyclopedia and so on come out constantly, and formed a tide of poetry theory summary. This poetry theory summary tide formed in song dynasty influenced deeply the theoretical system of poetry tales of Korean which is near to Song dynastyUnder the impact of song dynasty’s poetics, the poetry tales and then transferred to Koryo Dynasty and quickly developed into the most influential, most formal criticism style of Koryo literature criticism field, and plays a important role to poetic criticism theories of Korean Dynasty. There are four works of poetry tales during Koryo Dynasty. They are PoXianji (Lee In-ro,1152-1220), Bai Yun Xiao Shuo (Lee Kyu-bo,1169-1241), Bu Xian JI (Choi Ja,1188-1260), LI Weng Bai Shuo (Lee Je-hyun) respectively. Despite the small number, but this four works had fully reflects the whole situation about poetics criticism of Korean Dynasty and played an important role to poetics criticism theories of Koryo Dynasty.Song poetics had mainly generate an important influence to the criticism of poetry tales of Koryo dynasty in criticism theories and criticism consciousness. Specific perspective, in the criticism theories focus on poetry substantialism, poetic fashion, poetry writing theory and aesthetic style, etc. The debates of Koryo Dynasty on poetry substantialism did not jump out of the vision of Song Poetics in temper theory and meaning theory. In poetic fashion, Koryo’s commenters also followed Song Poetics and promote a tide on studying DuFu and SuShi. Poetry writing theory, which affected the Koryo’s poetic commenters widely. they treated in principles, requirements and attitude about working the same as Song poetics and accepts the "Dian Tie Cheng Jin" theory and "Duo Tai Huan Gu " theory. In addition, they borrow "new meaning " this concepts and ideas put forward a new theory on new meaning and illocutionary meaning,else, they imitate Song poetics about rhyme, diction, rule of Poetry. About criticism consciousness, the impact focuses on the criticism thinking way and criticism language. The unique feature of criticism thinking way Song Poetics is " spannning thinking", and among them, "poery and drawing are one " ande " involeve reason into porey " impact Koryo’s commenters greatly. In criticism language awareness, Koryo’s commenters also represented the similar consciousnessIn a word, Song Poetics had impacted the Criticism of Poetry Tales of Koryo dynasty deeply and roundly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

