

Analysis and Optimization of Contrary Angle Clamping Unit for Injection Molding Machine

【作者】 马宇山

【导师】 金涛;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 合模装置是塑料注射成型机械(注塑机)的重要组成部份,同时也是注塑机生产与工作中主要的能源与材料的消耗对象。因此,合模装置的设计水平很大程度上决定了该产品在市场中的竞争能力。随着市场发展方向的转型,绿色节能的注塑机成为了主流,多年来,国内行业在这方面的研究工作虽然取得了一些成果,但与国际水平相比,在设计水平与方法上仍显得相对不足。同时为了落实国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要中关于“坚持节能优先,降低能耗”的发展思路,以及对引进技术的消化、吸收与再创新的相关政策。本文集中从注塑机合模装置的肘杆机构与模板两个方面分别研究并讨论了其节能优化与减少耗材降低成本的方法及相关技术的应用。第一部分主要针对“负后角型”的肘杆机构进行几何与运动分析,应用MATLAB软件对其进行了尺寸参数优化计算编程及图形用户界面设计,为行业设计人员提供了一套方便可行的肘杆机构设计程序。同时利用Pro/ENGINEER软件建立注塑机合模机构装配模型,并对其进行了三维运动分析,对比两种结构的肘杆机构在运动与力学性能上的优异。为行业设计人员在肘杆式合模机构的选型上提供了性能分析的依据。第二部分主要是对注塑机的主要原材料消耗对象:前模板、动模板与后模板进行结构优化以通过减少钢材消耗,从而降低生产成本。其中工作包括了对各模板进行结构静应力分析、拓扑优化以及疲劳与可靠性分析,并讨论了以上各种分析理论及方法。通过上述分析与优化工作,基本达到了使模板耗材减少10%左右的目标,并同时保证了模板在工作中的强度、刚度及疲劳性能,为行业设计人员在注塑机模板的结构设计中提供了可靠的方法及依据。

【Abstract】 Clamping unit, the important components of injection molding machine, is the main targets of energy and material consumption. Therefore, the design level of clamping unit largely determines the product’s competitiveness in the market. With the transformation of market direction and the green energy-saving injection molding machine into the mainstream, the domestic industry in this research has yielded some results, but still seem relatively short. Meanwhile, in order to implement the ideas "adhering to energy-saving priority, reduce energy consumption" in the national long-term scientific and technological development plan outline, as well as relevant policies of digestion, absorption and re-innovation of the imported technology. This paper focuses on elbow rod actuator and platen of clamping unit of injection molding machine and discusses the method and application of the optimization of its energy supplies and the reduction of the cost.The first part is mainly about the geometry and motion analysis of the contrary angle type of elbow rod actuator, using MATLAB to calculate and program size optimization and design graphical user interface, providing a convenient and practical design program of elbow rod actuator for industry designers. This part also uses Pro/ENGINEER to build the assembly model of clamping unit of injection molding machines, and motion analysis was carried out, to compare with the motion and mechanical characteristic of two types of structures, which provides a basis for performance analysis of selection on elbow rod closing actuator for industry designers.The second part is mainly about the structure optimization for the major steel consuming objects in injection molding machine:the front platen, dynamic platen and back platen, to reduce production costs by reducing the consumption of steel, including the static stress analysis, topology optimization, and fatigue and reliability analysis for the platens, and discusses the theory and method above. Through the above analysis and optimization, platen steel consumption reduces nearly 10%, while ensuring the strength, stiffness and fatigue performance of working platens, which provides a reliable basis of structural design of platens in injection molding machine for industry designers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

