

Ancient Chinese Realism Poetry Theory Dingruoyong Influence

【作者】 李英子

【导师】 孙德彪;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国可以说是一个诗的国度,诗歌为中国古代文学史创下了不朽的一页。现实主义诗歌和浪漫主义诗歌可谓是齐头并进,成为诗歌这条大河中分开而奔流不息的两大支流,并自成系统,而作为中国文人本有的忧患意识,现实主义诗歌备受诗人们推崇,并不断地将现实生活浓缩在诗歌中,将对现世的情感囊括于诗歌中。现实主义诗歌成为中国古代诗歌史的一类奇葩。这种秉承现实主义精神的理论也逐步得到发展,并一度达到鼎盛时期。随着中国与邻邦朝鲜的交往,无论是政治,还是经济、文学、医学等等都影响到朝鲜,现实主义诗歌理论也倍受朝鲜文人喜爱,因为有类似的大环境和内心的忧患意识,现实主义诗歌成为朝鲜汉文学的重要组成部分。特别是18世纪末期、19世纪初期朝鲜在思想文化界形成了一种实学的思潮,也促使中国古代现实主义诗歌理论在朝鲜这片国度上得到了接受和发展。随着诗歌大量流入朝鲜,现实主义诗歌被朝鲜有识之士大为效仿,现实主义诗歌理论也随之成为朝鲜文坛备受喜爱的诗歌理论。丁若镛作为朝鲜18世纪末至19世纪初朝鲜实学的集大成者,对现实主义诗歌理论的接受尤为突出,并且深受其影响。而这种接受和影响,首先是因为丁若镛所处朝鲜社会正值壬辰、丙子两乱之后,政治、社会、经济百业俱废,百废待兴的局面,而就在这种社会背景下又形成了不同阶级之间的强烈反差,对从小接受儒学思想的丁若镛来说极为震撼;其次是实学思想在此大环境下盛行,这也促使了丁若镛对现实主义诗歌理论更好的接受。丁若镛接受自《诗经》而始的“风雅精神”的影响,促成他大量的写实诗篇;杜甫的民本思想正符合他爱国、爱民的本性,他作为实学大家,民本思想最能触痛他的神经,也是他关注民生、体恤百姓的主旋律;清初实学思想与丁若镛的实学思想有异曲同工之妙,他深受清初实学思想的影响,主张实事求是,主张经世致用。丁若镛深受中国古代现实主义诗歌理论的影响,创作了大量具有现实主义思想的诗歌,并且可以细划分为三类:第一类是具有讽喻批判类的诗歌,第二类是具有民本思想的诗歌,第三类是具有经世致用思想的诗歌。这三类诗歌是他现实主义诗歌的主要代表,这三者之间相互联系又相互贯通,成为他尊重现实、注重民生、经世致用的代表,而他也因为实学思想成为朝鲜实学界的典范。本文从中国古代现实主义诗歌理论对丁若镛的影响切入,看丁若镛对现实主义诗歌理论的接受和在诗歌上的应用。

【Abstract】 China can be said that it’s a country of poem. Poetry wrote its immortal page for the Chinese ancient literary history. Realistic and romantic poetries may well be termed advancing side by side, and both of them formed their own systems. However, due to Chinese scholars with worried awareness, Realistic poetry was praised highly among Chinese poets, who took the real life and feelings into the poetry. Realistic poetry became a particular art in the Chinese ancient poetry history. The theory to taking realistic spirit was also gotten development step by step and achieved a period of full bloom for some time.With the contacts of China and its neighbouring country, Korea, no matter politics,or economic, literature, medical science, etc, all had the influence on Korea. The theory of Chinese realistic poetry was also enjoyed great popularity by Korean scholars. Realistic poetry became the important part in Korean Chinese literature because of similar social environment and inner worried awareness. Specially at the end of eighteenth century and at the begainning of nineteenth century, in the field of thought and literature of Korea, a trends of thought of real literature was formed, which also promoted that Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory had gotten the acception and development by Korean people. With a large number of Chinese poetyies being taken into Korea, Realistic poetry was followed widly by Korean scholars. Then, realistic poetry theory became a very popular poetry theory in the Korean literary world. Ding Ruoyong, as an overall outstanding scholar of Korean real literature at the end of eighteenth century and at the begainning of nineteenth century, not only accepted-realistic poetry theory, but also was affected deeply by this theory.There are two main reasons for acception and affection. Firstly, it was because at that period, Korea just suffered Renchen and Bingzi chaos. All neglected tasks were being undertaken in policity, society and economic. Under the society, striking contrast was formed among different classes, which shocked Ding Ruoyong extremely who had been educated by Confucianism since young; Secondly,real literature thought was very popular in the whole social environment, which also made him accepted the theority easier.From the literary pursuits of The Book of Songs to Dufu’s thought of loving their people, Ding Ruoyong accepted them and finished his own large number poetries with wrting real. As a outstanding real literature sholar, he paid more attention to the thought of loving the people. The real literary thought of the early Qing dynasty was the same with Ding Ruoyong’s. Ding was deeply affected and also favoured being realistic and practical statecraft.Ding Ruoyong was affected deeply by Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory and created a lot of realistic poetries. And they can be classified into three kinds. The first one is the allegorical and critical poetry. The second one is the poetry of people thought. The third one is the poetry of practical statecraft thought, These three kinds of poetries are his main works for his realistic poetries.There is a thorough knowledge and contact among them, which also makes him be a typical character with respecting reality, paying attention to people’s life and practical statecraft.And because of his reality learning ideology, he becomes an example in the field of real literature in Korea.The paper goes deep into the influence to Ding Ruoyong from the Chinese ancient realistic poetry theory to show him how to accept and use this theory in his poetries.

【关键词】 中国古代现实主义诗歌理论丁若镛影响
【Key words】 Chinese ancientRealismpoetry theoryDing Ruoyonginfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】I312
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】139

