

【作者】 陈倩倩

【导师】 何俊志;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , MPA, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在城市化进程步伐不断加快的背景下,城市的流动人口数量不断上升,年龄结构日趋年轻化,新生代农民工逐渐成为流动人口的主流群体。他们的生存状况、社会支持及社会融入正为社会各界所广泛关注。本文聚焦于当前社会政策制度背景下,新生代农民工的生存现状和社会支持状况如何?本文采用以定量研究为主的方法,以调查问卷与无结构访谈的方式,了解新生代农民工生存现状的概况,进而深入探寻社会支持与新生代农民工生存现状之间的关系。通过抽样调查,发现新生代农民工的社会支持度与其生存现状之间呈相关关系,他们所获得的社会支持度对新生代农民工群体各方面有着一定程度的影响,其中主要体现在对新生代农民工幸福感、生活满意度等方面的影响。同时,通过访谈发现,新生代农民工渴望融入城市,有着明显的独立发展意向。现阶段,新生代农民工的生存现状不容乐观,社会支持度尚处于较低水平。通过政策制定、完善农民工相关社会保障制度、倡导和发展社会工作服务以及培育非营利性组织来改善新生代农民工的生存现状,同时也可以缓解社会管理压力,这对于构建和谐社会具有非常深刻的现实意义。

【Abstract】 In the process of urbanization in the context of accelerating the pace of the city’s current population rising, the age structure is becoming younger, new generation of floating population of migrant workers has become the mainstream groups. Their living conditions, social support and social integration is the widespread concern for the community. This article focuses on the context of the current system of social policy, the new generation of migrant workers living status and social support status? In this paper, the quantitative research-based approach to the questionnaire and unstructured interviews, the new generation of migrant workers to understand overview of the status quo to survive, and then explore in depth the new generation of social support and survival status of migrant workers between.Through sample survey and found that the new generation of migrant workers and their social support showed a correlation between survival status, their access to social support groups on various aspects of the new generation of migrant workers has to a certain extent, which is mainly reflected in the new generation of migrant workers being, life satisfaction impact. At the same time, through the interviews, the new generation of migrant workers eager to integrate into the city, there is a clear intention of independent development.At this stage, the survival of the new generation of migrant workers is not optimistic, social support is still at a lower level. Through policy formulation, improve the social security system related to migrant workers, promote and foster the development of social work services and the new generation of non-profit organization to improve the survival status of migrant workers, but also social management can ease the pressure, building a harmonious society for a very deep practical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D412.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1217

