

Study on Performance Assessment of Educational Newspaper Employee and Improved Strategy

【作者】 陈煜

【导师】 彭国甫;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中指出“加快推进事业单位分类改革”和“推进国有企业和事业单位人事制度改革”,这是党的全国代表大会第一次就事业单位分类改革和人事制度改革提出要求,说明这项工作已经摆上党和国家改革发展事业的重要议程。伴随着事业单位改革的不断发展,报业集团化已经走过了十几个春秋,报刊的改革也在不断深化和发展。在新一轮的报刊市场竞争中,人才已经成为报刊成败的决定因素。而教育类报刊作为一个从事生产经营活动的事业单位,在面对越来越激烈的市场竞争中,必须走企业化的事业单位改革之路,其中最为关键的便是人事制度的改革。因此,转变思想观念,打破过去计划经济的不合时宜的思想观念,引进企业先进技术,对教育类报刊从业人员进行绩效考核,就变得尤为重要。本文首先通过论述教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核的现实意义,分析教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核的现状和存在的问题,并对问题的原因进行分析。其次,遵循教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核指标体系构建的基本原则,根据教育类报刊内部的实际情况,构建教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核指标体系。内容包括教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核指标体系构建的基本原则,影响教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核指标体系构建的主要因子,基于平衡计分卡和“德—能—勤—绩—廉”五维绩效考核框架构建教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核指标体系。再次,选择模糊综合考核方法,对湖南日报业报集团科教新报社进行选择性实证研究。内容包括教育类报刊从业人员绩效考核方法的选择,模糊综合考核模型构建的基本原理,基于模糊综合考核法的教育类报刊从业人员绩效实证分析。最后,根据前面的研究分析,提出相应的完善对策。内容包括以绩效考核为抓手提升绩效水平、以人才培养为基础提升绩效水平、以分类管理为手段提升绩效水平、以加强员工沟通为关键提升绩效水平。本文的创新之处在于引入了企业管理理论和政府管理理论;构建了适应教育类报刊从业人员新的绩效考核指标体系;建立起适应教育类报刊从业人员的模糊综合绩效考核模型;并对湖南日报业集团科教新报社三大岗位选取一定的从业人员进行绩效考核实证分析。

【Abstract】 General Secretary Mr.Hu Jintao points out in the report of The 17th CPC National Congress that "further reform the classification of the government agencies and institutions" and "further reform the personnel system of state-owned company and government agencies and institutions". It is the first time in national congress of Communist Party of China to discuss the classification reform and the personnel system reform of the government agencies and institutions, which means the important task is under way in the cause of the reform of CPC and the nation. With the development of reform of government agencies and institutions, it has been a dozen years since the conglomeration of newspaper group and the reform of the newspaper in is also deepening and progressing. In the new round of competition of newspaper market, talent has become the decisive factor. Educational newspaper, as government agency undertaking business operation, faced with the increasingly fierce market competition, must be transformed into enterprise. In doing so, the essential part is the reform of personnel system. As a result, it becomes typically important to change concepts, discard the out-of-date opinions formed with plan economy, and introduce the advanced technology of enterprises to assess performance of the employee in educational newspaper.Firstly, the paper discusses the practical significance of the employee performance assessment in educational newspaper, studies the status quo and the problems of the employee performance assessment in educational newspaper and analyses the causes of the problems. Secondly, performance assessment index system shall be constructed according to the principles of performance assessment index system of educational newspaper employee and the practice of the educational newspaper. The assessment includes the principles of performance assessment index system of educational newspaper employee, the main factors influencing performance assessment construction, and the construction of performance assessment index system based on the balanced score cards and "merit-ability-attendance-achievement" four dimension assessment framework. Thirdly, an empirical study is undertaken in Science and Education Newspaper Press of Hunan Daily Press Group with the vague comprehensive assessment, which includes the choice of the approaches to performance assessment of the educational newspaper employee, the principle of the construction of the vague comprehensive assessment model, and the empirical study and the analysis of the vague comprehensive assessment applied to performance assessment of the educational newspaper employee. Lastly, according to the previous study and analysis, an improved strategy is put forward to promote performance with performance assessment as handle, talent training as base, circulation increase as target and communication enhancement of employee as key.The innovative point of the paper is to introduce the management theory of the enterprises and the government administration, advance new performance assessment index system for the educational newspaper employee, construct the vague comprehensive performance assessment model fit for the educational newspaper employee, and study empirically the performance assessment to certain employees in three posts of the Science and Education Newspaper Press of Hunan Daily Press Group.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期

