

The Study on Brand Strategy of Vatti

【作者】 倪玲

【导师】 刘婷;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十多年后,中国的厨卫行业已经有了很多自主品牌。虽然这些品牌还比较弱,但是正在不断地发展壮大。在这个发展的过程中,华帝、方太这些本来名不见经传的企业,现在己经扛起了民族品牌的大旗,让西门子、伊莱克斯这样的巨人都无法小看。随着全球化浪潮的来临,中国厨卫企业不仅要面对国内如林的竞争对手,而且还要迎接海外巨头的挑战。在日趋理性的消费者面前,许多明智的厨卫企业已经充分意识到品牌战略是企业占领市场、提高市场占有率的重要手段,同时也是企业做大做强的重要保证。本文以华帝为案例,全面、系统地研究了其品牌战略管理。本文共分为六个部分:第一章为导论,说明选题的背景和意义,介绍国内外研究的现状,阐述本课题总体研究的思路。第二章论述品牌及品牌战略等理论。第三章介绍了华帝公司品牌的环境因素分析,包括外部环境分析、内部条件分析以及自身的SWOT分析。第四章说明华帝公司的品牌战略选择,并首要说明了华帝的战略定位与目标、个性。第五章分析华帝实施品牌战略的过程,分析了实施品牌战略带来的主要的效益。最后总结了华帝公司的品牌战略给其他中国企业的启示,在这种金融危机形势下,如何保持品牌长久和旺盛的生命力,值得深思。

【Abstract】 More than thirty years after Revolutionary and Opening of China, the industry of kitchen and bathroom in China has many self-leading brands. Maybe the strength of these brands is still weak, but they are growing up. In the process of growing up, Vatti and Fotile have hold up the flag of national car. Even many giants like Siemens and Electrolux cannot look down on it.With the sweeping of globalization, the kitchen and bathroom home-appliance business will face challenges from overseas giants as well as fierce competition in domestic market. In the face of increasingly rational consumers, some sensible kitchen and bath household electrical appliance enterprises have been fully aware that brand strategy is an important way to occupy the market and increase the market share; it is also the important assurance to make the companies to be bigger and stronger. This article is based on Vatti and provides us a comprehensive and systematic analysis on the strategic management of it.The article has six parts.The first part mainly elaborates the selected topic significance, domestic and foreign brands strategic research present situation. The second part is about the elaboration the theory of brand and brand strategy. The third part introduces some environmental factors of Vatti’s brand, which include external environment, internal conditions and carried out the SWOT analysis. The fourth part explains the brand strategy of Vatti, include goal, positioning and features. The fifth part proposes the brand strategy of Vatti which it has run and the possible brand strategy of Vatti’s under new condition. From the last part, we can get some beneficial enlightenment from Vatti’s brand strategy management. How can we make brand retain holding and hearty vitality in the new situations has been a question for discussion that we should consider seriously.

【关键词】 华帝环境因素分析品牌战略
【Key words】 VattiEnvironmental FactorsBrand Strategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】F273.2
  • 【下载频次】342

