

A Study on the Effective Regulating of Negative Information Disseminating in Local Government’s Emergency Management

【作者】 陈艳

【导师】 何振;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年来各类社会公共突发事件不断增多及大众媒体产业的不断发展,大众对政府应急管理及负面信息调控提出了新的挑战,也对应急信息管理、负面信息调控的理论研究提出了新的要求。从南方雪灾、汶川地震、近期山西王家岭煤矿透水事故、玉树地震等突发公共应急事件中我们可以看出,随着我国社会文化、经济结构、政治体制、改革开放程度的不断发展,应急管理信息传播及管理呈现出新的特点和规律,地方政府在应急信息传播管理中也暴露出一些新的问题,而政府应急信息传播是政府应急管理的重要内容,因此,研究地方政府应急管理信息传播中的负面信息调控问题,对于完善我国地方政府的应急管理信息传播机制,提高我国政府的应急管理能力有重要的理论和实际意义。本文将以理论分析为主,案例分析为辅。主要采用规范分析方法、定性分析法、比较分析法以及实证分析法,结合课题组的社会调研成果,针对地方政府应急管理信息传播中的负面信息调控问题进行浅析,主要从四部分进行该课题研究:第一部分为绪论,主要就选题背景、国内外研究现状、研究思路与方法、研究内容进行综述,为该课题的研究奠定基础;第二部分为地方政府应急管理信息传播的实践意义及其价值取向研究,从地方政府应急管理信息传播与应急管理的逻辑契合入手,分析地方政府应急管理信息传播的现实意义和价值取向;第三部分通过描述我国地方政府目前的应急管理信息传播现状,提出负面信息失控的主要影响,并且通过案例分析总结负面信息失控的主要原因;第四部分是本文研究的重点,主要从加强法律约束、健全调控组织、规范调控程序、优化调控方法和深化调控机制五个方面,结合国外案例进行分析,提出我国地方政府负面信息传播有效调控的对策建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the growing of various types of public emergencies and the continuous development of the mass media industry, government emergency management and public regulation of negative information are facing new challenges, and also put forward new demands for emergency information management and regulation of negative information theory. From a series of unexpected public events, such as the snow disaster, Wenchuan earthquake, the recent flooding accident flooded coal mine in Shanxi and Yushu earthquakes, we can see that with the development of China’s social culture, economic structure, political system, and the reform and opening, emergency information dissemination and management presents new features, and reveals some new problems of the local government in the dissemination of emergency information management. Government emergency information dissemination is an important component of the Government emergency management, therefore, the study of negative information control is of great importance to improve emergency information dissemination mechanisms and the ability of our government’s emergency management.Theoretical analysis is combined with case analysis in this paper, and canonical analysis, qualitative analysis, comparative analysis and empirical analysis are used. With the first half of social research, this paper wants to discuss the regulation of conduct of negative information for local government in dissemination of emergency information. The study includes four parts: The first part is introduction, describing the background, research status, research ideas and methods; The second is the research on practical significance and orientation of the dissemination of emergency information in local government and emergency management , beginning from the logic of Emergency information dissemination and local government emergency management; The third part describes the current status of emergency information dissemination, summarizes the main impact and the main reasons of negative information out of control; The fourth part is the focus, from five aspects-- strengthening of legal constraints, improving the control system, standardizing control procedures, optimizing control method, deepening the regulatory mechanism, combined with the analysis of foreign cases, this paper give same control suggestions in the end.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

