

On the Justification of the Commutation Procedure in China

【作者】 刘专

【导师】 胡之芳;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 减刑程序是指刑罚执行机关根据减刑的条件提请减刑和人民法院受理减刑案件进行审理的程序。长期以来,我国司法实践中的减刑程序一直呈现出一种行政化运行的状态,与正当程序的标准相去甚远,违反了程序参与原则、程序中立原则、程序理性原则、程序对等原则、程序及时和终结原则等正当程序原则。为了克服现行减刑程序的弊端,我国实务界和理论界都做出了一些有益的探索,提出了“公示听证”模式和诉讼化模式两种改革方案。“公示听证”模式是指法院对于刑罚执行机关所报送的申请减刑案件,先期公布拟减刑人的名单及减刑理由、减刑幅度等并设置异议期,根据异议情况通过听证裁定是否减刑。诉讼化模式是指对现有的减刑程序按照诉讼程序的要求进行正当化改造,通过提升利害关系人的程序参与权打破现行减刑程序的封闭性,改变公权力决定一切的不合理局面;同时改革减刑裁判的产生方式,以“两造对立、裁判居中”的诉讼格局取代现行的法院单方书面审理的方式。相比“公示听证”模式而言,诉讼化模式更符合正当程序的要求,因此,我国应当在正当程序的指导下构建起诉讼化的减刑程序。具体而言,诉讼化的减刑程序包括减刑提请程序、减刑裁判程序和减刑救济程序,通过具体的制度设计,着力解决减刑程序利害关系人的参与及程序公开两个主要问题,在正当程序原则的指导下构建起我国正当化的减刑程序。

【Abstract】 The commutation procedure refers to the programs of the enforcement organs of punishment resorting to a commutation and the court accepting and judging the commutation case. In our country, for a long time, the commutation procedure has been taken on an administrative operation status, which is far removed from the due process,and goes against the procedure participation principle, the procedure neutrality principle, the procedure rational principle, the procedure coordinated principle, the procedure to be prompt and end principle. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the current commutation procedure, our the theory circle and the practice circle have made some beneficial exploration, to raise two reform proposals which are“Public announcement and Hearing”mode and lawsuit mode.“Public announcement and Hearing”mode is that when the court hearing the commutation case, firstly announces the name list of those applicants, the reasons and the range of commuting , after the period to present dissent, the court judge according to dissenting opinions by a hearing. Lawsuit mode is that transforming the current commutation procedure according to the requirement of lawsuit procedure, to break the obturation of commutation procedure by enhancing stakeholders’right of participation, thereby to change the unreasonable situation that the public authority determines everything. At the same time, transforming the way of judgement of commutation, replacing the existing pattern of unilateral way of written hearing with“two parties opposing, judging centers”. Compared with the“Public announcement and Hearing”mode, lawsuit mode more meets the requirements of due process, so our country should build up the lawsuit commutation procedure under the guidance of due process. Specifically, that includes the process of instituting, the process of hearing and the process of redressing. Through these designs on system, to solve two primary problems which are the participation of the stakeholders in commutation procedure and proceedings in public, ultimately to build up the lawsuit commutation procedure under the guidance of due process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

