

The Path Selection for Elementary Stages of Massification Higher Education in China

【作者】 周旭枚

【导师】 廖湘阳;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在关于高等教育发展进程的研究中,西方学者马丁?特罗教授的高等教育发展阶段理论在西方乃至世界影响深远。各国学者在探讨高等教育大众化问题时,在借鉴该理论的基础上,结合本国的高等教育大众化实际,丰富和发展了高等教育发展理论。本文通过定性和定量研究,认为高等教育大众化存在初级阶段以及中国正处于高等教育大众化初级阶段。在借鉴国外经验,立足国情的基础上,探讨中国高等教育大众化初级阶段的具体发展路径,这具有较大的理论价值和现实意义。首先,通过对美国学者马丁?特罗教授的高等教育发展阶段理论的反思,并且根据事物发展过程所具有的不均衡性和阶段性的特点,从理论上进行分析,得出高等教育大众化初级阶段是存在的。同时,通过美、德、法、意、日、韩六国高等教育大众化时期的高等教育毛入学率变化轨迹的定量分析,得出高等教育大众化进程本身有明显的阶段特征,即就是各国快速进入高等教育大众化阶段后普遍存在一个高等教育毛入学率增长幅度明显减缓的时期,此时期就是高等教育大众化初级阶段。在此基础上,科学分析美、德、法、意、日、韩六国在高等教育大众化初级阶段的发展背景与改革措施,并总结其经验。其次,根据美、德、法、意、日、韩六国高等教育大众化初级阶段的特征,结合当前中国高等教育的总体发展概况,以及中国高等教育毛入学率的变化情况,得出中国也显现出高等教育大众化初级阶段的特征,即中国正处于高等教育大众化初级阶段。随后,论述中国作为高等教育“后发型”的发展中国家,在借鉴他国经验的基础上,避免路径依赖,探索高等教育大众化初级阶段的实现路径。因此,在构建中国高等教育大众化初级阶段发展路径的过程中,应先明确中国高等教育大众化初级阶段发展的基本原则,然后选择科学可行的发展策略:完善教育与经济协调发展的机制,推动高等教育地方化、推进高等教育由机会公平走向质量公平。目前,学术界关于高等教育大众化初级阶段以及中国应对策略的研究仍处于起步阶段。本文在矛盾论等唯物主义辩证法的指导下,广泛搜集有关资料,运用实证研究方法、比较研究方法、定性分析与定量分析的结合等研究方法,把理论与实际结合,确保研究的科学性和创新性。在丰富高等教育发展阶段论及中国高等教育大众化理论内涵的基础上,探讨中国高等教育大众化初级阶段的应对策略,为中国探索适合国情的持续健康发展的高等教育大众化道路提供建议和参考。

【Abstract】 On the study of development stages of higher education, it has had important fluence in the world that Martin Trow professor have proposed and modified the theory of massification higher education. Based on the Martin Trow′s theory,scholars of other country have study the massification of higher education with the own practice and improved it.Firstly, we can conclude that the exist of elementary stages of massification higher education.It resulted from the reflection of Martin Trow′s theory, the development′s characteristics of unbalanc and different stages.while,through the change analysis of the higher education gross entrance rate in the six country (American, Germany, France, italy, japan and korea),it has displayed obvious characteristics of different stages.After the six country quickly entried the massification higher education,it was the exit of development stages that the higher education gross entrance rate has obviously reduced.Secondly, at present,we can conclude that china have been in the elementary stages of massification higher education According to the following reasons: the characteristics of elementary stages of massification higher education in six country,the general overview of the current fact in china higher education, the change of the higher education gross entrance rate in china. Based on it,we can find the special questions of the elementary stages of massification higher education in china .Then, as a developing country in higher education,china will explore the path selection of elementary stages of massification higher education and try to avoid the effect of education dependency theory and path dependence by other country. Therefore,in the development of elementary stages of massification higher education ,we should form the basic direction of idea and principles and select scientific feasible development Strategy: on the harmonious developed style of higher education and social economy ,on the localization of higher Education ,on the equity from the equity of access to the equity of quality.The present, there is at an early stage of the systematic study of the exist of elementary stages of massification higher education and the Chinese selection of it.On the direction of materialist dialectics, through gathering widely relevant information and data, the systematic study of the article try to use the various research methods (empirical research, comparative research, the connectiong of qualitative analysis and quantitative, etc), and ensure the science and innovation of study. Based on the theory of development stages of higher and the meaning of development stages of massification higher in china, we can explore the path selection of elementary stages of massification higher education and provide the reference and advice for the development of massification higher education with chinese characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

