

Study of Face Verbal Behavior in Zhao Benshan’s Short Sketches

【作者】 邓沁

【导师】 李军华;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 从1990年到2010年,赵本山的小品一直活跃在春晚舞台,先后十四次获得“最受观众喜爱春晚节目”戏剧曲艺类一等奖,蝉联“小品王”,赵本山担任主要角色的喜剧小品也被称为“赵氏小品”。在中国人的言语交际中,面子言语行为也无处不在,在某种程度上,面子言语行为的实施也贯穿于赵本山小品中,在不断地维护与贬损面子的过程中,面子言语行为成为赵本山小品幽默产生的重要手段之一。本文首次提出了“面子言语行为”的概念,并且以赵本山小品为语料从不同的角度诠释了这个概念的涵义。面子言语行为指的是在动态的人际关系网络中,人们利用社会性资源来展现自己的价值从而寻求他人的认同以实现或者维护内心的自我价值感的言语行为,或者在实施言语行为的过程中伤害了自身或他人的利益或尊严的行为。简言之,“面子言语行为”即与面子有关的言语行为。首先,人际关系的沟通必须利用语言,不论是有声语言还是无声的准语言,因此第一章从语言视角下论述赵本山小品中的面子言语行为,语言部分涉及语音、语汇、修辞三个方面,准语言部分涉及面部表情、手势动作、空间距离三个方面,具体论述从不同的角度进行。其次,人际关系、社会资源与面子三者之间的关系是类似于“生产-消费-再生产”的循环过程。面子言语行为只有在动态的人际关系中才能产生,在面子言语行为实现的过程中,离不开相关的社会性资源的利用,在人际关系中通过使用面子策略能创造更多的社会资源。第二章论述了人际要素即可交换的社会资源(权力、金钱、才能)和心理满足型社会资源(相貌、辈分、名声)与面子言语行为的关系,以及各种人际要素是在人际关系(血缘关系、地缘关系、业缘关系)中的运作。前两章从不同的角度和层面论述之后,第三章以典型小品《不差钱》为语料,从整体上看在动态的人际关系网络中人们利用了什么社会性资源又采用什么面子策略来实现面子言语行为的运作。本文通过对语料的综合分析,运用语音学、词汇学、修辞学、语用学、文化语言学、心理语言学等知识对赵本山小品中的面子言语行为进行分析研究,用举例、对比、分类、综合等方法多角度多层次地对“面子言语行为”的诠释,总结出面子言语行为的主要策略,一方面从整体上立体地显示出中国人行为方式的精神实质和心理轨迹,把对中国人自身的认识提高到了新的高度,另一方面让我们从一个新的视角来解读赵本山的小品,体味其深层的文化内涵。

【Abstract】 From 1990 to 2010, Zhao Benshan’s short sketches have been flourishing in the Special Spring Festival Programs on CCTV. It won the first prize as“the most popular Spring Festival program”during dramatic and quyi works for fourteen times. Zhao Benshan is also consecutively considered as“the king of short sketch”. Furthermore, comic short sketches in which Zhao Benshan plays a leading role is called“Zhaoshi Sketch”. In speech communication of Chinese,Face-relating Verbal Behavior is everywhere. To a certain extent, the implementation of Face-relating Verbal Behavior run through Zhao’s sketches and Face-relating Verbal Behavior become one of important humorous strategies in the process of constant maintenance and disparagement.This article first introduces the concept“Face-relating Verbal Behavior”, and interprets the meaning of this concept with material of Zhao Benshan’s short sketches from various angles. Face-relating Verbal Behavior is speech behaviors in which people make use of social resources to show its own values in order to seek others’agreement and maintain their inner self worth in the dynamic relationships on the internet, or in the process of implementing. Face-relating Verbal Behavior is related to face, i.e., hurting itself or others’ interests or dignity. In short, Face-relating Verbal Behavior is related to face. Firstly, languages, either sound or silent language, must be used in interpersonal communication. Therefore, in the first chapter, Face-relating Verbal Behavior in Zhao Benshan’pieces is discussed from the perspective of language. Language section includes voice, vocabulary, and rhetoric. Quasi-language section includes facial expressions, gestures and spatial distance. We’ll discuss it specifically from various perspectives. Secondly, the relationship between interpersonal relationships, community resources and face are similar to the cycle of "Production Consumption reproduction".Face-relating Verbal Behavior only happens in the dynamic relationships. In this process, it is inseparable to use interpersonal relationships. By using this strategy, we can create more social resources. The second chapter elaborates the relationship between interpersonal factors and Face-relating Verbal Behavior. Interpersonal factors include exchangeable social resources (like power, money, ability and so on) and psychological resources (like appearance, seniority, reputation and so on). This chapter also deals with how to use a variety of interpersonal factors in interpersonal relationships (such as kinship, geographical relationship ,vocational relationship).The first two chapters discuss Face-relating Verbal Behavior from different angles and levels .The third chapter analyzes the approaches of using social resources and the strategy to implement Face-relating Verbal Behavior in the dynamic relationships as a whole with materials from the typical sketch“Got Money Anyway”.This paper analyzes Zhao Benshan’s Face-relating Verbal Behavior comprehensively by means of phonetics, vocabulary, rhetoric, pragmatics, linguistics, psychology linguistics knowledge. It also interprets“Face-relating Verbal Behavior”from different angles and levels, for example, classification, contrast and more comprehensive method, and then summary the main strategies of Face-relating Verbal Behavior. On the one hand, it shows the essential spirit and psychological track of Chinese’s pattern behavior as a whole, and takes their self-perception to a new level. On the other hand, we analyze Zhao Benshan’s short sketch in a new perspective and probe into the underlying cultural connotations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

