

A Study on Harbin Daowai City Republic of China (1898-1932)

【作者】 许丽乃

【导师】 李淑娟;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中东铁路的修筑、哈尔滨国际性商埠的开辟以及沙俄不断的蓄意侵占,使道外成为哈尔滨城市空间中殖民主义和民族主义角力的舞台,并在此机缘下,道外城区与中东铁路附属地同步展开了一场现代化运动。伴随着道外商埠区的开辟与扩展、人口的汇集、市政建设的推展,道外一隅已然蜕变为名誉北满的商业集散地,并逐渐发展为当时哈埠最为繁华奢靡之地。然而,有限的政府财力、薄弱的市政力量以及相对落后的管理方式,造成道外城区建设与附属地仍存在巨大差异。在哈尔滨城市特殊华洋格局中成长起来的道外,其发展历程不仅展现了附属地对华界的推动、示范作用,也揭示其对华界发展的阻碍,亦体现了华界内各社会阶层积极调动各种资源以应对变局的主动精神。新兴地方绅商阶层的活跃身影在维护社会安定、推动经济发展和改良社会风气中均起到一定作用。地方精英知识分子所致力于通过报刊进行实业宣传亦对地方经商热潮的涌现起到推动与引导作用。地方建筑集中西艺术精粹于一身,形成了今天道外城区所引以为傲的中华巴洛克建筑群,成为了解哈尔滨城市特色、区域文化的重要窗口。五方杂陈、华洋共处的社会生活环境,经商理念的日渐强化,西式文化娱乐的不断注入,使传统伦理道德处于极度失范状态,以致生活于传统儒家文化控制边缘的道外城区居民逐渐形成趋利、享乐等心理。西学东渐为地方文化事业的进步,为自由、平等、权利等近代意识观念的萌生提供了滋生的土壤。近代道外城区虽不是哈尔滨最光鲜辉煌的城区,然而却是内涵最丰富的。

【Abstract】 Attributing to the construction of China Eastern Railway, Harbin ernational commerdal port opened up and the territory occasioned constantly by Russia, Daowai deliberately became colonial and nationalism of wrestling and under this historical chance, promoted a modernization movement together with the Russia settlement. With the opening of the trading port, the population collection and the municipal construction, Daowai has not only turned into a fame commercial distributing centre in North Manchukuo and also has become the most prosperous extravagant land. However, in comparison to affiliation, limited government money, weak municipal power, relatively backward management mode, cause Daowai still have a great differences.Growing with the special pattern in Harbin city its development ways not only show us the role in promoting and the effect of obstacles, also reveal the active spirit of coping with the upheavals through actively mobilized the available resources.The active figure of the new and developing local gentlemen and businessmen, has played a very role in pushing forward economic development and improvement in both social ethos. Local elite intellectual has committed to propaganda industry through the newspapers. Local buildings have become an important window for us to recognize Harbin city.All kinds of people and foreigners living together, strengthening the concept of business and constantly entering the western cultural entertainment lead to the traditional ethics turn into an extreme disorder station. Consequently, when it comes to those people who living around the edges of the traditional Confucian culture control, gradually formed enjoyment psychology.The development of local cultural undertakings has provided breed soil for freedom, equality and rights. So, as to Daowai, is though not the most glamorous brilliant city of Harbin, however is the most abundant connotation.

  • 【分类号】K25;K293.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】219
  • 攻读期成果

