

The Study of Characterization in Jian Deng San Hua

【作者】 朱莉丽

【导师】 张锦池; 关四平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “剪灯三话”自明初出现直至明末,贯穿了整个明王朝近300年。本文以“剪灯三话”中的人物形象为研究对象,从多种角度对人物形象进行分析。文章引言部分重点强调了“剪灯”系类小说的名称“剪灯”二字的意义,并对研究现状进行概述,指明了本篇论文的创新之处。正文则包括四个部分:第一部分:“剪灯三话”人物形象分类研究。先将人物总分为男性形象和女性形象两大类。在男性形象中,笔者又依据身份地位的不同,将他们分为官宦子弟形象、读书人形象、平民形象、富商形象。女性形象则分为神女形象、鬼女形象、民女形象三类。第二部分:“剪灯三话”人物形象个案分析。选取四位极具代表性的人物深入研究,即《剪灯新话》中的全生、贾生二人,《觅灯因话》中的姚公子,《剪灯余话》中的胡媚娘。全生、贾生二人是乱世文人的典型代表,胡媚娘是“三话”中唯一的一个由狐狸幻化成的女性形象,而姚公子则是晚明社会人们生活腐朽糜烂的集中表现。第三部分:“剪灯三话”人物形象塑造方法研究。人物形象塑造方法有很多种,诸如细节刻画,心理描写,语言简练得体,在曲折的情节中设置人物等等。本文中,笔者只选取三个方面对“三话”人物形象塑造手法加以论述,即多变的叙事视角,艺术虚构手法的运用和语言风格的多样。探讨了“三话”人物形象的独特性。第四部分:“剪灯三话”人物形象的文化解读。对文学作品进行文化解读,可以采用多种角度。笔者选择从“人生理想”的寄寓、人生观价值观的变化、宗教意味这三个方面做具体分析。总之,“剪灯三话”中的人物形象既有对唐宋传奇的继承,又有自己独特的一面,是中国小说史上不可缺少的一环。“剪灯三话”的人物形象塑造,不仅仅表现出独特的个性色彩,更反映出属于那个时代独有的文化特色。

【Abstract】 Jian Deng San Hua concludes stories from the beginning of Ming Dynasty to the end of it, lasting for almost 300years.This paper analyses those characters from varied aspects based on the Jian Deng San Hua. The foreword emphasizes the meaning of "Jian Deng" of this series, and gives a brief introduction to the present analysising situation, pointing out the innovation of this paper. The essay can be divided into four parts:First, classify the characters in groups. These characters are classified according to the gender, then males are classified in 4 groups according to their different classes: children of the officials, scholars, civilians and businessmen. Females are classified in 3 groups:goddess, ghosts and civilians..Second, analyse typical characters. The author selected four representative characters to do the analysis:Quan Sheng and Jia Sheng who are from Jian Deng Xin Hua, Mr. Yao who is from Mi Deng Yin Hua, and Hu Meiniang who is from Jian Deng Yu Hua, who is the only female character turned by a fox, and Mr. Yao was a concentrated expression of the decadent and dissolute life of late Ming Dynasty.Third, analyse on characters’image building. There are many ways to portray characters in Jian Deng San Hua, for instance, detailed portrayal, psychological description, succinct and appropriate language, and portray characters in the winding plots, etc. In this thesis, the author selected only three aspects of characterization in Sanhua to discuss, namely changeful narrative perspective, the fictitious means of artistic expression and the diversity stylistic use of the language in order to further show the image’s uniqueness of characters in Sanhua.Forth, decode the figures from culture’s perspective. There can be varied ways to decode literatural works. In Sanhua, the author detects their wish for the ideal of life between the lines, the changes in their outlook of life and values, and religious sense.In a word, the figures in Sanhua are not only an inheritance of the Tang Song Dynasties, but also have their own unique aspect, that is a vital part of the Chinese novel’s history. These characters with different identities in Sanhua, not only show their unique personalities, but also reflect the distinctive feature of that time.


