

"Amazing Stories" Diverse Interpretation of Culture Content

【作者】 段毅飞

【导师】 张锦池; 关四平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文着眼于明末拟话本小说《二拍》中的人物形象,从社会文化思潮影响的角度入手,分析商人、士人、男性、女性等各类人物的文化价值观,而体察凌蒙初本人的文化观,并赋予其作品文化意义上的多重解读。全文共分四部分,第一部分分析作者凌蒙初的文化心态,试图从他的书《序》入手,联系他科场失意的经历,从发愤著书、立言心态和意存劝讽三方面分析,认识到凌氏的创作势必要与现实社会紧密结合,受到种种时代文化思潮的影响,同时又带有传统文化的烙印。第二部分开始分析作品中的商人形象。由于晚明资本主义萌芽的产生,社会经济发展,商人地位的提升,更多士人也投入到经商的行列中。士商互渗现象促使商人逐渐带有传统儒士的风度,士人经商也具有了商人的预见性与伶俐头脑。因此商人中间持义利并举、奇货可居、自力更生等观念者大有人在,并已成晚明商界之良好风气。第三部分分析士人形象。金钱对人性的腐蚀以及八股科举制度的腐朽致使在官场的士人急功近利、良知泯灭、思想受禁锢,品格平庸等。这些证明了人性的物欲冲破了传统的藩篱,使得士人俗化,失去应有的社会责任感与文化反思意识。其中,提倡物质生活的王学左派,束缚人心的程朱理学成为士人挣扎冲突的根源,而主张“致良知”的心学则成为作家劝诫意识的依凭。第四部分主要分析婚恋故事中的男性与女性形象。与晚明时代盛行的王学左派思潮相关,《二拍》中的青年男女们大多重情,追求婚姻与爱情自主,敢于冲破封建礼教的束缚,体现了个性解放和自我意识觉醒的精神面貌。因而这一章前两节论述“真诚守信”和“平等自主”是男女双方的共同点。“男性婚恋观探析”一节着重探讨男性的择偶标准,他对女性德、才、貌的三重要求显示出了其思想中“男女平等”意识的端倪。而“女性婚恋观蠡测”一节则认为女性的文化观是随经历的不同而有所转变的,由最初在闺阁的顺从到追求爱情的叛逆自主,再到最后进入婚姻家庭生活中对传统观念的认同与回归,其人性文化的意蕴是多元的,受传统与时代以及作者本人诸多因素的影响,体现出《二拍》作品的复杂性与丰富性。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the late Ming novel "Amazing Stories"in the characters,from the impact of social and culture trends,analyzes the businessmen,scholars,men,women and other people’s cultural values,and explore culture concept of Ling Mengchu, given his work on the multiple interpretations of culture significance.Paper is divided into four parts. The first part, I want to analyze the cultural mentality of the Ling Mengchu, trying from his book "preface" to start, contacting his unlucky experience of subjects, making a determination effort in writing books, "Liyan" mind and intended to keep advised in satirical, recognizing LingShi’s creation is bound to be closely integrated with the real world, subject to many cultural and ideological trends of the times, carrying with a traditional culture.Start of second part regards to businessmen image. Since the late Ming budding capitalist production, social and economic development enhance the status of merchants, scholars are more into the ranks of business. Infiltration prompted the merchants and businessmen with traditional Confucian demeanor gradually, scholars also have the merchant business foresight and clever mind. Therefore, holding the middle of justice and benefit both merchants, valuable commodity, the concepts of self-reliance and being easily contented have become a good atmosphere in the business of late Ming.The third part discuss scholars’images.The business corrosion of human nature and the stereotype of the imperial examination system corrupt officialdom scholars resulting the quick success, devoid of conscience, thought by imprisonment, mediocre character and so on. These proved that the human nature desires to break the traditional barriers, making scholars vulgarization, lost its sense of social responsibility and cultural reflection. Among them, the promotion of material life of Wang left, bound heart of Neo-Confusionism as the root causes of conflict, struggling of scholars. Advocating "cause of conscience" mind becomes the embodiment of the writer exhorts consciousness.Love story chapter V contains the men and women in the image. The prevalence of the late Ming Wang left the era thought relevant, the young men and women in "erpai" mostly took heavy sentiment, the pursuit of self-love and marriage, dare to break through feudalism fetter, reflects the sense of personal liberation and self-awareness spirit. The previous two sections of this chapter discuss which "sincere and trustworthy"and "have good taste" is the common ground of both men and women. "Men’s hope"section focused on the male spouse, his female virtue, talent, appearance of the triple requirements show his thinking of "gender equality" consciousness clues. And "women’s thought of marriage and love" is a cultural view that women’s experience is diffenert with a change by the rebellious, and then finally into the marriage and family life. Its culture meaning is multiple. With the traditional and the times and the author of many factors, the "Amazing Stories"works reflect complexity and richness.


